Author Topic: Yeovilton Air show  (Read 1603 times)

Yeovilton Air show
on: July 10, 2010, 21:40:05 PM
I went to the air day at yeovilton today.

Weather wasnt great, started off with a ton of cloud looking like it might rain, then went quite sunny and bright but still slightly overcast, seemed quite hazy most of the day.

I got a bit sun burnt but took nearly 1800 pictures. Just transferring them and watching the preview window, think Im going to be disappointed.

Using a canon 450D with a Sigma 70-200 F2.8 with no stabilisation, threw on a 1.4x converter to get a but closer which brings it to an F4 i believe.

Set the camera to shutter priority 1/1000, set it to ISO 800, wanted to freeze the motion and not have a really shallow DOF.

I also set the thing to +2/3 exposure as i wanted to see the planes rather than just a silhouette against the sky.

Was this a mistake? What would you have run?

Will sort some images to upload soon.

EDIT: Pretty sure i should have run ISO-400

Re:Yeovilton Air show
Reply #1 on: July 11, 2010, 21:20:25 PM
Years ago I was at Farnbourgh air show, with my Pentax SLR. 35mm.

I remember using a 1/500 shutter with ISO 400.
Cant remeber the F rating or lense - Sadly the camera has since broken.

But Got some great Photos of the red-arrows & concorde.

I think ISO 400 would of been enough, becuase although the planes are fast its not supper fast action for the camera since the planes are quite a distance so you can track/follow them in the frame easier than say sporting action or wildlife action shots.

Re:Yeovilton Air show
Reply #2 on: July 12, 2010, 10:21:21 AM
a little +ve exposure comp is usually a good idea for shots against the sky, particularly if its a bit overcast. +2/3 sounds about right.

On my Pentax Id have gone for TAv, ~1/1000 f/5.6 and let the camera deal with the ISO, but Im not sure if Canons have that mode (basically manual with auto ISO) If conditions were pretty stable but only partially overcast Id have seriously considered going full manual and using a couple of test shots to set up for correct exposure on the planes. The automatics can get confused when youre swinging around all over the sky trying to track fast moving planes.

looking forward to seeing the pictures!

Re:Yeovilton Air show
Reply #3 on: July 12, 2010, 14:15:01 PM
Ok the best of each aircraft:

Whole set here:

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Re:Yeovilton Air show
Reply #4 on: July 12, 2010, 22:16:07 PM
Head over to the UKAR forums if youre interested in aviation photography. As much as I loathe and detest some of the cliques on that particular forum I have to admit that they have some stunning photographers who will be only too happy to lend some constructive criticism and help you out.

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Re:Yeovilton Air show
Reply #5 on: July 13, 2010, 00:06:27 AM
Seems unlikely youll need ISO800 in light like that to me.

Still, some good captures though.
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Re:Yeovilton Air show
Reply #6 on: July 13, 2010, 00:22:09 AM
When doing helos, reduce your shutter speed to 1/125th or 1/160 sec.  Blades need to show more movement or they just look dead in the air.  Practice your tracking and reduce your shutter speed. ;)

Good stuff though - its all about experience. :)

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