Author Topic: What have you been up to then?  (Read 951 times)

What have you been up to then?
on: October 21, 2007, 15:03:35 PM
Yesterday I wanted to go for a drive up to Scotland, although money wouldnt let me, well it would, but itd leave me silly short this month.

So I decided to go over to Carlisle and then back along the B6318, which is the "military road".

It has some nice long straights and some nice curves to drive along.

But before that, I went to Paddy Freemans, which is a little Animal Enclosure place where families can go to look at Goats and birds and other animals, I got some photos of the animals, only a few were good though.

I also dropped my camera bag, with my camcorder into the stream, which screwed the camcorder, its busy drying on my mantel piece at my dads.

So I got a few more photos, which are on flickr now.

I then went along the A69, saw a nice TVR racer pulled by an X5, although driving I couldnt get a camera shot.

Then came back along the B road, got some nice shots.

So what have you been upto ?

Re:What have you been up to then?
Reply #1 on: October 21, 2007, 15:15:20 PM
ripped the bathroom out, then decided to move the bathroom door, So i knocked a wall down. Then went down the pub :-D

Where that door way is, the bathroom door is on the right. Im moving the door to the wall straight in front & then bringing the back bedroom door forward in line with it.

What have you been up to then?
Reply #2 on: October 21, 2007, 18:01:18 PM
Worked all weekend, I got rid of the 205 today. Its a sad sad day. But I needed it off the drive ASAP.

So I am sat here contemplating a Golf Mark II GTi 3dr.


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Re:What have you been up to then?
Reply #3 on: October 21, 2007, 18:04:17 PM
Ive barrowed about 4 tons (imperial) of concrete.  My arms are sore, my back hurts, im knackered and im hungry.

What have you been up to then?
Reply #4 on: October 21, 2007, 18:06:19 PM
lol beaker you have my sympathy, bulk deliveries?

Had 3 tonne of stone chippings delivered a few years ago, had to barrow that through a house with my dad helping, and 2 old barrows.

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Re:What have you been up to then?
Reply #5 on: October 21, 2007, 18:07:08 PM
Quote from: Beaker
Ive barrowed about 4 tons (imperial) of concrete.  My arms are sore, my back hurts, im knackered and im hungry.

Its always harder work than it looks. Many a time Ive helped Sam barrow gravel around his garden. A pint and a hearty meal should be your reward.

What have you been up to then?
Reply #6 on: October 21, 2007, 18:11:02 PM
add a back massage, and control of the TV remote. :D

What have you been up to then?
Reply #7 on: October 21, 2007, 18:35:09 PM
Or sole usage of the Console of your choice :) Killing people online always relaxes my muscles and puts a smile on my face :)

What have you been up to then?
Reply #8 on: October 21, 2007, 18:41:49 PM
Quote from: Poison_UK
Or sole usage of the Console of your choice :) Killing people online always relaxes my muscles and puts a smile on my face :)

Unless its a Wii and then you do more exercise!

I need to clear out that spare room still... so thatll be on the cards for next weekend.

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Re:What have you been up to then?
Reply #9 on: October 21, 2007, 19:54:52 PM
Been painting the garden wall with masonry paint. Do a bit then give up. will be back out tomorrow to do some more, eventually it will be finished (some time next week)

Re:What have you been up to then?
Reply #10 on: October 21, 2007, 20:00:52 PM
Oh I also put fur into some parts of my Volvo :D

It feels really furry and nice

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What have you been up to then?
Reply #11 on: October 21, 2007, 22:23:31 PM
I got very drunk on friday, got hidiously drunk yesturday night after the rugby, and today i spent some time chatting to some friends over dinner in a pirate themed pizza place.

charleville is full of random stuffz.

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