Author Topic: A few shots testing out (another) new lens at the weekend  (Read 4600 times)

  • Offline zpyder

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In preparation for a few projects coming up over the summer (expect a lot more seashore orientated images...) I forked up (too much) and have a new 100-400mm lens. First time using something like this pretty much so I was pretty happy with the results as these shots were all hand-held.

Gull 3 by Chris_Moody, on Flickr

Gull 4 by Chris_Moody, on Flickr

Tower by Chris_Moody, on Flickr

x_gull 1 by Chris_Moody, on Flickr

Also did a video of the "X gul" doing its dancy feeding behaviour, please excuse the annoying music, I had to use that to get rid of the fact we were laughing so much...

Pitchers 3 by Chris_Moody, on Flickr

Pitchers 2 by Chris_Moody, on Flickr

Ladybird by Chris_Moody, on Flickr

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Re: A few shots testing out (another) new lens at the weekend
Reply #1 on: May 24, 2011, 15:15:39 PM
Looks great and versatile.

Re: A few shots testing out (another) new lens at the weekend
Reply #2 on: May 24, 2011, 15:41:56 PM
is that the L series 100-400? I've heard before that one is supposed to be a very nice piece of glass for (in the grand scheme of long telephotos) not too much money.

  • Offline zpyder

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Re: A few shots testing out (another) new lens at the weekend
Reply #3 on: May 24, 2011, 16:04:43 PM
It is indeed. It was a toss up between the 100-400L and the Sigma 50-500, but I decided that I'd rather have marginally better IQ than a bit more reach, especially as I figured if I needed more than 400mm I'd probably also want more than 500mm too. Also I'm enjoying the added security with the weather sealing, given what I'm doing.

This Thursday I'm off in the morning to a local-ish site where some Avocets  are breeding (They don't normally breed in the summer down here) and hope to get some good pictures for her PHD. She's looking forward to borrowing the kit in the winter too (me, not so much!)

Re: A few shots testing out (another) new lens at the weekend
Reply #4 on: May 24, 2011, 16:27:19 PM
It is indeed. It was a toss up between the 100-400L and the Sigma 50-500, but I decided that I'd rather have marginally better IQ than a bit more reach, especially as I figured if I needed more than 400mm I'd probably also want more than 500mm too. Also I'm enjoying the added security with the weather sealing, given what I'm doing.

This Thursday I'm off in the morning to a local-ish site where some Avocets  are breeding (They don't normally breed in the summer down here) and hope to get some good pictures for her PHD. She's looking forward to borrowing the kit in the winter too (me, not so much!)
+ you can always get an L quality doubler later.

Re: A few shots testing out (another) new lens at the weekend
Reply #5 on: May 24, 2011, 16:59:59 PM
I'd avoid doublers on a zoom, even one as good as that, as the combination will be too slow for the AF to function and 800mm f/8 hand held is not going to be funny.

At a guess though I'd say the L series 400 with a bit of cropping will be as good or better than the Sigma 500.

  • Offline zpyder

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Re: A few shots testing out (another) new lens at the weekend
Reply #6 on: May 24, 2011, 17:51:36 PM
That's what I was thinking too.

Though I'd say 400mm is tricky handheld even with the IS, if I want the best shots I'm going to need to use a tripod or monopod. On a bright summers day f8 won't be too bad I'd hope, though I'm not gonna go for an extender just yet...

Re: A few shots testing out (another) new lens at the weekend
Reply #7 on: May 24, 2011, 18:13:49 PM
it's not so much the lens quality or the shutter speed, it's focusing manually on a fast moving target without the benefit of a narrow DOF to help you and with a relatively dark viewfinder image.

Actually I've just looked up the 100-400 and it's slower than I thought it was, you'd be looking at f/11 at 800mm, probably f/16 shooting aperture to get the IQ. I really wouldn't bother with the extender, they're really for prime lenses with f/2.8 or faster apertures.

  • Offline zpyder

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Re: A few shots testing out (another) new lens at the weekend
Reply #8 on: May 24, 2011, 18:18:14 PM
Fair enough, though don't you find it fun trying to get shots of birds and other fast moving subjects in manual focus mode? I find it satisfying, kinda like hunting, but without harming anything. It's a challenge and you never know whether you got any really in focus till you get back and see them on your computer :D

Re: A few shots testing out (another) new lens at the weekend
Reply #9 on: May 24, 2011, 18:19:13 PM
First are last images are very cool, especially like the last.

Very jealous of such nice glass.

Im just moving into off camera flash, hit up a super cheap Deal Extreme shop to get me started.
Formerly sexytw

  • Offline zpyder

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Re: A few shots testing out (another) new lens at the weekend
Reply #10 on: May 24, 2011, 18:47:29 PM
I don't know whether I am just super critical of my photos but my favourites are the pitcher plants, as I think they're the sharpest of the lot, as well as offering a slightly different perspective to a subject I've photographed quite a lot in the past. I think this criticalness is what has spurred me to get the L lenses, as 99.9% of photos I've taken to date I'm never happy with as I always feel they could be sharper or better in some way :S

The only flashes I've looked in to so far are macro ring-flashes. There's some 3rd party ringflash manufacturer that begins with "mo..." that I think is meant to be pretty good for a cheap ringflash...

Re: A few shots testing out (another) new lens at the weekend
Reply #11 on: May 24, 2011, 19:16:31 PM
Fair enough, though don't you find it fun trying to get shots of birds and other fast moving subjects in manual focus mode? I find it satisfying, kinda like hunting, but without harming anything. It's a challenge and you never know whether you got any really in focus till you get back and see them on your computer :D

Dude you're talking to a man whos weapon of choice in such situations is a manual focus Tamron 300mm prime, nothing more satisfying than nailing the focus on a bird in flight by hand, but for me f/11 is no fun. The viewfinder image is dim and grainy and you don't really see what your photographing, it goes from a game of skill to one of chance where the odds are stacked against you.

Now my Tamron with a doubler on it to get 600mm f/5.6, THAT's a challenge (and one I've not beaten yet).

I like the ladybird shot best I think, similar reasons to your comments about the pitcher plants, it's a slightly different perspective on a well known subject. Focus and DOF spot on, I'd call that a wall hanger.

Re: A few shots testing out (another) new lens at the weekend
Reply #12 on: May 24, 2011, 19:34:35 PM
Lady bird for me too, it really draws your eye, i'd be proud to hang it if it was mine ;)

  • Offline zpyder

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Re: A few shots testing out (another) new lens at the weekend
Reply #13 on: May 24, 2011, 22:01:20 PM
Ah but when you look at it any bigger than medium size on flickr you can see even the ladybird is a bit soft on focus :( If only it was a bit sharper and facing in a way where it's not a coleopteran moon...

Re: A few shots testing out (another) new lens at the weekend
Reply #14 on: May 24, 2011, 22:16:46 PM
Ah but when you look at it any bigger than medium size on flickr you can see even the ladybird is a bit soft on focus :( If only it was a bit sharper and facing in a way where it's not a coleopteran moon...

man you ARE hyper critical! LOL. Yes if you look for it you're right the ladybird is a touch unsharp but it's no where near enough to spoil the shot for me.

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