Author Topic: Greece knackered  (Read 1980 times)

  • Offline Pete

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Greece knackered
on: June 20, 2011, 20:08:55 PM
Greece has just been given an ultimatum - make more budget cuts or they don't get the next chunk of bailout money. I'm guessing this is the big guns' way of forcing them to sort their sh*t out sooner rather than later, but the way things stand Greece are going to default on their debts if they don't get that handout by July. Some news sites say the deadline is the 3rd July, others say it's the end of July, but actually they have various different commitments - it's not 'consolidated' so it could be anytime July-onwards they lose their paddle on sh*t creek.

Long story short, it's looking like a sinking ship -

Jack Straw, amongst others, is saying RIP Euro,

Greece is going to sell everything they own to try to raise $70billion,

The people are rioting,

Bloomberg is saying
Greece needs to cover about 4 billion euros of bills maturing between July 15 and July 22, and faces about 3 billion euros of coupon payments in the month, according to Bloomberg calculations. A bigger test comes on Aug. 20, when Greece must redeem 6.6 billion euros of maturing bonds.

Some 20 billion euros of deficit cuts deepened Greeceā€™s recession last year, leading to a 4.5 percent economic contraction. The deficit fell to 10.5 percent of gross domestic product, missing a 7.5 percent target. The EU predicts a 9.5 percent deficit in 2011.

I know sh*ts bad right now with all that starving bullsh*t and the dust storms and we are running out of french fries and burrito coverings.

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  • Offline Clock'd 0Ne

  • Clockedtastic
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Re: Greece knackered
Reply #1 on: June 20, 2011, 20:41:26 PM
B.J has it spot on actually:

The euro has exacerbated the financial crisis by encouraging some countries to behave as recklessly as the banks themselves.

"We are supposedly engaging in this bail-out system to protect the banks, including our own. But as long as there is the fear of default, as long as the uncertainty continues, confidence will not return across Europe.

Look at how much pisstaking the Spanish have done with Euro money, investing heavily in developing their own country and developing their infrastructure but contributing f-all.

  • Offline Dave

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Re: Greece knackered
Reply #2 on: June 27, 2011, 00:57:06 AM
Perhpas there is some merit in the idea that they should make a separate 'southern' Euro for the (amusingly named) 'GIPSI' countries - Greece, Ireland*, Portugal, Spain and Italy.

The Greek bailout is just sticking a plaster on a gushing arterial wound - they'll probably default at some point in the next few years anyway. Its essentially just bailing out French and German banks who are most exposed to greek debt, it isn't doing that much for Greece itself - the Greek people realise this and are rather pissed. It was hard enough for the govt to get these austerity measures through its going to be harder in future - politically I doubt they can keep making the cuts required. Should just face up to reality and get on with it now, default, leave the euro, get back their own currency, let it devalue then allow their economy to grow.

*(Yes Ireland isn't in southern Europe)

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