Author Topic: So, how is everyone? (Pretty dead around the forums at the moment?!) - SENTIMENT  (Read 4062 times)

  • Offline zpyder

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So, people who are still here, how are you all, what are you up to? Where/what/who were you when you joined, so many moons ago?

When I joined, was probably about 12-13 years ago, maybe 2000 or '01. I was at college studying an AVCE in ICT. Think I stumbled on the forums when I was researching building my first computer, and never really left, though I sort of did at least once *cough*.

Since then, I worked in aquatics retail, started a degree in "Computing", and then switched to "Environment & Coastal Management" which I completed in 2008. Since then I have worked at the University on a range of projects and in a number of roles. I was made redundant late last year, and have just started to get part time work BACK AT THE UNI *argh*. I've also been accepted to work at a local camera shop, though they are dragging their heels on giving me an actual start date. Photography has been building, along with silversmithing. Don't make much from either but if I keep at it, they should both build momentum.

Whilst working at the Uni, I met my GF. Moved in with her fairly quickly, then moved back with my parents (With the GF) when her lease ran out, then moved in to my grans old place when she died, and am now back with my parents whilst we figure out our next move. Oh, and we got engaged on her birthday at the end of February! Still not "official" on facebook though, hopefully will be soon. Just been so busy we've not had the chance to tell many people face to face yet.

Current plans are to emigrate by the end of the year. Looking at New Zealand, Canada or Australia, or anywhere either of us can get a good job. As the GF has a PhD, it's likely going to be her. Annoyingly we are both ecologists, and NZ seems to be saturated in the Ecology industry, so I'm considering retraining to something more practical like electrical engineering, though I have yet to do much research on the options.

So that's what I've been up to in a nutshell, how about all of you?

Joined sometime around 1998 when I was discovering overclocking (age 13ish), Saffyre who I was in school with introduced me (met him over the weekend, he now writes Nuclear safety systems for EDF and has a side line designing, manufacturing and fitting his own Porsche ECUs).

Since then I've been to Cardiff Uni to study Computer Science, at the same time Zpyder and M3TALHEAD were also there. Met my now wife there, graduated, got a graduate job in an investment bank in London. Got married. Moved to writing .NET trading systems in the bank, 2 years ago I moved to a similar role for the trading arm of an Oil Major. Had a kid, 1 year ago I moved out of IT into Trading Analytics. Enjoyable job in a nicer atmosphere than I was in at the bank. Always consider my options for progression, considering Trading or Long Term deal origination as a next step.

Greatest thing is my (nearly) 2 year old boy, he's replaced all my hobbies and free time and I wouldnt have it any other way. </SentimentalDad>

Been a largely quiet Tek member all that time, with a couple of bits of down time when I lost the forums with address changes.
Formerly sexytw

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  • Offline Clock'd 0Ne

  • Clockedtastic
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Interesting times for you then Zpyder, congratulations on the engagement btw. Remind me to come over and give you your bloody DVDs back too before you emigrate! :lol:

I joined around '95 I think, at the back-end of the Powercomputing days before it became Tekheads, didn't really know anyone that well but asked around for loads of advice on building a new system, and gradually got to know everyone. I've made good friends on here so I'm glad to be hosting and maintaining the place, as even though it's gone quite quiet I think everyone knows they can always pop in every so often and find something to read. It's like nipping down to the local pub of a Friday night and seeing the usual regulars there for a chinwag.

As for what I'm doing, since August last year I decided to get a real job instead of just doing freelance work and after 1 interview for the first place I applied for I'm now a client side developer for Jobsite. This is also why I'm not posting relentlessly any more, too busy 8) Still not married (but still with my gf of 5 years), no children, trying to save to buy a better car and eventually maybe a house instead of renting.

  • Offline Pete

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Blimey, I remember the days of theoverclockingstore. It's good to hear everyone is doing well - how long ago was the ocs? It was around the time Socket A AMDs were taking off if I remember right. Duron 700 @ 1Ghz ftw.

Also, l33t sp33k3rz h4x0rn teh webs. 

I moved up north a few years ago now, got married, gave up the booze and the fast cars, had a kid. Left an awful job last year and got an awesome new job. They promoted me after being there a few months and I'm 2 exams away from getting my MCSE 2012 - need a payrise! I'm still earning way less than I was in years gone past but I've never been happier, and I'm biding my time, stacking up the qualifications and experience  :yarr:

<sentimental dad> badge - all my hobbies are long gone, but I've got a lil dude :)
I know sh*ts bad right now with all that starving bullsh*t and the dust storms and we are running out of french fries and burrito coverings.

