Author Topic: recommend me some lenses to keep an eye out for  (Read 2223 times)

  • Offline Loki

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recommend me some lenses to keep an eye out for
Reply #15 on: July 17, 2007, 00:12:22 AM

Pentax DSLRs work great with an M42 adaptor since M42 was the mount Pentax used before 1975 and they have a long tradition of backwards compatibility

Do you get focus confirmation m42 adapters for the Pentax DSLRs as well like you do with Canon?

Re:recommend me some lenses to keep an eye out for
Reply #16 on: July 17, 2007, 22:17:31 PM
Local models, antique & 2nd hand shop around here have a :-
Carl Zeiss Jena  FLEKTOGON 35mm F2.4 MC - Electric version (whatever the electric version means.. autofocus?)

for £60, is that worth it? Its up for £70, tried knocking him down to £55, but he wont budge on £60

I know its one of the mutts nuts in budget Lenses - Just wanted to confirm its worth me paying that, or are they common enough to pick up for nearer £40-£50??

Re:recommend me some lenses to keep an eye out for
Reply #17 on: August 09, 2007, 13:01:01 PM
sorry this is very late, havnt been about much lately due to an excess of work.

Egg, the Jena Flek 35 is a stunning standard lens on a DSLR, I love mine to bits. The electric bits are for an early Practica metering system and make precisely no difference on any DSLR Im aware of, certainly not your Canon or my Pentax. They arent a bad thing, they simply wont work so dont pay extra for the "electric" tag

£60 is a bit high Id say, should be able to get one nearer to £45-50 although I was very lucky with mine (found it in a charity shop) so I dont really know for sure. If you dont mind a bit of work they are pretty easy to repair so a "broken" one with a stuck iris can be a good buy. If you are interested in this route I can give you some advice on what to look for.

Loki, with Pentax there is no need for special adapters to get focus confirmation. Hell my Pentax K10D even gives focus confirmation with an astro telescope operating at F10 (well beyond the F5.6 specified minimum).

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