Author Topic: If you have done tech support...  (Read 1268 times)

  • Offline Serious

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If you have done tech support...
on: July 10, 2006, 20:42:34 PM
You will recognise some of these issues...

Re:If you have done tech support...
Reply #1 on: July 10, 2006, 22:20:57 PM
I work at an ISP in the United Kingdom. The most shocking call I received came from a student at a local college here. He had received a CD for an ISP from an American friend.

    * Customer: "Hi there. I got this CD from an American, and he says that his ISP is better than mine because the calls are free. So can I install it?"
    * Me: "Yes sir, thats your choice completely. But is this an American ISP? Because if so, I dont think it will work with your computer."
    * Customer: "Listen, I happen to be a computer student. I know exactly what Im doing, so dont insult my intelligence!" (click)

Ten minutes later, he called back, humbled.

    * Customer: "My computer exploded."
    * Me: "What!? How did that happen?"
    * Customer: "Well, the CD didnt work. I couldnt get through to the ISP. So, I changed the computer to American power."

Hed changed the voltage switch while the computer was on, causing the power supply to explode.


  • Offline bear

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Re:If you have done tech support...
Reply #2 on: July 10, 2006, 22:29:45 PM
 :stupid: :rofl:

One can transmit over powergrid though but not at that distance.

If you have done tech support...
Reply #3 on: July 10, 2006, 23:29:57 PM
whats even funnier is that your link doesnt work

  • Offline Serious

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If you have done tech support...
Reply #4 on: July 10, 2006, 23:35:27 PM
Quote from: red
whats even funnier is that your link doesnt work

Does for me :/

  • Offline bear

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If you have done tech support...
Reply #5 on: July 11, 2006, 00:05:40 AM
Quote from: red
whats even funnier is that your link doesnt work

Call the help desk !

Re:If you have done tech support...
Reply #6 on: July 11, 2006, 07:43:10 AM
I could fill a site like that twice over with the crap Ive heard.

Some of them made me chuckle but Ive heard most of them before.

Re:If you have done tech support...
Reply #7 on: July 19, 2006, 02:14:15 AM
Its so true.

I recently had some londoner tell me how no matter what he thought, as he spent so much money with us, he was sending his 2 gfx cards back regardless. As he knew they were "definitely faulty".
Cards came back, not a single issue with them.

Re:If you have done tech support...
Reply #8 on: July 19, 2006, 03:37:23 AM
I work for a distance learning provider with regards to IT courses.

Best ever line Ive heard from one of our students.

"I didnt realise Id have to learn stuff, its like im back in school again."

Swiftly followed about 5 minutes later

"well I suppose it isnt all bad, no exams this time around eh *chuckles..*"

5mins later after I explain to him that hed have to pass an exam for each module of the course.

"what a real one?! cause im no good in exams, I just cant revise stuff like. This isnt fun, can I cancel, I want my money back, ugh... didnt know I had to learn stuff like school mun!"

  • Offline madmax

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Re:If you have done tech support...
Reply #9 on: July 20, 2006, 19:53:20 PM
ahhh, tis good to know theres more than just the idiots i know about  :mrgreen:  :mrgreen:

theyre good uns, thanks for the evening of laughs a nite or two back  :)

  • Offline Dave

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Re:If you have done tech support...
Reply #10 on: July 20, 2006, 22:48:20 PM
Quote from: M3ta7h3ad
I work for a distance learning provider with regards to IT courses.

Best ever line Ive heard from one of our students.

"I didnt realise Id have to learn stuff, its like im back in school again."

Swiftly followed about 5 minutes later

"well I suppose it isnt all bad, no exams this time around eh *chuckles..*"

5mins later after I explain to him that hed have to pass an exam for each module of the course.

"what a real one?! cause im no good in exams, I just cant revise stuff like. This isnt fun, can I cancel, I want my money back, ugh... didnt know I had to learn stuff like school mun!"

tis funny - there seems to be loads of adverts at the moment saying do this distance learning course & youll be able to get a great job in IT

like the one where they suited bloke is going to some layabout wouldnt you like to be designing your own computer games

layabout - yeah, but i bet there is no money in it

Suited bloke well how about 35k per year and a compnay car sound

seriously - doing a correspondance course if going to get someone a job as a games developer + a company car - as if

though I reckon some of the guys selling these expensive IT courses with false promises are earning a few bob

Re:If you have done tech support...
Reply #11 on: July 21, 2006, 03:53:43 AM
lol, Computeach that is... apparantly were 2nd to them in the UK in size and net turnover. Wouldnt believe it however.

