Author Topic: violent porn = child porn?  (Read 1049 times)

  • Offline Serious

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violent porn = child porn?
on: August 31, 2006, 21:41:55 PM
Seems that if you have violent pornography on your computer or as video/tape/photographs then the law is going to change and mean you could be spending a few years in the nick....

Anyone think this is going too far? How many of you lot have this stuff in your home already?

NOTE: this is owning rather than just selling which is already illegal.

Re:violent porn = child porn?
Reply #1 on: August 31, 2006, 21:49:17 PM
its not my kind of thing.... but if youre into tieing each other up etc... I dont see any harm in it...

I went out with a girl once who wanted to role play something like that.... which I was up for for about 3 seconds until she said summit like "owch, no stop"... at which point I jumped backwards across the room and started apologising  :whoops:

violent porn = child porn?
Reply #2 on: August 31, 2006, 21:54:46 PM
getting drunk, high on smack and killing prostitutes is a great night out imo.

violent porn = child porn?
Reply #3 on: August 31, 2006, 22:00:55 PM
The BSDM stuff is fairly fringe, and seems to have men in the submissive roll just as often as women. If its your cuppa, no harm done, imho. Whats offensive, isnt a bit of blood (yuck) if its between consenting partners, its all this "mainstream" porno thats pretty humiliating for women. Yall know the stuff: c**k gagging, ejaculating on faces, and all that crap. You know the younguns are watching and "learning". Boy will little Johnny be surprised when he tries that crap his first time and gets the sh*t kicked out of him. :lol:

  • Offline Pete

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violent porn = child porn?
Reply #4 on: August 31, 2006, 22:21:20 PM
"material featuring violence that is, or appears to be, life-threatening or is likely to result in serious and disabling injury"

I think the above spec goes beyond what most normal people would wanna watch. Interesting though, that the same 2+2=4 point is argued for non-sexual violent attacks with respect to hollywood movies, and also for the Doom Killer Kids..

/Im disappointed by the BBCs related links tbh.
I know sh*ts bad right now with all that starving bullsh*t and the dust storms and we are running out of french fries and burrito coverings.

  • Offline Beaker

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Re:violent porn = child porn?
Reply #5 on: August 31, 2006, 22:55:08 PM
stupid wankers, nothing wrong with anything that happens between consenting adults.  I know a guy who runs a fetish night, and after an extended discussion with him weve come to the conclusion that its the religious tossers pushing this through.  

Its nothing about violence, or about sex, its all about power.  

violent porn = child porn?
Reply #6 on: August 31, 2006, 23:00:47 PM
Yeah, its about power. Im not against any kind of filth people want to do. The morality police are usually the ones that pay hookers to pee on them behind closed doors. :lol: Seriously, my town is the home of the Southern Baptist Convention, with a church on every corner. Its also home to more titty bars per capita than most more liberal cities.

  • Offline Dave

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violent porn = child porn?
Reply #7 on: August 31, 2006, 23:21:23 PM
Quote from: maximusotter
Seriously, my town is the home of the Southern Baptist Convention, with a church on every corner. Its also home to more titty bars per capita than most more liberal cities.

prob all those years of sexual repression kicking in & the need to see some naked flesh becomes greater

as for this law seems a bit silly to legislate what people can & cant watch in thier own homes - fair enough  if someone is actually being severely harmed to near death or whatever in these videos - that is pretty disgusting & should be banned so as to at least attempt to repress any market for it - but if consenting adults are simply acting & some freak is getting turned on by it then let him crack on tbh...

  • Offline SteveF

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Re:violent porn = child porn?
Reply #8 on: September 01, 2006, 00:48:49 AM
Quote from: knighty
I went out with a girl once who wanted to role play something like that.... which I was up for for about 3 seconds until she said summit like "owch, no stop"... at which point I jumped backwards across the room and started apologising  :whoops:

lol - didnt she explain the concept of safe words? :)

Anyways, tbh people can do as they like but the quote is:
"material featuring violence that is, or appears to be, life-threatening or is likely to result in serious and disabling injury"

This seems to be common sense in one way...  As far as Im aware its still illegal in this country to willingly inflict serious injury to the extent it is life threatening on someone even with their consent.  Otherwise euthanasia wouldnt be much of a problem.  Making a video of it should kind of follow suit.  I guess its wether the act is being recorded and was going to happen anyway or if the act is done for the video and the viewer.

On the other hand Ive watched a decapitation or two over the years on the internet (not a fetish mind - just the only thing Ive seen on the net which actually disturbed me).  Now thats illegal and they looked pretty damn life threatening to me when their heads came off/apart.  Does that make watching that illegal?  Same premise - illegal act videod for the end viewers attention.

What about the video with those lasses coming off the roundabout when the lad was accelerating it with a moped.  Guess thats ok because its funny rather than sexual?

Kinda undecided on this one tbh.  Guess Im in the minority who doesnt have a computer full of violent porn tho lol.

Re:violent porn = child porn?
Reply #9 on: September 01, 2006, 07:03:30 AM
I think its going to far

  • Offline Dave

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Re:violent porn = child porn?
Reply #10 on: September 01, 2006, 19:22:15 PM
Quote from: SteveF
On the other hand Ive watched a decapitation or two over the years on the internet (not a fetish mind - just the only thing Ive seen on the net which actually disturbed me).  Now thats illegal and they looked pretty damn life threatening to me when their heads came off/apart.  Does that make watching that illegal?  Same premise - illegal act videod for the end viewers attention.

tis the aims of the legislation that are important tbh...

if someone has a video of a beheading carried out in say saudi arabia then then banning that sort of video isnt going to stop beheaddings happening

I guess the intention with this legistation is an attempt to suppress a market/potential for videos where people are intentionally harmed with actual serious injuries caused not just some S&M stuff & I guess the purpose is the protection of vulnerable people who could get caught up in this pornographic market.

Imagine if they just allowed say rape videos to exist legally - some sick tuckers would buy them & the creation of a larger market for this stuff would encourage people making the films to make more

  • Offline Serious

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Re:violent porn = child porn?
Reply #11 on: September 01, 2006, 22:25:14 PM
This just fills a loophole, there is material out there which is already illegal to sell, the legislation will mean its illegal to own said material so you cant bring it into the country and say its for your own use.

Doubtless there are a load of sick tuckers in the country who already have this stuff and they should be looking into getting rid of it before the law comes knocking at their door.

  • Offline SteveF

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Re:violent porn = child porn?
Reply #12 on: September 02, 2006, 01:22:55 AM
Quote from: Dave
tis the aims of the legislation that are important tbh...

if someone has a video of a beheading carried out in say saudi arabia then then banning that sort of video isnt going to stop beheaddings happening

I guess the intention with this legistation is an attempt to suppress a market/potential for videos where people are intentionally harmed with actual serious injuries caused not just some S&M stuff & I guess the purpose is the protection of vulnerable people who could get caught up in this pornographic market.

Imagine if they just allowed say rape videos to exist legally - some sick tuckers would buy them & the creation of a larger market for this stuff would encourage people making the films to make more

Fair point I hadnt thought about it like that.  Weirdly then Im kind of pro this legislation...  I wouldnt make it law but its not a bad thing imo.

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