Author Topic: Tutorials and Guides  (Read 3602 times)

Tutorials and Guides
on: June 03, 2011, 13:49:57 PM
Couldn't remember seeing a general Tutorials/Guides thread for Photography related stuff and thought it might be a good thing to start.

First one to get us started, watched this last night and thought it was quite good wrong time of year for it really but worth watching all the same.

Landscape Astrophotography Tutorial - First Night Out

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Re: Tutorials and Guides
Reply #1 on: June 03, 2011, 16:20:19 PM
I guess useful links would be: - useful mega forum....

and - I find the way most lenses have been reviewed by one guy in quite a thorough and uniform manner pretty useful in determining the ins and outs of each lens, even though he almost always recommends lenses that are at the professional end...

Re: Tutorials and Guides
Reply #2 on: June 03, 2011, 21:35:12 PM
Here's another site, don't think its as good as it was but its still got some quite useful things on it

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Re: Tutorials and Guides
Reply #3 on: June 03, 2011, 22:36:05 PM
I get the newsletter they send out with tips. it seems 9/10 things they write are common knowledge but then you do get some good gems that are useful :)

Re: Tutorials and Guides
Reply #4 on: June 06, 2011, 13:23:22 PM
Quite true, but sometimes its good to be reminded of the basics or someone else interpertation of them.

This is another one that can be quite interesting:

Re: Tutorials and Guides
Reply #5 on: June 28, 2011, 13:15:13 PM
Here's one for "Liquid Pour and Splash Photography Technique Using Continuous Light"

Was more looking for a flash based one as I'm trying to learn my flash photography at the mo, but I'll probably give this a go at some point.

Could be some other interesting stuff on there so I'll give it a good going over.

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Re: Tutorials and Guides
Reply #6 on: June 28, 2011, 14:08:17 PM
Someone pointed me to this site a couple years ago, no idea if its any good:
.::. .::. Media Server Guide .::.

PC: i5 760 .::.  GA-P55-UD3 .::. 8GB Corsair 'Dominator' DDR3 .::. 1GB EVGA GTX 460 SC .::. Win7 Ultimate  .::. Dell 24" Ultra Sharp
Netbook: HP Mini 311c-1101sa .::. 3GB Ram .::. ION Hack .::. Win7 Ultimate
Server: HP MicroServer .::. 3GB Ram .::. 4x 2TB Storage .::. 512MB nVidia 210 .::. Win7 Ultimate, XBMC 11 (Aeon NOX), Sick Beard & Couch Potato
Phone: SE Xperia Mini Pro .::. MiniCMSandwich Lite (Android ICS Custom) .::. OC @ 1.6Ghz
Tablet: Asus Transformer TF101 w/ Dock .::. EOS JB Nightlies (Android JB Custom) .::. OC @ 1.6Ghz

Re: Tutorials and Guides
Reply #7 on: June 28, 2011, 19:39:09 PM
The Ultimate HDR guide... Stuck In Customs by Trey Ratcliff..

Guide at the top.. but linked to his main site as his stuff is the HDR nuts..

Re: Tutorials and Guides
Reply #8 on: June 29, 2011, 13:24:07 PM
The Ultimate HDR guide... Stuck In Customs by Trey Ratcliff..

Guide at the top.. but linked to his main site as his stuff is the HDR nuts..

Some of his photos on there are really good, odd couple that are the HDR is too obvious and just look slightly wrong but overall quite good, not tried HDR stuff yet

Re: Tutorials and Guides
Reply #9 on: June 29, 2011, 13:59:42 PM
There seems to be quite a few useful guides on here for all sorts

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