Author Topic: Show us your Ipod/iphone/mobile interface  (Read 3714 times)

  • Offline neXus

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Re:Show us your Ipod/iphone/mobile interface
Reply #15 on: March 27, 2008, 01:51:11 AM
You can pick up an iphone bran new off the net in the us or $300 dollars I have seen off places like ebay
Compared to other high end phones and when you unblock it etc and start putting apps on it for me that is indeed cheap really compared to the cost here and hence why people are buying them here from there.

Unlocked phones now that is a rip off since you can do it yourself with one button press

  • Offline Sam

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Re:Show us your Ipod/iphone/mobile interface
Reply #16 on: March 27, 2008, 01:54:06 AM
Quote from: neXus
You can pick up an iphone bran new off the net in the us or $300 dollars I have seen off places like ebay
Compared to other high end phones and when you unblock it etc and start putting apps on it for me that is indeed cheap really compared to the cost here and hence why people are buying them here from there.

Unlocked phones now that is a rip off since you can do it yourself with one button press

I have $300 to waste on a gimmick so I can browse you tube.

Show us your Ipod/iphone/mobile interface
Reply #17 on: March 27, 2008, 01:59:07 AM
What annoys me so much about the iphone.... its not even decent programs. The majority of the default stuff it comes with are just extensions to the browser it has.

Stocks and shares... rendering in its browser.
Facebook... rendering in its browser.

If you took this mini safari or whatever it is out of the equation really you have a rather sh*t phone. :)

The "navigation" people wail about isnt unique... Ill post a video of my phone that cost me nothing :)

Just made a 7min video of some of the functions now Ive made it I remembered I forgot to cover the rotate, and zoomed pan functions of the camera album. Sure I forgot other stuff but itll do. :)

  • Offline neXus

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Re:Show us your Ipod/iphone/mobile interface
Reply #18 on: March 27, 2008, 02:04:09 AM
Quote from: Sam
Quote from: neXus
You can pick up an iphone bran new off the net in the us or $300 dollars I have seen off places like ebay
Compared to other high end phones and when you unblock it etc and start putting apps on it for me that is indeed cheap really compared to the cost here and hence why people are buying them here from there.

Unlocked phones now that is a rip off since you can do it yourself with one button press

I have $300 to waste on a gimmick so I can browse you tube.

I just pointed out how it can not be when you jailbreak it or watch the software role out with the sdk, lol but never mind :P
Watch more phones go the same way with android from google and the new os from ms in the works

  • Offline Sam

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Show us your Ipod/iphone/mobile interface
Reply #19 on: March 27, 2008, 02:31:01 AM
No you said it was cheap as chips !! I dont consider $300 + contract cheap as chips !!

Show us your Ipod/iphone/mobile interface
Reply #20 on: March 27, 2008, 03:01:26 AM
Was fighting with a problem with activesync at the same time (trying to sync with the works exchange server using RSA VPN and via the phones GPRS simultaneously = deadlock :D)

10 points to whoever gets the name of the band playing in the background :)

On board GPS.
3mpx Camera
HUUUUGGGEE Library of 3rd party apps.
Supports upto 32GB microSDHC
Wi-Fi (wpa, wep, b/g)
Bluetooth (including Stereo audio if I had the dosh to splash out for a wireless headset)

Cost: Nill on a £50 a month contract. Includes 1200 minutes, 500 texts (cause I bought it in store, not online). 12 month contract.

  • Offline Sam

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Show us your Ipod/iphone/mobile interface
Reply #21 on: March 27, 2008, 03:13:31 AM
I wish you could get a decent phone here on a contract.
Check out or

Show us your Ipod/iphone/mobile interface
Reply #22 on: March 27, 2008, 03:19:54 AM

Im off to bed I think :) lol Been long enough messing with google video :D

  • Offline neXus

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Show us your Ipod/iphone/mobile interface
Reply #23 on: March 27, 2008, 03:32:04 AM
Quote from: Sam
No you said it was cheap as chips !! I dont consider $300 + contract cheap as chips !!

Sam, read, you do not have to use the expensive contract ^^

  • Offline neXus

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Re:Show us your Ipod/iphone/mobile interface
Reply #24 on: March 27, 2008, 03:35:20 AM
Hehe nice review M3ta7h3ad
You should look at viddler - nice player, nice speed etc, good quality ouput
Got agree about as standard about the browser but then as my ipod and others and phones shown jailbroken its much more and apps a plenty doing all sorts from useful to useless and you should see more useful ones through th sdk
Still not perfect bu I think the iphone has the greater potential

Show us your Ipod/iphone/mobile interface
Reply #25 on: March 27, 2008, 04:15:21 AM
Quote from: M3ta7h3ad
Was fighting with a problem with activesync at the same time (trying to sync with the works exchange server using RSA VPN and via the phones GPRS simultaneously = deadlock :D)

10 points to whoever gets the name of the band playing in the background :)

On board GPS.
3mpx Camera
HUUUUGGGEE Library of 3rd party apps.
Supports upto 32GB microSDHC
Wi-Fi (wpa, wep, b/g)
Bluetooth (including Stereo audio if I had the dosh to splash out for a wireless headset)

Cost: Nill on a £50 a month contract. Includes 1200 minutes, 500 texts (cause I bought it in store, not online). 12 month contract.

If you dont want it on contract your looking around 300, again expensive but the contracts from o2 seem a lot more flexible than the iPhone ones also from o2.

Show us your Ipod/iphone/mobile interface
Reply #26 on: March 27, 2008, 04:25:52 AM
Quote from: Poison_UK
Quote from: M3ta7h3ad
Was fighting with a problem with activesync at the same time (trying to sync with the works exchange server using RSA VPN and via the phones GPRS simultaneously = deadlock :D)

10 points to whoever gets the name of the band playing in the background :)

On board GPS.
3mpx Camera
HUUUUGGGEE Library of 3rd party apps.
Supports upto 32GB microSDHC
Wi-Fi (wpa, wep, b/g)
Bluetooth (including Stereo audio if I had the dosh to splash out for a wireless headset)

Cost: Nill on a £50 a month contract. Includes 1200 minutes, 500 texts (cause I bought it in store, not online). 12 month contract.

If you dont want it on contract your looking around 300, again expensive but the contracts from o2 seem a lot more flexible than the iPhone ones also from o2.

True but then it comes with HSDPA, GPS onboard, upto 32gb of storage on a card, runs windows mobile 6 professional with the HTC modifications (the cube, scrolling, camera, gallery, messaging) which gives it the iphone styling, but because it runs WM6 well... just for an example: Clicky I got to application 2100 before I gave up counting :) whoever wants to can continue counting from where I left off :D

3rd party apps... psht windows mobile 6 has it licked :D

Show us your Ipod/iphone/mobile interface
Reply #27 on: March 27, 2008, 04:28:30 AM
Actually I did it... on not counting what you can find just by googling. There are 5991 different 3rd party applications for windows mobile 6 devices.

  • Offline neXus

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Show us your Ipod/iphone/mobile interface
Reply #28 on: March 27, 2008, 04:58:07 AM
Quote from: M3ta7h3ad
Actually I did it... on not counting what you can find just by googling. There are 5991 different 3rd party applications for windows mobile 6 devices.

How long has windows mobile been going though?

  • Offline Mark

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Show us your Ipod/iphone/mobile interface
Reply #29 on: March 27, 2008, 10:50:30 AM
Quote from: neXus
Quote from: Sam
I dunno which planet you live on if you think an iphone is cheap as chips.

In the US you can get it for good prices, loads in say UK are buying them in the US

Why pay new tech prices for old hat

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