Author Topic: Remember that thread that zpyder posted in..  (Read 5961 times)

Re: Remember that thread that zpyder posted in..
Reply #15 on: May 01, 2011, 09:16:51 AM
you met on a dating site & have had more than one date...
I think she's keen.

Re: Remember that thread that zpyder posted in..
Reply #16 on: May 01, 2011, 10:10:15 AM
In my opinion the question isnt if she is keen, its how quickly she or you would like things to progress, and that will be something that may happen naturally or may need someone to take the lead.

As you say she doesn't have a huge deal of experience in these matters so she may be relying on you to lead, she is more than likely way more nervous than you are.

On Nexus' point, i agree to an extent, asking is always a good starting point but its not a miracle solution, 90% of the time asking gets me nowhere, the answer will either be "nothing" or "you should know". Women are a nightmare,
Formerly sexytw

Re: Remember that thread that zpyder posted in..
Reply #17 on: May 01, 2011, 11:51:55 AM
Women aren't really that complicated, men just like to think they are.
Ask a stupid question, you'll get a stupid answer, but in the cases of women who you can never give the right answer to, they're just more hassle than is worth.

Like the old 'does my bum look big in this?' question. If it does, tell them it does, if it doesn't tell them it doesn't. If they disagree with you then they were always going to disagree with you, in which case you should just tell them to not bother asking.

If she's never had a boyfriend before, chances are she won't really know how to go about it all, other than bad advice given to her by friends. You need to be pretty blunt, otherwise you'll find yourselves not really knowing what's going on. Like in the instance Nige just assumed we were an item, and I didn't actually find out until a week later - he never actually asked me!

But with the kissing thing, don't just try and plant one on her, she'll probably be embarrassed and shy about it, and it will catch her off guard. Ask her if you can, she'll most likely say yes, and you'll seem gentlemanly too.

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Re: Remember that thread that zpyder posted in..
Reply #18 on: May 01, 2011, 12:16:39 PM
Rule one about women - NEVER try and guess what they are thinking. They are so complicated they do not even know what they are thinking.

Women aren't any more complicated than men, and that isn't very complicated at all. People are simple for the most part.

The whole dating thing is even simpler, people just like to pretend it's complicated and they have done for hundreds of years. It's all biology whether you like it or not, try to ignore societies rules and daft nuances.

If you want to know whether she likes you then find out. Ask a simple question, get a simple answer. You've absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Re: Remember that thread that zpyder posted in..
Reply #19 on: May 01, 2011, 12:41:59 PM
I think the advice of Wayne and Cassandra is appropriate.

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Re: Remember that thread that zpyder posted in..
Reply #20 on: May 02, 2011, 16:08:28 PM
Well I couldn't very well ignore this thread could I...*deep breath*...

Short answer: She obviously likes you and how she has seen you on the last two meetings. Stay as you are and behave as expected...if you've been shy and just talked and been the perfect gentleman, ask if you can kiss her goodbye. That's the only way to see how things go. Chances are if she's never had a BF, she'll be really nervous and a kiss goodbye will be all that is needed, let things progress naturally, don't force it.

Now for the long answer, using my own relationship experience since xmas as an example, go make some popcorn peeps, this could be a long one...

It's best to read this on the assumption that this girl might feel the same way, if it's all new to her, as it was to me.

Last autumn I met Kathryn when she was assisting in biochemistry lab practicals. They were pretty manic and so we only really had about 15 mins of free time to chat each week. But that first week I discovered she loved LOTR, was very intelligent, and had an amazing personality. It was only a few weeks till I started to look forward to what would have been the most painful part of the week. So I asked her if she wanted to come out and do some fieldwork with me, as it was related to her PHD, and she said yes. We got to talk about all kinds of stuff in the car journey out and back.

Kathryn was pretty confident, though she claims otherwise, and asked me to a few things like drinks after work, but because of my personality quirks I kept turning her down. We've talked about it all since and she said for ages she didn't know whether I liked her or not, even though I really did, and made a few "gifts" for her...she didn't know whether I was just a nice guy that did that for everyone, or whether it was because I liked her.

Our first couple of sort-of-date was a leaving party for one of the admin girls. I was a taxi for someone else, and when we got to the meal we ended up sat at different ends of the table somehow, and despite her best efforts afterwards to stay out, I had to give lifts to those I brought with me.

The next one was going to a christmas carol thing at the unis local church, and even though I really wanted to kiss her or hold her hand, I chickened out, and again a phd student sat between us, despite my trying to stay by her side.

We also did a Leslie nielson send off, and despite laying next to each other on the floor to watch the naked gun trilogy, I decided to sleep on the floor instead of in her bed. Kathryn at that point was pretty sure I didn't like her as I had turned her down in her eyes, even though it was just a massive step for me.

It wasn't until we went to another students house warming party that I plucked up the courage to put my arm around her, we reckon this is our "anniversary" date now as it's when she knew that I really did like her, it was pretty amazing. I think I kissed her good night in the car at the end too, which was a classic peck on the lips, combined with accidentally hitting the accelerator in the car.

A few days later we went to see Billy Bragg, and I used the smooth line of wondering what flavour her lip gloss was to kiss her.

I'm not sure how long it took till we, um, *cough*, but that was initiated by Kathryn. The first proper kiss I had was only because we were on the floor and she literally pinned me so when I kissed her, I couldn't run away. That turned in to a pretty special night, but again she lead, as I didn't know what to the sense of was it rushing, what was normal etc. Even now there's still a lot I'm getting used to, with no prior experience I'm still learning the ropes in terms of what is required in a relationship etc

I guess the moral of the long story above is that if she really has had no relationship experience, it's going to be a weird thing for her, scary and exhilarating at the same time, take the initiative and kiss her, but do so in a way that isn't pushy and is caring and demonstrates your consideration of her circumstances?

