Author Topic: Interesting photoset of burns  (Read 1655 times)

Interesting photoset of burns
on: July 02, 2006, 02:47:29 AM
In 2001 I met a burn survivor who allowed me to photograph her. She told me that she wanted to be photographed so that people could stare at her without feeling embarrassed. It was such an extraordinary experience that a few months later I flew to a burn conference and set up a makeshift studio in a hotel room, and asked people to let me know if they would like their portraits made. I was astonished at how many people did. What I learned from this extraordinary experience was that every burn survivor has a tale of courage to tell, and that the burns have their own eerie beauty. I also learned that after a few hours it becomes very difficult to see the burns anymore. When I returned and developed the photographs, I had to keep asking my wife "does this person look burned to you?", because they all looked quite normal to me. My only regret is that I didnt continue with this project longer than I did, but life intervened.

Warning, this is a bit shocking at first, but quite interesting. It gives you a chance to look at disfigured people without fear and its surprising how soon their scars sort of disappear. You still see them, but theyre not front and center any more.

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Re:Interesting photoset of burns
Reply #1 on: July 02, 2006, 08:13:43 AM
I burnt my hands once and i just dont compare. Burns are the nastiest injuries you can sustain imo.
I did mine when i left a CANDLE by the window on a calm day. It had been there for about an hour with me next to it and i poped downstairs to get something from my car.
I came back 2 mins later to see the roof, wall and pvc window ablaze! It was shocking how quick it wetn up. It seems there had been a slight gust of wind to blow the curtains over the candle and it HAD to happen when i went away for 1 minute...
I tried to be a hero; grabbed the cutains which were now on fire and used them to put the fire out everywhere else. When it was controllable i threw them out the window.
Only after did i use a few buckets of water to get it all out did i run down stairs to stamp the cutains out did i look at my hands. They were a complete mess with the skin comming off at an alarming rate.
I was out of action for about 6 months :( Next time im getting buckets of water...

This is them after a bit of healing:

Interesting photoset of burns
Reply #2 on: July 02, 2006, 16:02:59 PM
wow what a brilliant set of photographs. very emotive.

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Re:Interesting photoset of burns
Reply #3 on: July 02, 2006, 17:42:17 PM
Quote from: ERU

I was out of action for about 6 months :( Next time im getting buckets of water...

Try phoning 999 and asking for the fire brigade *before* you try anything else. Getting the professionals in might just save your life.

In the UK the people in the photos would all have had cosmetic surgery to improve their appearance as much as possible.

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