Id never ever recommend doing a postal course with any company like that. Computeach have worse practices than us in some cases.

If your going to learn IT using the certification route (which in my opinion is not what certifications are for!), do it by spending £200 on a set of books, and then paying £50-£70 per exam.

Our courses for example cost . And you get naff all really for that. Granted if you were going to buy for every module thats £70-£80 per exam but its still one hell of a markup on what you get.

They expect me to work there once I leave uni, but to be honest the ethical practices there alienate me every day I work there. If it wasnt for the £7.00 an hour I was getting Id go get a bar job.

For example today, I was on the phone for over an hour to a guy who had never ever used a computer before, didnt own one even until he did our course. Yet is studying to become an MCSD because and I quote "Its where the money lies aint it!" Hes read the adverts, and read the newspaper clippings that the sales person gives him, and swallowed the lot whole and asked for a second helping.

Hes a bloody labourer at a builders yard ffs.... I had to talk him through Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V and how to save a file in "my documents".

Its an evil evil industry out there, and it isnt just our company in fact were the best in a bad bunch as far as im aware. Lots of our students have moved from rivals such as Computeach to us... because the service they got there was crap, and they charged them the earth for the courses (were cheaper than the rest as far as im aware).

Distance Learning IT Training is a fools paradise. Only the gullible enter into it.

In-centre training however which is something my company is going to offer come a few months time, isnt... Ive seen the package they get with regards to that and its quite a nice set up. They will actually come through it with a decent certification, and should know their stuff as opposed to just being a paper MCSE/SD/SA/AD.

  • Offline Pete

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Re:If you have done tech support...
Reply #12 on: July 21, 2006, 20:25:59 PM
User on the phone; hi, My computer isnt working at all, it wont come on.
Me: Ok, Ill come and look at it.

15 mins later...

User: Ahhhhhh, so thats the on button, is it?


User: Hi, I cant access my email...
Me: OK, its slightly new now, instead the icon being on your desktop, its now in the Start menu.
User: Whats the Start menu?

^ get that one lots


The amount of users who phone up after getting a new pc saying they cant print, and all theyre getting is the option to save sommink somewhere... damn image writer to hell!

*Is there a way of setting it so the Image writer doesnt automatically default to the default printer for each user as they log onto the same machine? I normally have to go in and delete the thing, tbh though it shouldnt even be installed in the first place. *


/I dont mind the silly questions, most users get very little training and its like Id struggle if someone plonked a washing machine in front of me and asked me to do a cotton cycle - wtf?

The ones that annoy me are the ones who ask a silly question and get their answer and then theyll think of a load more questions, just so they sound more intelligent.

You can see it in their faces, they wanna get the most of you while youre there, like "uuhhhhh, whats the best thing to clean the screen with?" and "Duhhhhh, can I make the background pink?" and "mmmmmuuhhh, should I turn it off at night or just log off?"

I had a pair of users like that in the same office the other week - a 2 minute job turned into 40minutes of The Windows XP & Life-in-General Crash-Course,
I know sh*ts bad right now with all that starving bullsh*t and the dust storms and we are running out of french fries and burrito coverings.

Re:If you have done tech support...
Reply #13 on: July 22, 2006, 00:12:19 AM
I dont tend to get pissed off at the foolish users or students that I am responsible for, but f**k me... I get miffed at the sales staff.

Bloody bastards rope these guys into courses that they have no ability to do at all.

  • Offline Serious

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Re:If you have done tech support...
Reply #14 on: July 22, 2006, 01:48:37 AM
Quote from: M3ta7h3ad

They expect me to work there once I leave uni, but to be honest the ethical practices there alienate me every day I work there. If it wasnt for the £7.00 an hour I was getting Id go get a bar job.

I used to do similar training trying to get people through the basic claits and then NVQs, some of them had problems using a word processor for the claits let alone the database! :o

We managed to get them through though although one had to take the db test for claits well over a dozen times. Thankfully there was no cost in failing it otherwise it might have been expensive.

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