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Re: Remember that thread that zpyder posted in..
Reply #21 on: May 02, 2011, 16:18:24 PM
ask if you can kiss her goodbye.

Oh my christ, do NOT ask her that.

At the end of the night hold her hand as you are talking to her, tell her you had a great night, she looks great etc, slowly get closer, the body language should draw you in together, at that point it should be like shooting fish in barrel.

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Re: Remember that thread that zpyder posted in..
Reply #22 on: May 02, 2011, 18:05:48 PM
What can I say, it worked for me. She knew my history, or lack of, and knew I was shy, accepted that, and helped me through it.

Re: Remember that thread that zpyder posted in..
Reply #23 on: May 02, 2011, 18:22:51 PM
ask if you can kiss her goodbye.
Oh my christ, do NOT ask her that.

why not ?  I've done that LOADS of times.... granted it's normally at the end of the first date not the third...
(and the answer has always been yes)

the trick is to ask just before you're about to do it.... that way it's pretty natural...

you really have to go with what fits for you and your personality.... some advice you read will rung true and sound decent, other stuff not so much... just pick and chose what you think suits you and forget the rest...

  • Offline Pete

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Re: Remember that thread that zpyder posted in..
Reply #24 on: May 02, 2011, 21:17:15 PM
It depends if you like her or are just after a quick bonk.  She's probably thinking the same as you, 2 dates and no kisses, is he gay or something? Have you sorted out a date #3 yet? There are so many ways of doing this but it depends on your personalities - it's easier if you lay the groundwork early;

Assuming you like her -
a)  'so am I gonna get a kiss on the next date?'
b)  'Is the third date hand-holding territory?'
c) 'I was telling the my boss about you and she said if I don't get a kiss out of you soon she's gonna thump me'
d) 'What's your favourite colour m&m?'  ...'Oh good, I could never go out with someone who didn't like the blue ones best...'
e) ...and so on. You've gotta go with what you can carry off, if you don't feel comfy doing a 'I noticed you're kinda kissable and blah blah...' don't say it.

Make it her call, i.e. don't spin it round to big yourself up unless it's just a quick bonk thing.

Date no.3 should be a fun, exciting thing - get her happy and feeling good about herself.
Last Edit: May 02, 2011, 21:19:56 PM by Pete #187;
I know sh*ts bad right now with all that starving bullsh*t and the dust storms and we are running out of french fries and burrito coverings.

  • Offline matt5cott

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Re: Remember that thread that zpyder posted in..
Reply #25 on: May 02, 2011, 21:25:52 PM
ask if you can kiss her goodbye.
Oh my christ, do NOT ask her that.

why not ?  I've done that LOADS of times.... granted it's normally at the end of the first date not the third...
(and the answer has always been yes)

the trick is to ask just before you're about to do it.... that way it's pretty natural...

you really have to go with what fits for you and your personality.... some advice you read will rung true and sound decent, other stuff not so much... just pick and chose what you think suits you and forget the rest...

I guess you're right, I'm drawing from the experience of a chap I used to know got lucky and was set up with my missus' mate who is smoking hot. We went on a double date and he blew his chances by asking to hold her hand, that was it, creeped her out, game over   :lol:

Re: Remember that thread that zpyder posted in..
Reply #26 on: May 02, 2011, 21:41:58 PM
Oh my christ, do NOT ask her that.

Why not? Trust me, if she's not done this sort of thing before she will be freaking out, I did.
Before Nige I'd only had one boyfriend, and it lasted a really short time, so when the time came with Nige I couldn't do it. Eventually I mustered up the courage, but that was after I knew he liked me. I didn't see it coming and it really caught me off guard, so I'm guessing it's one of those experience things (Though tbf we hadn't been on any dates at that point).
I honestly think it's the best thing just to ask - kissing's a lot more personal than hugging or holding hands, you hug friends and family (well more if you're female) so it's pretty much the same.

But to Mr Binary, I hope everything works out well!

Re: Remember that thread that zpyder posted in..
Reply #27 on: May 02, 2011, 21:49:55 PM

Why not? Trust me, if she's not done this sort of thing before she will be freaking out, I did.

just because the girl has never had a BF, doesnt mean she has never kissed a guy.

Re: Remember that thread that zpyder posted in..
Reply #28 on: May 02, 2011, 22:14:22 PM
Thanks for all the responses, a lot to think about. I think im going to have to ask as suggested.

She keeps confirming if I want to meet up again (neither of us have called these dates) so I guess shes keen to see me again anyway.

Haven't made any physical contact with her at all yet.. what can I say, I'm worried about scaring her off lol

Re: Remember that thread that zpyder posted in..
Reply #29 on: May 02, 2011, 23:06:59 PM
I guess you're right, I'm drawing from the experience of a chap I used to know got lucky and was set up with my missus' mate who is smoking hot. We went on a double date and he blew his chances by asking to hold her hand, that was it, creeped her out, game over   :lol:

asking to hold hands in creepy !

Thanks for all the responses, a lot to think about. I think im going to have to ask as suggested.

She keeps confirming if I want to meet up again (neither of us have called these dates) so I guess shes keen to see me again anyway.

Haven't made any physical contact with her at all yet.. what can I say, I'm worried about scaring her off lol
well.... start calling them dates for a start ;)

do you text much ?  - texting can make it easier if you're a bit nervous... plus you/she has 5 min to think of how to reply, so you don't take her by surprise... and you can be flirty without coming on too strong... and a bit of harmless innuendo won;t scare her off  ;)

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