Author Topic: bendy chips  (Read 861 times)

  • Offline neXus

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bendy chips
on: March 28, 2008, 11:01:24 AM
Silicon chips for a while now have just got better and better and their structures and concepts are something amazing now and I have said before I am still amazed at the recent cpu turn around with better perfomance but lower voltage and so less heat.
We have seen bendy pcbs with no real practical use due to the nature of the chips but these are amazing, flexible chips. With this and some other developments I have read about recently Not only are body implants as mentioned here a reality in a few years but You can see mobile devices from factors to really be something else.
Take the flexible screens and these all you really need is to crack power and its practical application (I have read recently about drawing power just from a special liquid as a capacitor but free thus flexible also) and you could have some nifty devices in the not to distant future.
Will we see electronic (harry potter / minority report) newspapers? you plug in to get the latest news?

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Re:bendy chips
Reply #1 on: March 28, 2008, 16:13:48 PM
A lot of this stuff has been in development for some time, the newspaper is something I included in my first book.

It wont be a newspaper as now though, only a single sheet of flexible plastic, possibly with a solar panel built in.

Why only one sheet? because you turn the page by pressing some button or action and the next one appears over the one you are reading. Having more than one physical page would be wasteful. Then again it would be linked to the internet, so it could be updated instantly the agency gets some news in. This newspaper is always up to the minute with the latest news. Oh, and you will only ever need one copy.

Of course, it isnt just a newspaper, you can read anything available, its a book reader and an internet access unit too. Films if you want and virtually anything else that someone can think of and put up.

Oh, it will replace your phone, music player, laptop, radio, television, dictation taking device and practically every other gadget you might consider carrying around.

  • Offline zpyder

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Re:bendy chips
Reply #2 on: March 28, 2008, 16:40:25 PM
Oh, it will replace your phone, music player, laptop, radio, television, dictation taking device and practically every other gadget you might consider carrying around.

Sounds a bit like any number of pdas and the iphone etc.

Not sure Id want to be talking to a piece of paper?

Itd be ace though. Image a world/society where everyone has some kind of indestructable wi-fi sheet with all the attachments. Durable enough to be foldable etc, and foldable so it stays phone/pda shaped in the pocket. So thats cool.

But then you get to work, and unfold it, and put it in its cradle. Wham, its your desktop monitor, with a laser keyboard. Wi-fi means all your files are accessible from the server back home.

Whilst on the train home you get it out and have a read of the paper, or watch a film, before docking it at home to charge and watch TV on it...

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Re:bendy chips
Reply #3 on: March 28, 2008, 16:51:44 PM
You wouldnt need to dock it, the thing runs off solar power and has wi-fi, remember? Even ambient light in your home is enough for a calculator.

  • Offline zpyder

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Re:bendy chips
Reply #4 on: March 28, 2008, 18:39:07 PM
Would ambient light be enough to power a wi-fi enabled desktop pc though?

  • Offline Mark

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Re:bendy chips
Reply #5 on: March 28, 2008, 19:46:59 PM
any such device would quickly become an ad filled mess

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Re:bendy chips
Reply #6 on: March 28, 2008, 20:21:12 PM
Quote from: zpyder
Would ambient light be enough to power a wi-fi enabled desktop pc though?

Eventually it would, except, does it have to? it might be a thin client running off internet services.

As for adverts, it depends on which services you use, many will be filled with adverts, but if you are buying a car then you would want to look at some. A good number would be paid for by subscription or free.

  • Offline neXus

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Re:bendy chips
Reply #7 on: March 28, 2008, 22:27:10 PM
Solar charging is improving all the time, you can get those simple pull strip things to charge your phone battery up and they do enough for an hour or so

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