Author Topic: Why you should never use Cex for anything expensive  (Read 3602 times)

  • Offline Quixoticish

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Why you should never use Cex for anything expensive
on: March 15, 2010, 12:45:01 PM
Sent back an Asus EEE recently because the left mouse button broke. Easy enough to fix myself but the thing was still under their 12 month warranty so I thought Id take advantage of it.

Received an e-mail a week later saying that they had issued a Cex exchange voucher for me. No worries thinks I, and proceeds to order another EEE from them.

Well this one arrived in what you might call a bad way, even for a second hand laptop.

It was also advertised as Win 7 when it obviously came with XP, and most amazingly of all was still turned on when it came out of the box.

Now admittedly Ive had two laptops/netbooks from Cex in the past and both arrived very quickly, were clean, tidy, and didnt stink of fag ash like this one does. Id say they havent even had it out of the box but someone has obviously re-formatted it and suchlike so theres no excuse really.

Will have to see what they decide to do when they respond to my complaint messages. Ive put the pictures up on their Facebook account as well, I imagine they wont be too pleased about that.

  • Offline zpyder

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Re:Why you should never use Cex for anything expensive
Reply #1 on: March 15, 2010, 14:37:30 PM
#9 is the most impressive. Makes you wonder how it got so bad!

    • - It's new and improved!
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Re:Why you should never use Cex for anything expensive
Reply #2 on: March 15, 2010, 14:55:12 PM
What aactually is that stuff, cigarette ash? I cant make it out. It makes you wonder how much abuse their refurbs get before they are cleaned up :disappointed:

  • Offline Beaker

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Re:Why you should never use Cex for anything expensive
Reply #3 on: March 15, 2010, 15:01:59 PM
A mate works for them, and hes worked for Cash Connivers and various other companies over the years who work in a similar way.  TBH Ill show him those pics if thats ok, and see what he says!  That cant be acceptable at all!

  • Offline Quixoticish

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Re:Why you should never use Cex for anything expensive
Reply #4 on: March 15, 2010, 17:03:45 PM
Quote from: Beaker
A mate works for them, and hes worked for Cash Connivers and various other companies over the years who work in a similar way.  TBH Ill show him those pics if thats ok, and see what he says!  That cant be acceptable at all!

Please do, Id be interested to hear from an "insider".

Like I said it stinks of fag ash, and the bits and pieces look like wood shavings and ash.

Id say it was never inspected at all but its obviously been booted up, formatted and sorted out by cex as the username is "Cex".

Cheeky f**kers want me to return it as well and are trying to give me a voucher. Uhm, no, Ill have a full cash refund please, and youre sending a courier out.

The crying shame is with a bit of a wipe, some compressed air and some alcohol wipes it would be almost as good as new bar the scuff on the corner of the case and the small scratch on the lid. But Im just not happy with it on principle, if I dont kick up a fuss then the cheeky little swine who was supposed to inspect it is going to get away scott free.

Re:Why you should never use Cex for anything expensive
Reply #5 on: March 15, 2010, 17:31:30 PM
If the goods you bought from a trader are second-hand or seconds, you still have all the same rights as if the goods were new.
However, if something goes wrong, you will need to take into consideration the price you paid for them when deciding whether
you expect the trader to put things right. You should also not expect the goods to be of perfect quality, and have lower expectations
of their performance.

  • Offline zpyder

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Re:Why you should never use Cex for anything expensive
Reply #6 on: March 15, 2010, 19:57:54 PM
Aye but those pics are beyond a joke tbh! Im pretty easy going when it comes to stuff like this, but tbh I probably wouldnt settle just for a cash refund, regardless of the service CEX offered, Id be contacting trading standards or something. At the very least plastering this on as many relevant forums and sites as possible. Even better if I could write an entertaining story to go with it so itd spread...

  • Offline Quixoticish

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Re:Why you should never use Cex for anything expensive
Reply #7 on: March 15, 2010, 21:17:58 PM
Quote from: zpyder
Aye but those pics are beyond a joke tbh! Im pretty easy going when it comes to stuff like this, but tbh I probably wouldnt settle just for a cash refund, regardless of the service CEX offered, Id be contacting trading standards or something. At the very least plastering this on as many relevant forums and sites as possible. Even better if I could write an entertaining story to go with it so itd spread...

The only reason I actually got through to their customer service so quick is that I stuck the pictures up with my sob story on their Facebook group and Facebook fan page for all to see.

  • Offline Quixoticish

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Re:Why you should never use Cex for anything expensive
Reply #8 on: March 15, 2010, 21:19:21 PM
Quote from: Eggtastico
If the goods you bought from a trader are second-hand or seconds, you still have all the same rights as if the goods were new.
However, if something goes wrong, you will need to take into consideration the price you paid for them when deciding whether
you expect the trader to put things right. You should also not expect the goods to be of perfect quality, and have lower expectations
of their performance.

Im confused as to what youre saying here. That Im entitled to kick up a fuss even though they are second hand goods, or that they are second hand goods, what exactly was I expecting?

I presume its not the latter since only a halfwit would consider the state it arrived in to be even remotely acceptable.

Re:Why you should never use Cex for anything expensive
Reply #9 on: March 15, 2010, 21:44:22 PM
Quote from: Chris H
Quote from: Eggtastico
If the goods you bought from a trader are second-hand or seconds, you still have all the same rights as if the goods were new.
However, if something goes wrong, you will need to take into consideration the price you paid for them when deciding whether
you expect the trader to put things right. You should also not expect the goods to be of perfect quality, and have lower expectations
of their performance.

Im confused as to what youre saying here. That Im entitled to kick up a fuss even though they are second hand goods, or that they are second hand goods, what exactly was I expecting?

I presume its not the latter since only a halfwit would consider the state it arrived in to be even remotely acceptable.

as cex are a business, then you are still covered under the sale of goods act to kick up a fuss

  • Offline Mark

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Re:Why you should never use Cex for anything expensive
Reply #10 on: March 15, 2010, 23:11:28 PM
compared to my garage laptop, that looks perfect lol

Re:Why you should never use Cex for anything expensive
Reply #11 on: March 16, 2010, 07:42:21 AM
Thats disgusting.  All it needs is a token piab sticking out the keyboard.

Why you should never use Cex for anything expensive
Reply #12 on: March 19, 2010, 20:25:16 PM
I bought a camera lens from CEX just a couple of weeks ago and its in mint condition, difference being though I paid for it in the shop so I got to inspect it before actually paying for it.

Dunno if theres a CEX near you but they will ship any stock between stores apparently so, ok wont help in this case, but next time get it shipped to the store and then inspect it before hand.

  • Offline Quixoticish

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Why you should never use Cex for anything expensive
Reply #13 on: March 20, 2010, 21:10:39 PM
Quote from: Russell
I bought a camera lens from CEX just a couple of weeks ago and its in mint condition, difference being though I paid for it in the shop so I got to inspect it before actually paying for it.

Dunno if theres a CEX near you but they will ship any stock between stores apparently so, ok wont help in this case, but next time get it shipped to the store and then inspect it before hand.

There wont be a next time to be honest.

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