Author Topic: For the young uns out there  (Read 471 times)

For the young uns out there
on: October 15, 2007, 16:26:20 PM
A father asked his 10-year old son if he knew about the birds and the bees.
"I dont want to know," the child said, bursting into tears. "Promise me you wont tell me."
Confused, the father asked what was wrong.
The boy sobbed, "When I was six, I got the Theres no EasterBunny speech.

At seven, I got the "Theres no Tooth Fairy" speech.

When I was eight, you hit me with the "Theres no Santa" speech.

If youre going to tell me that grown-ups dont really get laid, Ill have nothing left to live


Re:For the young uns out there
Reply #1 on: October 15, 2007, 17:53:54 PM
I was a young un when I first heard that. Used to have a pet dinoasaur as well. I also remember somthing about a man with a boat, or was it an Ark?

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