Author Topic: New site coming soon - Need game / game hardware / articles or related content  (Read 536 times)

  • Offline Bacon

  • Lettuce Tomato
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Out of interest

Do we still have any budding writers still knocking around on the forums, who are currently writing for web publications, blogs etc that have content available for a new website a few of us are working on together.

The site will be aimed at gaming on pc or consoles, mac or linux and all related hardware and accessories, we are looking for regular/occasional content writers that would like to contribute guides, articles, reviews, faqs, any content you think people would love to read.

It is not a paid position but you will ofc be entitled to all the kudos you can handle, and we will see where it goes from there. We will also let you put your contact details on the site, including a mugshot if your prefer. :)

If this interests you, please post here, send a pm or get me on msn and we can have a chat.
Insert signature here.

Bacon, I love you very much, as I do this forum . . .

But to be honest, tekforum(cozwelosttheslol) lost all serious rep (and the hardcore people) a while ago sadly. Trust me when I say sadly - Ive been here for a while!

Regarding the positions available - Ill look after the forums with you. :)

  • Offline BigSoy

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A genuine question... having been here what must be about lurching terrifyingly towards 10 years... Im not convinced weve ever had people who were particular hardcore in this particular aspect... back in the day a few overclocking geeks. But to be honest, as geeks go, its always been more sociable than truly hardcore here IMHO.

"Within your 'purview'? Where do you think you are, some f**king regency costume drama? This is a government department, not some f**king Jane f**king Austen novel!"

  • Offline Bacon

  • Lettuce Tomato
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White Giant

You never know, im not asking for the hardcore, just regular content writers in any field in relation to the gaming. Articles, Guides, Reviews, structured rants, can be anything and for all i know someone here could be doing it already for their own blog or website and could in fact pass them onto me and be a contributing writer towards our new game site.

I would also agree with BigSoy, the forums have been much more social than other communities and the reason i stayed for so long, well that and the laxed rules :P
Insert signature here.

no idea how long Ive been here.... i was still at school so thats about 12 years ago minimum....

anyway.... when i first joined.... i only joined because of the water cooling section.... which was the best i could find at the time and pretty hard core !

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