Author Topic: safe to fish now. well probably if you live in indonesia...  (Read 519 times)

AP - Villagers in Indonesia have recovered human remains from a giant crocodile they trapped and killed, a media report said on Wednesday.

Villagers hacked the five-metre long reptile to death on Monday after snaring it in a river in East Nusa Tenggara province in the far east of the country, The Jakarta Post said.

After slitting open her stomach, they found two human hands, a leg, skull fragments and strands of human hair, the report said.

It was unclear how many people the crocodile had eaten.

The paper reported that three people fishing in the river had gone missing late last month.


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Re:safe to fish now. well probably if you live in indonesia...
Reply #1 on: December 07, 2006, 00:57:43 AM

Humans still eat a lot more crocs than they do us.

Re:safe to fish now. well probably if you live in indonesia...
Reply #2 on: December 07, 2006, 11:22:20 AM
the report also said that at least 2 more are at large (large being the operative word by the sounds of things) in the area so Im not so sure about the safe to fish there thing.

Time to call in Mick Dundee

Re:safe to fish now. well probably if you live in indonesia...
Reply #3 on: December 07, 2006, 13:49:49 PM
Everyone there should coat themselves in something highly poisonous to crocs

That way if they do get eaten at least they take the crocs down with them....

ok maybe not the best solution but it would sorta work

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