Author Topic: Remember that thread that zpyder posted in..  (Read 5960 times)

Remember that thread that zpyder posted in..
on: April 30, 2011, 20:53:42 PM
.. you know this one

Seems hes doing ok from it.. maybe I should get some tekforums help lol

Met a girl and I have no idea if shes into me or not  :dunno:

And of course.. its complicated...

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Re: Remember that thread that zpyder posted in..
Reply #1 on: April 30, 2011, 20:55:23 PM
Hi, do you fancy me?

Straight to the point, she will either say yes or no.
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Re: Remember that thread that zpyder posted in..
Reply #2 on: April 30, 2011, 21:19:35 PM
put your cock in her hand & cry

Re: Remember that thread that zpyder posted in..
Reply #3 on: April 30, 2011, 22:38:44 PM
lol @ above.....

but we need more details than that to help you....

how do you know her ? where have you been together, why do you think she might like you ? any other info etc...

imo 99% of the time you need to move quick, before she thinks you're not interested ;)
(if she's dropping hints, and you're ignoring/missing them she'll feel rejected and find someone else)

Re: Remember that thread that zpyder posted in..
Reply #4 on: April 30, 2011, 22:56:30 PM
ah well I wasnt expecting any serious answers..

Been chatting on the web for a few weeks (yes met on a dating site lol)

Met up on monday for a couple of hours, and again today for a couple of hours. Nothing special, just walking down the seafront and chatting, stopping for a drink or sommit to eat. She seems keen to get together again and well so am I obviously.

Re: Remember that thread that zpyder posted in..
Reply #5 on: April 30, 2011, 23:22:36 PM
well.... what's your question ?

Re: Remember that thread that zpyder posted in..
Reply #6 on: April 30, 2011, 23:26:12 PM
any way to know if its just friendly or if shes interested in sommit more?

I guess asking is the only way to know really as said.

Re: Remember that thread that zpyder posted in..
Reply #7 on: April 30, 2011, 23:29:41 PM
it depends on the girl....

most of the time asking is the only way to go.... sometimes you're better off going for a few drinks and just seeing how it goes...

if you're both a bit nervous a few drinks will make things go easier :-)

(a few drinks to help you both relax.... but don;t get pissed or you'll mess it up!)

Re: Remember that thread that zpyder posted in..
Reply #8 on: April 30, 2011, 23:31:13 PM
a few drinks is out of the question really as theres an hours drive between us

Re: Remember that thread that zpyder posted in..
Reply #9 on: April 30, 2011, 23:45:55 PM
doh!   that makes it a bit tricky !

guess you'll just have to keep going the way you're going and see how it goes ?

have you kissed her yet ?

if not, a kiss goodbye is a must next time !

how much do you know about her ?  has she had many b/f in the past ?
(i mean that in a nice way)

Re: Remember that thread that zpyder posted in..
Reply #10 on: April 30, 2011, 23:51:21 PM
Indeed it does.

I could do that, paranoia will set in though about falling into the friend zone :S

I havent yet no.

Due to a number of events, girls schools and stuff she hasnt had any.

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Re: Remember that thread that zpyder posted in..
Reply #11 on: April 30, 2011, 23:55:46 PM
ah well I wasnt expecting any serious answers..

Been chatting on the web for a few weeks (yes met on a dating site lol)

Met up on monday for a couple of hours, and again today for a couple of hours. Nothing special, just walking down the seafront and chatting, stopping for a drink or sommit to eat. She seems keen to get together again and well so am I obviously.

You met her on a dating site and your asking this question?  :w00t: If she is not interested she will blow you off before the 2nd meeting! I reckon :P
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Re: Remember that thread that zpyder posted in..
Reply #12 on: April 30, 2011, 23:56:40 PM
I think the fact that she's made the effort to see you, twice, and that she's still seen keen to talk to you, means she probably likes you. Really the best thing to do is ask her how she feels about you. You're not going to find out unless you ask.

But then maybe she's going to be the type of person who likes to make their feelings known by practically dry humping you.

Re: Remember that thread that zpyder posted in..
Reply #13 on: May 01, 2011, 00:07:26 AM
all sounds good to me.... if she hasn't had a b/f that's a good plus point... means she's not going to think you're not interested because you're taking it slow

but make sure you kiss her goodbye at the end of the next date as a minimum.... if you're not sure if she's interested, ask her just before you do it "can I kiss you goodnight" is all it takes :-)

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Re: Remember that thread that zpyder posted in..
Reply #14 on: May 01, 2011, 02:26:16 AM
Rule one about women - NEVER try and guess what they are thinking. They are so complicated they do not even know what they are thinking.

Want to know something about a girl? Simply ask her. Since I have learnt some lessons I get on Great with girls and have a gorgeous girlfriend and we never argue because I ask. Think she wants something - I ask, something seems wrong - I ask....

Just ask her, talk to her.

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