Author Topic: Why are...  (Read 11750 times)

  • Offline Sam

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Why are...
Reply #45 on: October 07, 2009, 02:11:57 AM
Quote from: zpyder

I thought it was the basis of people spend more on the BMWs and Audis not necessarily because they are indeed "better" but because the general perception is that they are better. I am of the mind that they may have bigger engines, may have more gizmos and gimmicks, but also that they are more expensive and those gizmos and gadgets tend to break. I am also of the mind that generally the owners are indeed annoying gimps with more money than sense. I would like to say the same about iPhones, but as I am considering getting one next year, I would also have to say there are exceptions to the rule :D

Im sure there is a certain amount of I am buying a mac because its cool and because I can afford one, but in defence of Goblin, I dont think he buys apple because he likes the logo. He buys apple because he likes their product.

  • Offline neXus

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Why are...
Reply #46 on: October 07, 2009, 09:01:54 AM
Quote from: Sam
Quote from: neXus
But even if I went into Java and talked about the best modern Practises about the Architecture for an a Web application built in Java in terms of the OO etc you would not have a clue what I was on about.... if I got up to speed again (Like I am currently with .NET and Ruby) with everything else I know and how I keep on top of things I would be 10 times better then you Sam. Not because I would be being arrogant prick but it just boils down to keeping on top of what goes on, respect what is going on, take an interest in what is going on, learning more then one thing and just generally not being a miserable old bastard.

In your own way, youre one of the most arrogant and misguided people Ive ever met (or read). That I can handle, and I am more than willing to teach you to help youimprove. Unfortunately, youre also a clueless f**kwit, who actually thinks hes king of the mountain, although I doubt you know a stack (google) from a heap (google) and if I said big O (google) youd be thinking orgasms. Im actually quite speechless at how highly you rate yourself. Good night.

This is the funny thing Sam, I consistantly show I do not know everything and total opposite and How I constantly learn, like to learn etc. Change this around and put your name here Sam and that exactly what you get. You never raise or prove anything when faced with stuff. If you did and valid - Sure, I will say I am wrong, In fact when people have Like Mark for example recently - Admit to it and go off and read.

Has nothing to do with what I know or do not know, It is your terrible attitude in general and as you go just get worse and you increasingly just insult and throw personal insults down. As we all smart people we all know what that means when someone does that. I will again show that I am not what you think by saying I know your better then this Sam, So why do it? rather silly if you ask me.

OF course I f**king know what a stack and a heap is I hope most people here would even if they do not do any programming , You get taught the basics back in bloody high school, Really! Stop being silly!
That is like me saying I bet you need to google what MVC and OO and what UML is. I know you will know what they are.

Your only just proving me right And I actually honestly hoped You wouldnt to be honest.

Re:Why are...
Reply #47 on: October 07, 2009, 09:07:48 AM

Re:Why are...
Reply #48 on: October 07, 2009, 09:10:59 AM
Quote from: Sweenster
Quote from: soopahfly
Dunno, must have not liked the cut of my jibb.

Car dealerships are incredibly look conscious, basically they want to give over the impression of a classy joint to anyone who looks into the place. You turn up looking scruffy and walking around the place then it looks like the place sells cars for scruffs.

It is a terrible system but I can understand it.

I dont normally go looking at cars in my sunday best, but I wasnt scruffy.  
Maybe they were concerned that one of their customers was looking under the bonnet and they were scared by what was under there.

  • Offline neXus

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Re:Why are...
Reply #49 on: October 07, 2009, 09:11:33 AM
Back on topic...

To the hardware of the Apple Products. They do nice stuff, lets face it, yeah it is bloody pricey but it is nice and even if they do not nail it what they do is lead everyone else to go that same route. Love or hate the apple products they at the very least set a standard of thinking everyone else can follow and that can only benefit the industry as a whole. Sam thinks the iphone is sh*te for example but the strive by everyone else to beat the iphone in terms of features and everything else about it has created a stream of similar phones. Microsoft has an app store, Palm has one, Google has one as well now for example.

As to how good the hardware is:
I would say it is not that much better then say a PC or other MP3 etc. The run into the same and similar problems just as anything else. Apple just do a good job of making sure it does not get out there as much. Much of their media coverage is devoted to showing up everyone else and they create this wonder atmosphere which creates this huge fanboy mass which Sing and praise Apple which Is just bizzare.
It is a bit like World of Warcraft. It is the best MMO ever, no question about that but the way the fanboys of it react to every other MMO  "its copying wow" etc is just stupid, lol.

You could write a paper on those people.
I am getting a new LCD and a new Battery for my Macbook Pro this weekend as it formed white blotches and has a hair trapped in the screen and what appears to be scratches from the inside of the screen. In terms of the hair the apple forums are full of people with similar and solutions by other owners but Apples official response is basically that it is not possible.
In terms of their support, they are pretty crap! checking out the forums sometimes when I have had an issue you find a lot of people with a lot of problems that Apple ignore, they even remove a lot of negativity from the forums as well.

