Author Topic: New Years Photography Resolutions/Plans  (Read 2915 times)

New Years Photography Resolutions/Plans
on: January 05, 2012, 13:52:35 PM
Anyone decided to do any photography related resolutions or has any plans for this coming year?

The only one I've made so far is to get out more, which was the same last year and I think I did actually manage to get out more so same again this year but more of it for me.  Apart from that I haven't, thought about doing a one photo a week project, but cba with a 365 project, still got a few days to start a one photo a week project so might start it yet.

Re: New Years Photography Resolutions/Plans
Reply #1 on: January 05, 2012, 16:38:23 PM
I've been trying to do more for a while, but "52" rather than 365 might be a good idea, I just haven't seemed to had a lot of time since getting my new camera, and those photos I have taken haven't made it to my Flickr, they are sat in light room waiting to be sorted..

I've been putting together a list of things that I have wanted to do as well, so I'll see how it goes, I need to use it more as I have a wedding I'm doing the photos for in May  :worried:

  • Offline zpyder

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Re: New Years Photography Resolutions/Plans
Reply #2 on: January 05, 2012, 18:31:01 PM
I guess I'll try and be a bit more proactive with everything in general. I've had a website on zenfolio for a year now and it's not exactly paid for itself. Thankfully in October a graphics designer in France commissioned me to do an Iris photo and paid £150 for it, even though he found me through an old photo on Deviant Art, I've put the money into paying for the hosting for another year, just in case. I'm tempted to go back to free hosting though as I don't have the time to invest in doing proper stock imagery.

Other things I've done is get 60 of my best 2011 photos printed as postcards, which I'll use for advertising. Work is also starting to get me to do different photography things, which though I'm not being directly paid for, I still get my normal hourly pay so I kind of am, which is a start...

Re: New Years Photography Resolutions/Plans
Reply #3 on: January 06, 2012, 08:55:08 AM
I've been putting together a list of things that I have wanted to do as well, so I'll see how it goes, I need to use it more as I have a wedding I'm doing the photos for in May  :worried:

You might want to get practicing then, the idea of shooting a wedding always scares the bejezus out of me far too much pressure in case anything goes wrong or the photos just look rubbish.  Few people who've seen my photos have asked if I do weddings and I've always said no but it could be a good way to make some money on the side.

I guess I'll try and be a bit more proactive with everything in general. I've had a website on zenfolio for a year now and it's not exactly paid for itself. Thankfully in October a graphics designer in France commissioned me to do an Iris photo and paid £150 for it, even though he found me through an old photo on Deviant Art, I've put the money into paying for the hosting for another year, just in case. I'm tempted to go back to free hosting though as I don't have the time to invest in doing proper stock imagery.

I've thought a few times about a website, or I guess more of just a blog where I can just put a new post up about whatever I'm up to photography related wouldn't be that hard to setup but its just keeping it upto date that's the problem I'm somewhat lazy just look at my posting on here at times!  ;D

Other things I've done is get 60 of my best 2011 photos printed as postcards, which I'll use for advertising. Work is also starting to get me to do different photography things, which though I'm not being directly paid for, I still get my normal hourly pay so I kind of am, which is a start...

That's not a bad idea, I was thinking of getting all my flickr photos printed on A4 but that might be a bit expensive.  Its good if you can get to do more photography related stuff at work just as long as it doesn't become too much of a chore, might put you off doing stuff out of hours.

Re: New Years Photography Resolutions/Plans
Reply #4 on: January 06, 2012, 12:12:57 PM
I've been putting together a list of things that I have wanted to do as well, so I'll see how it goes, I need to use it more as I have a wedding I'm doing the photos for in May  :worried:

You might want to get practicing then, the idea of shooting a wedding always scares the bejezus out of me far too much pressure in case anything goes wrong or the photos just look rubbish.  Few people who've seen my photos have asked if I do weddings and I've always said no but it could be a good way to make some money on the side.

It's for my sisters wedding, so I'm not getting paid for it and she know's I'm not a professional, so some of the pressure is off, I don't think I would do weddings properly, mostly because it doesn't interest me but also because there is quite a responsibility.

I'm going to either buy (second hand from a friend) or rent some slightly better glass than I have now and have two Cameras should anything go wrong with one, and I can review the photos as I take them, and she'll understand if it takes a little longer :)

Hopefully should be good though, I just hope tthe weather's nice to get some good outdoor shots

Re: New Years Photography Resolutions/Plans
Reply #5 on: January 06, 2012, 12:52:17 PM
That's not too bad then if it takes the pressure off a bit it should make you relax a little hopefully and just get on with taking photos.  And should give you an excuse to rent some decent gear and have a play :D

  • Offline zpyder

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New Years Photography Resolutions/Plans
Reply #6 on: January 06, 2012, 12:53:58 PM
I think I have a wedding in autumn potentially, not sure if getting paid, but again they know people aren't my thing so we'll see. I like the idea of using my zenfolio account to put the images up and then let the guests etc view them and buy them if they want. Sure it won't be megabucks but it's better than nothing. Late last year I also emailed several local photographers about doing 2nd camera jobs but they all have a big list of assistants, a few said they'd keep me in mind for the new year though.

I guess another thing I am planning on doing is getting my best photos printed And mounted/framed and going to a craft fair. It's not to make money, but to gauge interest again and advertise. I doubt I'd do much more than break even...

Re: New Years Photography Resolutions/Plans
Reply #7 on: January 06, 2012, 17:06:51 PM
And should give you an excuse to rent some decent gear and have a play :D

It was excuse enough to buy the 7D  :D

Re: New Years Photography Resolutions/Plans
Reply #8 on: January 06, 2012, 21:57:19 PM
lol nice!

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