Author Topic: Phone Contracts  (Read 2052 times)

  • Offline Mark

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Re:Phone Contracts
Reply #15 on: April 27, 2008, 00:28:59 AM
Phone nbills - almost forgotten what one of them looks like. Havent paid one in 3 years

Re:Phone Contracts
Reply #16 on: May 09, 2008, 08:59:39 AM
Now the proud owner of a HTC Tytn II. Just about to reflash it with WM6.1

Orange though, have sucessfully managed to piss me right off.
My dad has a company called Envirodata.  My previous phone was on his business contract with orange.  I applied for my phone with no reference to Envirodata, it just shared my parents address which is the same as the business address as my dad has a home office.  I ring orange to register my phone and they tell me its not in my name.  Turns out orange have kindly ignored my name and billing details and decided that my phone is to be part of the Envirodata contract.  I didnt mention envirodata or business account once whilst signing up for my phone.

Re:Phone Contracts
Reply #17 on: May 09, 2008, 11:30:32 AM
Quote from: soopahfly
Now the proud owner of a HTC Tytn II. Just about to reflash it with WM6.1

Orange though, have sucessfully managed to piss me right off.
My dad has a company called Envirodata.  My previous phone was on his business contract with orange.  I applied for my phone with no reference to Envirodata, it just shared my parents address which is the same as the business address as my dad has a home office.  I ring orange to register my phone and they tell me its not in my name.  Turns out orange have kindly ignored my name and billing details and decided that my phone is to be part of the Envirodata contract.  I didnt mention envirodata or business account once whilst signing up for my phone.

how helpful of them.

  • Offline Mark

  • Posts: 3,748
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Re:Phone Contracts
Reply #18 on: May 11, 2008, 00:05:27 AM
Quote from: soopahfly
Now the proud owner of a HTC Tytn II. Just about to reflash it with WM6.1

Orange though, have sucessfully managed to piss me right off.
My dad has a company called Envirodata.  My previous phone was on his business contract with orange.  I applied for my phone with no reference to Envirodata, it just shared my parents address which is the same as the business address as my dad has a home office.  I ring orange to register my phone and they tell me its not in my name.  Turns out orange have kindly ignored my name and billing details and decided that my phone is to be part of the Envirodata contract.  I didnt mention envirodata or business account once whilst signing up for my phone.

Theyre the best phones on the market atm. bar none.

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