A PC will always have its issues hey.
They have a lot of parts from different people with their own drivers and software and as an OS you have to make them all play nice with each other. When you think about it that is not easy!
Apples solution - Fixed hardware there way and tailor it to work and yeah it does a good job with that but as a result you have little choice and the cost is bloody insane!

Anyone been the apple site and built a macbook pro with the works on it?
The cost! OMG!  :rofl:

  • Offline zpyder

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Re:Why are...
Reply #50 on: October 07, 2009, 09:13:32 AM
Tbh I think you both need to practice what you preach. Nexus, take the advice you have given Sam and re-read what you posted. Sam does learn things, as I am sure you do (after all he did to to america to study computing or something...) Attitude wise, tbh both stink at times, specifically when you two come to heads. Neither of you are innocent of throwing the first "forum" punch.

And pretty much you guys just prove each other right every time you post this crap, so the sooner you stop, the sooner itll be over :P

Re:Why are...
Reply #51 on: October 07, 2009, 09:14:37 AM
Grab the hair, DNA test and if it points to apple, they cant argue :D

Worrying if its a Piab though.

  • Offline neXus

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Re:Why are...
Reply #52 on: October 07, 2009, 09:24:54 AM
Quote from: zpyder
Tbh I think you both need to practice what you preach. Nexus, take the advice you have given Sam and re-read what you posted. Sam does learn things, as I am sure you do (after all he did to to america to study computing or something...) Attitude wise, tbh both stink at times, specifically when you two come to heads. Neither of you are innocent of throwing the first "forum" punch.

And pretty much you guys just prove each other right every time you post this crap, so the sooner you stop, the sooner itll be over :P

Your right Zpyder, of course he learns things. But I also know quite a few things rounded up over the years about Sam about what he does and does not know and some things that have happened I will never be childish enough to bring up here. Not what I mean when I say learn things.
In modern web design AND Development Sam is out of the loop and when these things are mentioned he dismisses them but does not show any willingness to go use/learn these things as most modern web developers and designers. But as I keep saying, the lack of respect for people who do and comments basically saying I am a thick idiot who copies and pastes code all day and messes about in photoshop is just childish. The stack etc comment here just shows that.
I mean come on, I can be a dick on here but thats just twattish, you not agree?

I Will leave it at that, because you are right but when I think Sam or anyone is wrong I will still at least post links just to show them that. No Developer uses a mac? No Developing software out on a Mac? Just not true so like here I showed that.

  • Offline zpyder

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Re:Why are...
Reply #53 on: October 07, 2009, 09:40:22 AM
Hey, as I said, I think youre both in the wrong and should be force fed some humble pie and let this whole thing die. Yes I agree about what you say in RE: twattishness...and also your dickishness. (Need I remind you the world is fully of pussys, dicks, and assholes?...)

I get the impression this is a case of a web designer vs a developer (not web developer, just developer...I get the impression you both do web development). You do also come across as having no respect for Sam (likely true, and can be said the other way round) The styles may be different but both are pretty insulting to each other and will continue until you guys just let it be.

  • Offline Edd

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Why are...
Reply #54 on: October 07, 2009, 10:00:49 AM
No, we should not let this whole thing die
in fact, we should pick sides and have a forum war, itll be awesome

  • Offline Quixoticish

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Re:Why are...
Reply #55 on: October 07, 2009, 10:01:31 AM
I think that this thread may help us discover how to create a perpetual motion machine.

  • Offline neXus

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Re:Why are...
Reply #56 on: October 07, 2009, 10:34:07 AM
Quote from: zpyder
You do also come across as having no respect for Sam (likely true, and can be said the other way round) The styles may be different but both are pretty insulting to each other and will continue until you guys just let it be.

This gets me a little, No digg directly to you Zpyder but.. I do not read things properly sometimes, True. Get picked up on that. When I consistently say how I think Sam is one of the best Java Coders I have met/known personally this does not work. I do not target him personally like he does me either.

  • Offline neXus

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Why are...
Reply #57 on: October 07, 2009, 10:34:35 AM
Quote from: Edd
No, we should not let this whole thing die
in fact, we should pick sides and have a forum war, itll be awesome

Ok, I will Start.


  • Offline neXus

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Re:Why are...
Reply #58 on: October 07, 2009, 10:35:03 AM
Quote from: Chris H
I think that this thread may help us discover how to create a perpetual motion machine.

Not as much as Alan Mind. Hands off hes mine

  • Offline neXus

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Re:Why are...
Reply #59 on: October 07, 2009, 10:45:17 AM
on an actual note @sam : Did you get that Javascript thing sorted? You were going  to ask a question about that.

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