Author Topic: F*** Parcel F***ING Farce!  (Read 1213 times)

F*** Parcel F***ING Farce!
on: December 07, 2006, 02:13:21 AM
A little back story, I pre-ordered the HD-DVD addon for my Xbox360 as soon as they were listed on  They cost £129.99 and are like gold dust at the moment.  I made a little sex wee when I got my dispatched email and was surprised to see that it was out for delivery yesterday.  I had to leave for work at 12:20 so I was hoping it would arrive before then.  Of course it didnt.  

Around tea time I checked the progress of my parcel.  And I was presented with this:
Parcel number:       Tracking Code.
Service:    Parcelforce 24
Status:    Delivered
Signed for by:    Deaths Head [View proof of delivery]
Delivered on:    06-12-2006
Delivered at:    13:12

They had missed me by 50 minutes.  My main concern was apparently I had signed for the parcel, I quickly clicked on the View proof of delivery button.

Why, that looks just like a squiggle.  My first thought was that I wasnt actually going to get my drive and that someone else had signed for it and that it had been stolen.  "But Mr Deaths Head, you signed for it!" "No I F***ING didnt, I was at work!" etc.  

When I get home I was greated with a bunch of fliers for local fast food outlets but also a slip from Parcel Farce.  "We called to deliver to 1 PCC on ... at ....  Your parcel:  was left ... behind side gate."  Now, our fencing and side gate are over 6 foot tall.  The stupid F**wit of a driver had "placed" the parcel over our gate.  The air was blue as I made my way through the house and out of the back door to retrieve my parcel.   Covered in slugs and muck.  And sodden.  It been raining most of today.  Why this seemed a good idea to the driver I cant even begin to understand other than he didnt want to have to attempt redelivery tomorrow.  

In the morning I am going to put my bastard cap on and give Parcel Farce and both barrels.  Parcel Farce for what their incompetent driver did and for not providing adequate packing for an expensive piece of hardware.  The box from the drive had a single layer of token gesture bubble wrap that didnt cover the ends.  Guess which part of the box it landed on.  Plus the Outer box is much larger than the box for the drive so plenty of space for it to bounce around in.  The worst part though is the outer box was sodden and falling apart.  The invoice was damp.  The only damage to the HD-DVD drive box is the impact damage where it hit the paving behind the gate.  Fan-F***ing-Tastic.

I havent tried the drive yet as it has been outside all day in the cold, I am going to leave it overnight to get to room temperature and then test it.  I suspect its not going to work.

  • Offline Jaimz

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F*** Parcel F***ING Farce!
Reply #1 on: December 07, 2006, 02:18:56 AM
What a joke.

Jaimz :rock:

F*** Parcel F***ING Farce!
Reply #2 on: December 07, 2006, 02:20:51 AM
I am not laughing.  Livid is a more accurate word.  I hesitate to think what condition my Nintendo Wii will be in on Friday.  I do dearly hope its the same driver....

F*** Parcel F***ING Farce!
Reply #3 on: December 07, 2006, 02:28:21 AM
make sure you are in, so you can kick his arse.

F*** Parcel F***ING Farce!
Reply #4 on: December 07, 2006, 02:32:01 AM
Im not working Friday :)  However, I am having my hair cut at 11am so you can guess what time he will turn up.  Looking at my Wii pre-order it was in Packing from this afternoon but is now back to processing.  I wonder what that means since if it went to packing they have charged me for it.

Funny, the driver hasnt put his name on the card.  Shame.

F*** Parcel F***ING Farce!
Reply #5 on: December 07, 2006, 02:40:00 AM
they never do.

go get your hair cut at a proper barbers instead of a stylist, you fairy. they wont need appointments.

Re:F*** Parcel F***ING Farce!
Reply #6 on: December 07, 2006, 09:00:15 AM
Id be straight on the blower saying thats not your signature & then produce the card saying where the delivery is & that there was no parcel there.
You should be insured by parcel farce :-D

At least youll get compensated ;-)

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Re:F*** Parcel F***ING Farce!
Reply #7 on: December 07, 2006, 10:29:23 AM
Play are usually very good in the CS department, Im sure youll get a good response from them Kris.

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F*** Parcel F***ING Farce!
Reply #8 on: December 07, 2006, 10:40:30 AM
Test it first and then kick off.

You might get lucky :)

If not, go right off the rails; toys out of the pram, the works.

  • Offline mrt

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Re:F*** Parcel F***ING Farce!
Reply #9 on: December 07, 2006, 11:23:56 AM
Start a blog ... it was an interesting and amusing read!  ;)

F*** Parcel F***ING Farce!
Reply #10 on: December 07, 2006, 12:23:33 PM
Parcel Farce didnt care.  Well talk to the driver blah blah blah, is our customer so they would seek compensation, not you.

Called, 10% refund on item. :)  Wii is currently being picked from warehouse, it will be sent via Parcel Farce, so I intend to be sweet as pie and ask him if he delivered a parcel on Wednesday and then turn nuclear on him.

I have to say, has very good CS from past experience.  That is why I tend to do most of my online shopping with them.

Quick review of HD-DVD, wow the visual fidelity of KingKong is amazing, the amount of detail is jaw dropping.  I tried a DVD first, Gladiator its also a Universal film.  The difference in just the Universal logo at the start of both discs is staggering!

  • Offline Edd

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F*** Parcel F***ING Farce!
Reply #11 on: December 07, 2006, 12:31:00 PM
id drop a massive bollock on parcel force, not only has he signed for it, which is not allowed, he also doorstepped it, which is not allowed
put in a written complaint they will soon act

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