Author Topic: Windows 7 for £30!  (Read 1269 times)

  • Offline Alien8

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Windows 7 for £30!
Reply #15 on: September 18, 2009, 23:21:14 PM
Quote from: Clockd 0Ne

Thats cheaper than a game. If you can afford new X-Box/PS3 games you can afford a full OS tbh.

 :stupid: I think its good that this time MS have had a good discounts and offers, I getting pro for £80 which  is about £1 a month over the five or six years the software will last, half that if the next edition down, I think its good value, and if MS offered a rolling subscription at that price per month that entitled you to win8, 9 etc as they came out I would sign up now.

  • Offline Mark

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Re:Windows 7 for £30!
Reply #16 on: September 19, 2009, 22:57:07 PM
why should students pay less ???

All they will use it for is downloading torrent files and looking at websites totally unrelated to their course as they skive off classes and watch TV.

They dont even have final exams any more!! (Nor is it possible to fail - almost)

Re:Windows 7 for £30!
Reply #17 on: September 19, 2009, 23:42:46 PM
Quote from: Mark
why should students pay less ???

All they will use it for is downloading torrent files and looking at websites totally unrelated to their course as they skive off classes and watch TV.

They dont even have final exams any more!! (Nor is it possible to fail - almost)

its the stupid PC people again .

  • Offline zpyder

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Re:Windows 7 for £30!
Reply #18 on: September 20, 2009, 00:34:09 AM
Quote from: Mark
why should students pay less ???

All they will use it for is downloading torrent files and looking at websites totally unrelated to their course as they skive off classes and watch TV.

They dont even have final exams any more!! (Nor is it possible to fail - almost)

Believe me they have final exams...and even though I agree its pretty hard to fail, lots still do. I seriously dont get how many students can waste 3-4 years of their life and then act shocked when they dont come out of it with a 2:2 or above.

  • Offline Mark

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Re:Windows 7 for £30!
Reply #19 on: September 20, 2009, 13:01:43 PM
I thought only medicine had finals now, and a few other universities.

Finals, as in an exam covering all of the previous 3 years work. I thought (well from any I have seen) most universities now had modular exams, and once you were through a year with 30 percent (marked up to 40 to keep the university high up the league tables and therefore guarantee income), you simply forgot everything.

That was certainly the case when I did my second (Bsc) degree at UUJ. Did my first (BSc) at QUB and had to do finals.

  • Offline zpyder

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Re:Windows 7 for £30!
Reply #20 on: September 20, 2009, 15:45:24 PM
Ah right, my bad. Modular exams indeed. I got a little confused as technically the final set of modular exams are the finals.

What you said sounds about right. Final exam for each unit each year. Final year depends on the course, some have craploads of exams, others maybe less, with the dissertation accounting for a large portion of the grade. Marking at BU is 40% = 3rd, and it goes up in 10% increments so 50 = 2:2, 60% 2:1, and 70% = a 1st. (not to sound big headed but from what I know I was the only person in my year to actually get a 1st by getting over 70%, the other 2 got theirs through the exam board review! - I only did it by basically not having a life ><)

In the ConSci school the first years counts for nothing, with the second year accounting for 30% of your final mark, and your 3rd year accounting for 70% of your final mark. Also, you dissertation is double weighted meaning that it accounts for around 1/3 of your degree, technically meaning if you do well in your diss you cant fail. Yet the number of peeps that left it till like 2 months before the deadline ><

You really do have to be pretty dumb to get under 40%, in the first year there were even a few multiple choice tests (at uni, I know) where some people got less than the statistical average had they just ticked A all the way through, getting less than 25% on a test with 4 choices each...

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