Author Topic: New EU Treaty  (Read 5493 times)

  • Offline Sam

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New EU Treaty
on: December 13, 2007, 13:43:54 PM
Im disappointed this morning after I woke up and read about the new EU treaty. We live in an exciting time of a new era for Europe and all the possibilities from integration with other european states. Instead the British suffer from a delusion that the rest of Europe is inferior, we are too good to be involved, and we should withdraw. These are the comments from people on the BBC blog.

This kind of small minded arrogant attitude makes me ashamed to stand next to another European and say I am British.

Re:New EU Treaty
Reply #1 on: December 13, 2007, 13:45:45 PM
We are a developed & prosporus country.

We are going to be dragged back to the dark ages because of this.

Give it 10 years & nearly every European State will be in it because of the financial gains theyll make.

Turkey, Bulgaria, Albania, Slovenia, Bealrus, Macedonia, Bosnia, Azerbaijan, turkmeistean, etc. Will be much better off than we will be

  • Offline Sam

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New EU Treaty
Reply #2 on: December 13, 2007, 13:48:52 PM
We are a prosperous country because we trade with the rest of the world. We have nothing to lose and everything to gain from a strong United States of Europe rivaling China, India and the USA. Our economy has boomed since we joined the EU.

  • Offline Sam

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New EU Treaty
Reply #3 on: December 13, 2007, 13:52:03 PM
Dont edit your posts after you make them or it doesnt make sense.

How will those countries be better off than us? Your lack of knowledge of most subjects is legendary in these forums, but please, explain yourself.

  • Offline red

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New EU Treaty
Reply #4 on: December 13, 2007, 13:57:57 PM
I havent heard a jot about this.

seems like a backwards step.

  • Offline Sam

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New EU Treaty
Reply #5 on: December 13, 2007, 13:58:54 PM
Lol thats a funny post.

Let me paraphase you here Red.

"I know nothing about this".
"I think its a bad idea".

I know nothing about space travel. I therefore have decided that the current space shuttle design is flawed.

  • Offline red

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New EU Treaty
Reply #6 on: December 13, 2007, 14:01:48 PM
Awesome. that should be in the new bible.

Also how can you draw that conclusion?

  • Offline Sam

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New EU Treaty
Reply #7 on: December 13, 2007, 14:03:38 PM
You said you didnt know a lot about it but somehow still decided it was a bad idea.

Its people like Egg who I would like to change their viewpoint and support a closer EU.

  • Offline red

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New EU Treaty
Reply #8 on: December 13, 2007, 14:23:23 PM
No i said it would be a bad idea not to do it. I didnt fully explain my meaning.

  • Offline Sam

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New EU Treaty
Reply #9 on: December 13, 2007, 14:31:57 PM
What you posted is the complete opposite of what you meant then. But never mind, I was surprised that someone who was living in France would be anti eu.

  • Offline red

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New EU Treaty
Reply #10 on: December 13, 2007, 14:37:08 PM
Heh, having to do all the customs fellatio everytime i return is growing tiresome. the sooner we can impose proper borders the better, with better eu cooperation we can do this, and not before.

  • Offline Kunal

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Re:New EU Treaty
Reply #11 on: December 13, 2007, 14:49:53 PM
Im all for it.

Look at the US - a union of states with each retaining their identity and right to determine law.

I think its a great model. You wont see Alabama going to war with New York, just like we wont see Germany invade France again.

New EU Treaty
Reply #12 on: December 13, 2007, 14:55:36 PM
Quote from: Sam
Dont edit your posts after you make them or it doesnt make sense.

How will those countries be better off than us? Your lack of knowledge of most subjects is legendary in these forums, but please, explain yourself.

How will they be better off? Easy, they will be getting a lot more than they put in.

The migration from eastern europe is already crippling a lot of genuine people in the UK. At the moment, the poles, etc. work harder for less money. - OK Fair play to them. I got nothing against hard work... BUT somthing has gone wrong somwhere to allow that to happen.

I can go deep into, but whats the point? Youll just say im looking at the extremes or deny its as severe as it is.. but I know whats its like, I have worked in every major goverment/civil service thing from The prison service, to the police force, to job centres, to Immigration & whitehall.

We got families struggling to make ends meet. Their jobs go to eastern europeans who send the wealth out. We have eastern europeans claiming family tax credits & child allowance - sending the wealth out the country.

People on the dole cant get work, because people from abroad will work for less money, etc. - What people dont grasp is for a family of 4 to survive/live in the UK costs X amount. You got Foreign workers doing the same job for the same money - or usually under cutting who only have 1 person to survive/live in this country & the rest of the family live back home where its a lot lot cheaper.

Just wait until Turkey get full EU membership. The Polish arent even the tip of the Iceberg.

IF USA/Canda/Australia opened their borders tomorrow.. with the "promise" of housing, State benefits, help to find work, etc.
 how many british would jump ship?

Id be first on the f**king plane. The world needs poor countries, undeveloped countries just like the UK needs a class system.

Re:New EU Treaty
Reply #13 on: December 13, 2007, 14:58:08 PM
Quote from: Kunal
Im all for it.
Look at the US - a union of states with each retaining their identity and right to determine law.

I think its a great model. You wont see Alabama going to war with New York, just like we wont see Germany invade France again.

But they have somthing that binds the countries. A single currency.
Do you really think that could work in the UK?

10 cents for a loaf of bread in Romania & 1 Euro in say Germany?
It wouldnt be allowed.

I very much doubt you would find such a high cost of living difference in the USA.

  • Offline Kunal

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Re:New EU Treaty
Reply #14 on: December 13, 2007, 15:20:11 PM
Quote from: Eggtastico
Quote from: Kunal
Im all for it.
Look at the US - a union of states with each retaining their identity and right to determine law.

I think its a great model. You wont see Alabama going to war with New York, just like we wont see Germany invade France again.

But they have somthing that binds the countries. A single currency.
Do you really think that could work in the UK?

10 cents for a loaf of bread in Romania & 1 Euro in say Germany?
It wouldnt be allowed.

I very much doubt you would find such a high cost of living difference in the USA.

a) Its worth remember the Euro hasnt crumbled like a lot of people thought it would - were almost coming up to a decade of its use in 2009. Im not saying its perfectly setup, any such endeavor will have teething problems, but I dont see a problem in joining single currency.

b) Cost of goods is largely determined by firstly manufacturing costs and secondly locale; cost of transportation, local taxes, cost of hiring the area required to sell the item. It doesnt suprise me that bread might be cheaper to get to market in Romania than in Germany, just like its probably cheaper in Bradford than in Chelsea. Youll find that pretty much everywhere (outside a Communist country).

You wont find such a price difference in the USA because the States started on more of an equal footing when they formed their Union. That isnt the case with the EU, but that doesnt mean its doomed. Thats the whole point of the system, itll balance itself out over time - prices will rise in Romania (with standard of living) while drop for such items in Germany (because they can be produced where its cheapest and shipped in without extortionate tax costs because its within the Union.)

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