Author Topic: Personal mileage  (Read 2099 times)

  • Offline spud

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Personal mileage
on: May 03, 2011, 22:10:23 PM
Just before Xmas we all got trackers on our vans so our boss could charge us for personal mileage. None of us do any mileage outside of work because we all got nice cars and the boss was miffed at that.

So Mr. Big Cheese comes down to our little office for a chat this afternoon. We all have vans because we're out on site a lot and visit a whole bunch of customers all over the country. Some days we stop at the office first, some days we're straight out to customer sites. At the moment we just fill the van up, pay it on the company card and bob's your uncle.

So anyways, Mr Big Cheese comes down and starts moaning to our newbies that paying them 40p a mile to use their own cars is getting expensive, (even though the company makes f**k loads of money) but the newbies can't help that because they're too young to go on van insurance.

Then he turns to me and the other older guys and says we need to start paying 13p per mile for travel to and from the office and if we're out on site at home time we need to pay 13p from that site back to home.

That may or may not be kosher but the big wtf is that when we did the maths afterwards that 13p a mile pretty much exactly cancels out the payrises we all had a few months back. wtf

Last Edit: May 03, 2011, 22:14:38 PM by spud #187;

Re: Personal mileage
Reply #1 on: May 03, 2011, 22:17:15 PM
In that case make sure you drop tools and make sure you get home before home time and don't visit the office, or leave the van at the office ;-) sounds like a pretty sh*t deal tbh

  • Offline spud

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Re: Personal mileage
Reply #2 on: May 03, 2011, 23:13:52 PM
tbh I'm thinking hand my notice in tomorrow. I got nuff beans in the bank and I'm due to move 150 miles down south in the next month or so anyway..

  • Offline Dave

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Re: Personal mileage
Reply #3 on: May 04, 2011, 00:38:54 AM
tbh... if you were due to quit anyway and if you're sure it won't affect you then I guess you might as well leave and make sure he's aware of your grievances. Might well cost him a few grand to replace you which will probably wipe out any savings he's made from this charging you for miles thingie.

Re: Personal mileage
Reply #4 on: May 04, 2011, 00:48:00 AM
if you're going to leave anyway....

why not leave the van at work from now on and drive in in your car ? and take it back each night ?

I can't remember the exact wording, but if they need you to take the van home on a night, then they're not allowed to charge you for it....

I'm totally against the "screw the boss" attitude most people have.... but fair is fair... if he's going to screw you over there#s no reason for you to go out of your way for him....

  • Offline Bacon

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Re: Personal mileage
Reply #5 on: May 04, 2011, 01:04:53 AM
As Knighty said, leave the van at work, use your own car to goto work and back, sounds like he is just trying it on, from now on don't do them any favours, treat them the same.
Insert signature here.

Re: Personal mileage
Reply #6 on: May 04, 2011, 09:18:32 AM
Just before Xmas we all got trackers on our vans so our boss could charge us for personal mileage. None of us do any mileage outside of work because we all got nice cars and the boss was miffed at that.

So Mr. Big Cheese comes down to our little office for a chat this afternoon. We all have vans because we're out on site a lot and visit a whole bunch of customers all over the country. Some days we stop at the office first, some days we're straight out to customer sites. At the moment we just fill the van up, pay it on the company card and bob's your uncle.

So anyways, Mr Big Cheese comes down and starts moaning to our newbies that paying them 40p a mile to use their own cars is getting expensive, (even though the company makes f**k loads of money) but the newbies can't help that because they're too young to go on van insurance.

Then he turns to me and the other older guys and says we need to start paying 13p per mile for travel to and from the office and if we're out on site at home time we need to pay 13p from that site back to home.

That may or may not be kosher but the big wtf is that when we did the maths afterwards that 13p a mile pretty much exactly cancels out the payrises we all had a few months back. wtf

He cant do that, even if your leaving, do something about it & dont let this prick walk over everyone else.
For starters.. He cant charge 'personal mileage' for after work unless he has declared (& you agree) to having the van available for personal use. This obviously means its a perk & means
you will get taxed (approx £600 on a van a year (£3000 / tax bracket) + approx £50 a month for private fuel - which he doesnt offer by the sounds of it).

Company vans & personal mileage - ie travel to & from the office can be classed as personal mileage or it can be classed as non personal mileage - If you drove to work & dropped your kids off on the way, then thats not personal mileage as long as its on the route.. but going the opposite direction & to drop them off & then going to work, would be personal use. Your allowed to use your van for personal use on your lunch hour within reason. The wording they use is insignificant use.

What does your contract say for location? If it says your place of work is the registered office, then it can be classed as personal mileage. So its possible he can charge for that. If nothing is mentioned or its different sites, etc. then he cant charge anything. The place of work is an interesting statement in a contract. If it says your home based & your start time is 9am, then legally you start work at 9am - so you leave the house at 9am. Lots of it is contractual law & a big grey area as somethings can cancel each other out.

Its all about proving what is personal mileage & what is business mileage. Speak to ACAS (they will even get a mediator involved if its affecting a few people) and read your contract.
If the boss is doing anything illegal, then you have a right to whistleblow on him.
Last Edit: May 04, 2011, 09:25:04 AM by Eggtastico #187;

Re: Personal mileage
Reply #7 on: May 04, 2011, 09:28:55 AM
read that

When is there a tax charge on acompany van?
Employees pay tax on a company van if they or a member oftheir family or household make private use of it.

If the employee has the van mainly for work journeys (for example,delivering goods or making calls to customers),
and the only private use is commuting, there is no tax to pay.

If there is other private use, tax is payable unless this privateuse is insignificant (see ‘What is insignificant private use?’).The tax is normally
collected through the employee’sPay As You Earn (PAYE) tax code.
Last Edit: May 04, 2011, 09:31:00 AM by Eggtastico #187;

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