Author Topic: This weekend, party plans!  (Read 2269 times)

This weekend, party plans!
on: December 14, 2007, 21:26:59 PM
Following on from last weeks thread, what is everyone upto?

Ive got my dad visiting, and as hes gone to bed Im gonna meet up with some workmates - albeit already very drunk.

Whatcha upto?

Re:This weekend, party plans!
Reply #1 on: December 14, 2007, 21:30:58 PM
Stopping in tonight (drinking)

Tomorrow morning, helping my mate to move, then on the evening, start drinking about 4.30, and going for a meal with the engineers from work for xmas, then get even more wankered, and try it on with a czech bird from work.

Re:This weekend, party plans!
Reply #2 on: December 14, 2007, 21:32:00 PM
working sat & sun

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This weekend, party plans!
Reply #3 on: December 14, 2007, 22:18:42 PM
Im going out drinking and then to a club called silk city. Im gonna be leaving as soon as my room mate gets back.

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Re:This weekend, party plans!
Reply #4 on: December 15, 2007, 00:25:00 AM
Suffering pain  :evil:

I found a dividend cheque that I had forgot to pay into the bank - in May! I thought I would have to do a Sam except when I asked at my local bank (around the corner) I was told they are valid for one year. So they accepted it and my account is £53 odd extra in credit.

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Re:This weekend, party plans!
Reply #5 on: December 15, 2007, 02:52:40 AM
Yesterday has been a sh*t day.  Started work 11am, finished 10pm.  Replacing a SBS server done by another company (shodily I might add) along with 8 desktops in the domain.

Just about everything that could have gone wrong.  But its all working now.

Needless to say I went home, changed and hit town straight away and now, drunk some what, and now for some reason Im typing here.

Tonight Im hitting earlsdon then Coventry town centre for a Work piss-up.

Sunday, I imagine not a lot, maybe christmas shopping or swimming.

This weekend, party plans!
Reply #6 on: December 15, 2007, 10:42:14 AM
My head hurts.

This weekend, party plans!
Reply #7 on: December 15, 2007, 13:20:41 PM
Had a quiet night in with a movie and some music last night. Tonight going to head down town and have a play around in the pubs :)

Just finished work for today as well, nice 6am-12.30pm shift :(

Working tomorow as well 1pm-8pm :( Sucks :(

This weekend, party plans!
Reply #8 on: December 15, 2007, 13:24:51 PM
Going to the xmas party with my old work tonight, planning on getting mortal drunk and see if I can find myself a nice man!! -:)

Re:This weekend, party plans!
Reply #9 on: December 15, 2007, 14:37:05 PM
I went out yesterday at about 1 in the afternoon for a Christmas lunch and a few drinks with work.

I had some nice pasta, gnocchi, with a nice sauce at the Italian restaurant.

We went to several bars and pubs, I got some chips at some point, from Clayton Street Chippy, which do nice chips.

We drank an awful lot and spent a lot of money, saw some old friends and then went to a club thats a rock club as some other work friends were there, while strutting my stuff on the dance floor this really nice looking lass came out of no where, we started dancing, kissing and then a little more then I got her phone number and we went our separate ways.

I then went to get a subway with my friend phil and it was about 2:30am and it was time to go home. So I got in a taxi and the taxi driver was a cheeky barsteward asking for a bigger tip!

But anyway, today I was going to replace the front brakes on my 106 but after letting a garage have my car last week to complete the tappet work and fix the rear brakes they havent put the rocker cover on properly and oil is spilling through onto the engine! So Im going to take it back next week and tell them what I think of them!

Then I just went and bought some computer games that looked good.

Tomorrow... Dunno what Im up to.

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Re:This weekend, party plans!
Reply #10 on: December 15, 2007, 15:09:19 PM
Im taking it easy this weekend, might just slap on a film or something and crack open a few beers. My body is still recovering from last weekends mini Iron Liver Tour of Barnsley.

Re:This weekend, party plans!
Reply #11 on: December 15, 2007, 15:11:47 PM
Quote from: mr_roll
I went out yesterday at about 1 in the afternoon for a Christmas lunch and a few drinks with work.

I had some nice pasta, gnocchi, with a nice sauce at the Italian restaurant.

We went to several bars and pubs, I got some chips at some point, from Clayton Street Chippy, which do nice chips.

We drank an awful lot and spent a lot of money, saw some old friends and then went to a club thats a rock club as some other work friends were there, while strutting my stuff on the dance floor this really nice looking lass came out of no where, we started dancing, kissing and then a little more then I got her phone number and we went our separate ways.

I then went to get a subway with my friend phil and it was about 2:30am and it was time to go home. So I got in a taxi and the taxi driver was a cheeky barsteward asking for a bigger tip!

But anyway, today I was going to replace the front brakes on my 106 but after letting a garage have my car last week to complete the tappet work and fix the rear brakes they havent put the rocker cover on properly and oil is spilling through onto the engine! So Im going to take it back next week and tell them what I think of them!

Then I just went and bought some computer games that looked good.

Tomorrow... Dunno what Im up to.

Sounds like you had a good time Mr_Roll? You gonna get in touch with the lass you Met Mr_Roll and have a bit of an xmas romance!!  ;)

I think I will have to try and strut my stuff on the dance floor at the xmas party tonight in the hope that a nice man comes out of no where!!  :-)

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Re:This weekend, party plans!
Reply #12 on: December 15, 2007, 17:17:41 PM
Quote from: mr_roll

We drank an awful lot and spent a lot of money,

And you wonder why you are perpetually broke? :twisted:

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Re:This weekend, party plans!
Reply #13 on: December 15, 2007, 17:47:35 PM
Went out on Thursday for the gfs Christmas do, not a bad night but fairly sedate.

Then went out yesterday for Xmas lunch with my old team, started at about 1.30, had an excellent lunch, got stuck into the red wine, port, clementines and nuts in front of the fire for the rest of the afternoon.

Think we headed back into town about 7ish, and cracked on to the beers, + for some unknown reason some random jelly shots (actually quite tasty). Got chatting to some random bloke who was trying to sell us his box at Oxford United for £750  for a matchday, quite interesting. Then the sensible one of the party took one of the boys who was feeling slightly worse for wear home, and eventually reconvened in Weatherspoons. Had some more and more heated, and probably misguided conversations about work that I remember very little of now, before another works party turned up later on trying to bully us into a curry.

Left about 12 I think, had a kebab with some fairly firey chilli sauce, and got a taxi back.

Woke up this morning feeling like Id be run over by a bus, fell back asleep again, then woke up at 12.45 which was quite bad as I was supposed to be meeting to play rugby at 1. Got there about 1.15, and surprisingly managed to score 2 tries. Second one was fairly long range, could feel the hangover pounding in my head afterwards lol as my body tried its best to keep my alcohol filled veins transporting oxygen round my head.

Now, I might have a nap before watching the final of the X-Factor and hoping Same Difference win to piss Louis off.
"Within your 'purview'? Where do you think you are, some f**king regency costume drama? This is a government department, not some f**king Jane f**king Austen novel!"

Re:This weekend, party plans!
Reply #14 on: December 15, 2007, 17:48:57 PM
w00t w00t w00t

Im not needed for work tomorrow & still getting paid :-D

nice little £500 earner this weekend for not doing much  :lol:

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