Author Topic: Petri dish Burger  (Read 13574 times)

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Re: Petri dish Burger
Reply #15 on: August 07, 2013, 17:52:11 PM
The big benefit of doing nothing is that it will sort itself out, either by starvation and famine (as is currently going on in the third world) or by disease (as is predicted by Hollywood). We as humans don't have to make the tough decisions if we let nature sort it out.

I for one would rather have the tough decisions made and prevent uneccessary suffering. To favour famine and disease over not introducing new unsustainable lives into the world is a bit WTF to me, it's a kind of "I'm all right, Jack" mentality :-\

Re: Petri dish Burger
Reply #16 on: August 07, 2013, 17:57:06 PM
The big benefit of doing nothing is that it will sort itself out, either by starvation and famine (as is currently going on in the third world) or by disease (as is predicted by Hollywood). We as humans don't have to make the tough decisions if we let nature sort it out.

I for one would rather have the tough decisions made and prevent uneccessary suffering. To favour famine and disease over not introducing new unsustainable lives into the world is a bit WTF to me, it's a kind of "I'm all right, Jack" mentality :-\

You'd rather abort your children, deny your elderly relatives healthcare and live in a 1 room flat.

Despite the fact you can afford better treatment, than let nature sort it out.

To do the above is a bit wtf to me. I work hard to earn money and pay for food, space, shelter. I could easily raise a two child family but I cant because some "god" has decreed that to do so would be a crime against humanity.

Because communism works so well.

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Re: Petri dish Burger
Reply #17 on: August 07, 2013, 19:50:02 PM
You're completely missing the point, someone like yourself who is successful, has a stable home life, contributes to society etc would probably be decreed an ideal person (unless they read your views on Tekforums. ;)) It's polar to communism.

There's enough education around about it that there shouldn't be such a high volume of accidental pregnancies. These things do happen, yes, but some jobless council estate mum churning out four or five sprogs is obviously not a shining beacon of hope for humanity. Unplug her ovaries and have done.

Re: Petri dish Burger
Reply #18 on: August 07, 2013, 20:07:20 PM
Anyone care to run a sweep on how many posts this thread gets to before someone triggers Godwins Law?

My bet is not going to be a large number.

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Re: Petri dish Burger
Reply #19 on: August 07, 2013, 21:08:05 PM
There is a high probability given the state of it.

The other option here is always soylent green! ;D

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Re: Petri dish Burger
Reply #20 on: August 07, 2013, 21:57:42 PM
Everybody is forgetting bugs when discussing food. Trillions of the bloody things around and much more efficient to grow as opposed to the traditional stuff, the macronutrient breakdown also means they are extremely healthy too.

I'd happily eat bugs that were raised in farms.

Necessity is the mother of invention, as they say. When the crunch really begins to bite with regards to things like energy then we'll see the novel ideas roll off the production lines with startling efficiency.

Human kind, in its current state, is unsustainable going into the future because of the population size and resource management. Just like hunter gatherer tribes probably couldn't sustain big populations, hence the tendency to animal husbandry and agriculture. Being the most adaptable species is what has made humanity successful, so with that in mind I'm confident a solution to our current predicaments will come.

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Re: Petri dish Burger
Reply #21 on: August 08, 2013, 20:47:54 PM
To do the above is a bit wtf to me. I work hard to earn money and pay for food, space, shelter. I could easily raise a two child family but I cant because some "god" has decreed that to do so would be a crime against humanity.

Thing is though, how far will your (Not you personally, but anyone currently "comfy" in their earnings) well paid job get you when it really comes to the crunch. Will it keep up with the rising costs of everything, or are you hoping that nature sorts the problem before you are caught out by the rising costs. Assuming things do go the way of nature sorting things out through famine and disease, the people most secure in their future probably won't be the people currently in well paid jobs, but rather, the producers of said resources.

I think the bible has it right regarding the four horsemen, said "natural" solution will probably be war, famine and pestilence, not sure about what "death" would be. To me if it comes to the crunch, billions suffering and dying through war, disease and famine, is far worse than just saying "every one person can have 1 child" (Eg a couple = 2 children) to limit population to current levels, especially if said method could avoid those billions dying. This is all hypothetical of course as you'd never get a true global consensus on the topic.

Re: Petri dish Burger
Reply #22 on: August 09, 2013, 01:36:16 AM
It won't happen overnight. It would be a gradual encroachment on livelihoods.