  • Offline zpyder

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I should add I've always been at Bournemouth Uni, not Cardiff Addictweb ;)

It's funny to think of how everyone has grown up. Tempted to dig out the cheers themetune...oh wait what's this?...(there's no % preloader, just give it time to download)

Currently looking into the GF sponsoring me for residency in Canada as she's a Canadian citizen :D

What DVD's of mine do you have Nige?

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  • Offline Clock'd 0Ne

  • Clockedtastic
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Pretty sure I've still got your Children of Dune DVDs somewhere :-\

Pretty sure I've still got your Children of Dune DVDs somewhere :-\
He wont need them in canada. Different regions ;)

I joined up.. oh ever such a long time ago, I was still at my high school but in 6th form I believe.

Was tekforums when I joined but before bigforums.

Since then I wasted 3 years at uni by never graduating (met Zpyder IRL there though), then started my IT career which has got me to where I am now, a virtualisation analyst.

Got engaged last year and bought a house a few months ago.

Plans.. none at the moment just continue as things are heh

  • Offline zpyder

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Pretty sure I've still got your Children of Dune DVDs somewhere :-\

Hah, pretty sure I don't need them back ;)

Feel free to pass them on to someone else if you need to get rid of them.

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  • Offline Clock'd 0Ne

  • Clockedtastic
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Not at all, just conscious I've had them so long, I wouldn't want you thinking I'd conveniently forgotten them or anything :cheers:

  • Offline Bacon

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I'm still here joined the 2nd time when OCS Forums disbanded, i was one of the Trading Forum Mods, the best one imo :P

Did originally join a few years before but didn't post much, remember seeing massive threads with 1000s of replies! GD was seriously busy! Bought a load of Slot A Athlons on this forum!

Currently working for an Auto Recycler (Scrap Yard) doing Online Sales mainly through Ebay
Insert signature here.

  • Offline bear

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I still work at a old folks home at night and do political work daytime (city counsel and the building-environment-rescue board).

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  • Offline Rivkid

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Think I joined when it was bigforums (2002/2003??)and was stupidly busy - you could sit and refresh GD and new threads would keep popping up. Kept me entertained for hours as I was working sales at the time.

Moved into an IT tech role as a junior in 2006 for a then recent BT acquisition, and been working my way up since then 1st line>2nd line>3rd line>Senior infrastructure engineer>IT Infrastructure Manager (current). Got various MCTS certs along the way and MCITP's in server 2008 and exchange 2010 (and the new MCSA).

Now married, just bought a house, have 2 cats, 1 dog, too many guitars and no kids (yet!).

Career, Wife, Mortgage... my sig was better when it listed guitars and PC's and stuff!

  • Offline bear

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  • Offline Liam

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Wow this place is a blast from the past!  ;D

I don't think I've logged in on here for around two years now but I do check the forum occasionally, I've just had to reset my password as I forgotten it lol.

So when did I join the forum? Back in mid 2003 when it was known as BigForums and I was 14, I was introduced to the forum by Walrusbonzo as he is known on here (is he still around?), he was doing work experience at one of my old schools at the time. Back then I think I was known on here as "Punk Computer Kid" of something really childish like that haha. I was quite an avid poster for a good couple of years and you could say that this forum is what introduced me to the world of internet forums. Unfortunately since that hack & the re-opening of the forum back in 2006 ish I haven't really posted much.

So what's changed? After I left school at 16 I enrolled at college and after two years I came out with two IT Support diplomas in 2007. After that I was lucky to land myself as an IT techie in a school but that only lasted for a year sadly as I was made redundant with the impending late 2008 recession looming. After that I went to work as an Admin for my Dad's Logistics company and I was there until mid last year when the company folded.

Unfortunately since then I've only had temp or contracted jobs (not been fortunate to find anything permanent) in Warehousing and Distribution. I'm also still living at home (Yay! ...not, though I did used to live with an ex GF for a few years) and currently unemployed again at the moment but once I manage to secure a good permanent job and get myself financially secure then I will be getting a place of my own (that is my aim for the end of the year / early next year at the very latest).

It's good to see some old familiar faces round here still! :) I really should stick around here more often, admittedly I did discover the OcUK forums back in late 2008 and you could say that's where I've mostly been posting ever since! As already mentioned, it is a shame that this place doesn't seem no where as busy as it used to be, I remember when I first joined that it did have quite a fairly large following and the number of users online in the evenings was a lot!

Last Edit: March 28, 2014, 18:52:43 PM by Liam #187;

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