Author Topic: Post processing competition?  (Read 1320 times)

  • Offline zpyder

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Post processing competition?
on: August 25, 2010, 11:12:39 AM
How about an alternative comp, itd be interesting to see the results of a one-off where a raw and/or hi-res jpg is posted, and everyone can have a go at post-processing it, from adjusting contrast etc, through to applying effects and filters. Id be interested to see the results given the mixed opinion on post processing, and just how much variation can be achieved using standard techniques.


The image used would need to be rather generic and plain for it to work best, I think.

Re:Post processing competition?
Reply #1 on: August 25, 2010, 18:21:58 PM
Good idea I think, not sure it would need to be generic or plain, I think a more complicated photo would be better as would mean you could do a lot of different things.

How do you want to do it?

Find a picture off the net (include link for proof)? Maybe different people find different pictures and everyone votes for the one to edit? (To make the starting point evenish)

Rather than one person taking a photo? then end up having to edit their own?

Whats your thought? I assume well run this along side the other comp, so Sam gets to pick a topic? :)

  • Offline zpyder

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Re:Post processing competition?
Reply #2 on: August 25, 2010, 18:37:32 PM
Complex is fine, I was meaning plain more in the sense of no editing being done at all, including exposure compensation on the camera etc.

The difficulty in finding photos on the net is I think we really need the raw file for most freedom to process, of course some people dont have raw editors and so a high-quality jpg would also be needed. One way to get around "who provides the image" could be to use the winning photo from the other competition, if shot in raw. I guess it doesnt matter if its just a jpg, can still do a little. Otherwise maybe the runner up could provide one or something? Just suggestions at this point.

Re:Post processing competition?
Reply #3 on: August 25, 2010, 18:45:33 PM
Ahh I see... I might see if I can get out and take a photo when it stops raining maybe?, I dont mind sitting out one, maybe we do winner posts next RAW picture?

Just a suggestion obviously?

  • Offline zpyder

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Re:Post processing competition?
Reply #4 on: August 25, 2010, 18:52:37 PM
Yeah can do. As I said, we need RAW + jpg as some people dont have raw editors, and I envisage a few people potentially winning and having a non-raw camera. No reason why you cant enter your version to see whether someone that didnt take the photo can produce a better end result than the person that took it.

Maybe a rule should be that processed images arent submitted till after a certain date, as I just thought that ordinarily multiple people will likely make the same changes but to different degrees. This is fine, but obviously some people might be "Ill edit the shadows...oh, xxx has already done that" and not bother, when they might edit the shadows in a better way?

Re:Post processing competition?
Reply #5 on: August 25, 2010, 19:01:45 PM
Good idea to delay the submission date, would make things a bit more interesting!

Im not sure RAW is going to make a lot of difference to be honest, some others may disagree, most most of the photos I take are just JPGs, and manage to process them fine.

RAW gives better quality as it is lossless, but not sure thatll matter for a forum post, and also gives better ability to tweak exposure etc, but Im not sure there is a massive amount of difference between the two?

I could however be completely wrong, and I could be missing out on a lot :)

  • Offline zpyder

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Re:Post processing competition?
Reply #6 on: August 25, 2010, 21:21:21 PM
Good point. Just had a play, for some reason I thought you were really limited in terms of what you could do with jpgs, but looking at it the only difference between the 2 in camera raw is the ability to change white balance for raw.

Re:Post processing competition?
Reply #7 on: August 25, 2010, 21:53:21 PM
You can do the white balance in light room on JPGs, not sure how effective it is compared to PS or whatever?

Re:Post processing competition?
Reply #8 on: August 26, 2010, 09:32:31 AM
Rawtherapee can work on JPGs as well as RAWs, obviously youre a bit limited by the fact that its only an 8bit image rather than the 12 you get in RAW, but other than that anything you can do to RAW you can also do to JPG. Extreme white balance and exposure changes tend to be the ones which dont work well on JPG.

RawTherapee is free so anyone who wants to join in and get the full gamut of control only needs to download it.

  • Offline Dave

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Re:Post processing competition?
Reply #9 on: August 26, 2010, 22:52:53 PM
I guess if youre going to do this then post the RAW and JPEG

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