I'd have to sacrifice holidays, eating takeaways, air conditioning, gym membership etc... But I'd still support a family, long enough for them to support themselves.

Rather than a sudden "Shut Down Everything" add in the need and advancement of science it is likely that we are indeed able to sustain an ever growing population.

The solution you pose is also trimming from the wrong end. We should stop free healthcare for retired people, remove state pensions and get rid of heating allowances, etc... Our population is top heavy, not bottom heavy and pensioners aren't doing anything useful, they are simply taking up space and resources. Lower the average life expectancy, solve the population issues in one easy go.


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Re: Petri dish Burger
Reply #23 on: August 09, 2013, 10:31:43 AM
So a gradual "carousel" from Logans run then? Instead of instant annihilation to people over a certain age, it's a gradual decline:D

I do find the amount of futuristic sci-fi film analogies in this thread quite entertaining :)

Re: Petri dish Burger
Reply #24 on: August 09, 2013, 12:19:29 PM
ok... so there's ~7 billion of people on earth right now .... what happens when there's 14 billion ? or 21 billion ? or 100billion ?

there's a point where everyone on the planet would be so much better off if there was a child limit, that it would be stupid not to introduce one

thinking we're ok because we're in the west, and it's the 3rd world which will suffer, or I'll be ok as long as I work hard is too short sighted

in 100 years time, there will be no 3rd world, look at the way technology is advancing, and look how quickly (most of) the 3rd world is developing... 50 years ago China was a dump, it was normal for people to starve to death, it was a county of small villages and farmers, the rest of the world didn't gave China a second though.... but now they're an economic giant and a world player... (ok not perfect yet, but they're improving fast)

when we run out of oil, presuming we have decent electric generation and transport by then... the big problem will be all the other things that come from oil, all the other chemicals, to make plastic etc....  ok we have other options... and will have more options by then.... but we'd still need the ingredients to make them etc...

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Re: Petri dish Burger
Reply #25 on: August 09, 2013, 15:39:16 PM

I imagine we will see more of this as time goes on.

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Re: Petri dish Burger
Reply #26 on: August 09, 2013, 16:42:58 PM
It won't happen overnight. It would be a gradual encroachment on livelihoods.

I'd have to sacrifice holidays, eating takeaways, air conditioning, gym membership etc... But I'd still support a family, long enough for them to support themselves.

Rather than a sudden "Shut Down Everything" add in the need and advancement of science it is likely that we are indeed able to sustain an ever growing population.

The solution you pose is also trimming from the wrong end. We should stop free healthcare for retired people, remove state pensions and get rid of heating allowances, etc... Our population is top heavy, not bottom heavy and pensioners aren't doing anything useful, they are simply taking up space and resources. Lower the average life expectancy, solve the population issues in one easy go.


you could argue that as well, however there are plenty of active, healthy and contributing people over 60. Not everyone turns senile, immobile or gives up on living. If you want to be controversial suggest that we test these people too instead of blanket removal of social support. :)

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Re: Petri dish Burger
Reply #27 on: August 09, 2013, 16:45:25 PM

I imagine we will see more of this as time goes on.

I'd fully support schemes like that too. prevention is always better than cure.

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Re: Petri dish Burger
Reply #28 on: August 09, 2013, 17:33:44 PM
One statistic I find very funky is that for those people in their 50s, in their lifetime they have experienced a doubling of the world population. That's quite staggering.

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Re: Petri dish Burger
Reply #29 on: August 09, 2013, 18:39:00 PM
It won't happen overnight. It would be a gradual encroachment on livelihoods.

I'd have to sacrifice holidays, eating takeaways, air conditioning, gym membership etc... But I'd still support a family, long enough for them to support themselves.

Rather than a sudden "Shut Down Everything" add in the need and advancement of science it is likely that we are indeed able to sustain an ever growing population.

The solution you pose is also trimming from the wrong end. We should stop free healthcare for retired people, remove state pensions and get rid of heating allowances, etc... Our population is top heavy, not bottom heavy and pensioners aren't doing anything useful, they are simply taking up space and resources. Lower the average life expectancy, solve the population issues in one easy go.


you could argue that as well, however there are plenty of active, healthy and contributing people over 60. Not everyone turns senile, immobile or gives up on living. If you want to be controversial suggest that we test these people too instead of blanket removal of social support. :)

If people work and contribute to society then healthcare remains free. If people want to pay for their healthcare, so be it.

That is the test. Those who prepared for their future succeed, those who don't, aren't supported by the state any longer and essentially die younger.

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