Author Topic: NDA III  (Read 223263 times)

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Reply #240 on: May 11, 2006, 06:45:35 AM
Quote from: Serious
You work nights so Im sure it doesnt count :P :D

I work nights only but did not go to bed comming home I had to put new clutch wire into my car.

  • Offline Cypher

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Reply #241 on: May 12, 2006, 00:47:43 AM
*Yawn*  What a week, well ok its only firday but it feels like it.  Done 3 exams this week alone.

I have one left and I can put my feet up untill the 22nd.

  • Offline Jaimz

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Reply #242 on: May 13, 2006, 03:16:10 AM
Morning all.

Jaimz :rock:

Reply #243 on: May 13, 2006, 03:35:28 AM
Good morning :)

Im just doing some design work :) its looking kind of creepy :s

*hides under his duvet*

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Reply #244 on: May 13, 2006, 03:41:49 AM
Cool beans, Im just surfing til I get tired, then its off to bed. Got pierced earlier on:

First part of what in time will be scaffolding :D

Jaimz :rock:

  • Offline SteveF

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Reply #245 on: May 13, 2006, 03:58:04 AM
I frigged something up at work and still trying to cover my tracks lol...

Failing myserably so may just go home in a bit and sod it till Monday. ;)

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Reply #246 on: May 13, 2006, 04:15:27 AM

Jaimz :rock:

  • Offline SteveF

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Reply #247 on: May 13, 2006, 05:33:32 AM
Quote from: Jaimz

Jaimz :rock:

tell me about it ;)  Ah well, not sure I can actually fix it without help so nothing I can do till Monday now.

BTW, which bit of your ear have you just had done?  Doing pretty well as no real redness/swelling at either of the holes...

I should have known better than to use a general work machine instead of one of my own but heres the email Ive just had to send to tech support admitting I found a version of XP on my works network and used it to exploit a security hole in windows to bypass the login system and give myself administrator access and have now locked the machine into a loop which I cant get out of without either a) using a dodgy windows key (Id get fired for doing that on this network) or b) wiping the machine (which would destroy a ton files people have been working on)


Ive done something very silly to one of the campus machines this afternoon and hoping you can help...  Ive been using Labview on a laptop Alton provided (**MACHINE NAME REMOVED**) to develop some software and because its better not to work in the labs out of hours we decided to move the equipment into my office (E408c) so I could continue working over the weekend.

Annoyingly when I finished connecting everything up in its new home at ~5.30pm the laptop wouldnt let me control any of the equipment through its USB port because it had been unplugged and needed an administrator to enable it again. As I dont have admin access and Alton and you guys had already left for home I figured Id just bypass the administrator password on the machine and change it back when you came in on Monday.  I appreciate I shouldnt be doing silly things like this on work machines but I wanted to get some work done and was a bit frustrated that it required an admin account to click ok on the new hardware found bubble for hardware that was working fine 30 mins earlier.

Anyway, in an attempt not to break any copyright rules I found a legitimate XP installation cd belonging to the university (\\campus\software\UCS\temp) and used a security hole in the windows installer to change the administrators password.  [An old trick where you boot off the install cd, have it repair the installation and while its running hit shift+F10 and you can modify the password details for all the accounts on the machine].  With the admin password changed you just login and give your user account admin access on the local machine.

Unfortunately it didnt occur to me that the campus install cd isnt a corporate edition and needs a cdkey.  At home I could just use my personal windows cdkey (or find one on the web) but as this is a work machine I cant do that and I cant complete the repair without a key.  Ive been messing around for the last few hours (12 and counting) trying to undo/roll back the repair process and get back to the original installation but I just cant manage it.  Im now thinking the simplest solution is just to let the repair process complete and use an official Product Key.  If you have a real install cd can I borrow you/it on Monday and it should only take 30 secs to fix.

Any thoughts? (other than the fact I should have just waited until Monday to do my work and not even started doing this)

 - Steve

  • Offline Serious

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Reply #248 on: May 14, 2006, 01:25:20 AM
Quote from: SteveF
I frigged something up at work and still trying to cover my tracks lol...

It doesnt really count unless the bill for damages is at least $50K... ;)

killind the OS on a lappy is pretty small time stuff TBH, others have managed much more.

Did anyone get killed? (can you blame them?)
Did you shoot down a friendly plane?
Did you distroy an expensive rocket/space probe?
Was other expensive equipment permanently damaged?
Did it result in total chaos for millions of innocent people?
Did it cost millions of pounds to put right?

Another trainer at a place where I worked managed to wipe the drive on a computer by putting format C: instead of A: It was easily corrected by reinstalling, yours is of a similar level.

I at least managed to set fire to a £5K computer :D

OK it wasnt my fauly as the PSU was faulty but it still counts, mind they only had CO2 fire extinguishers which totally wrecked any hope of recovering anything from it when I pumped the stuff into the case but by then there was little hope anyway...

Reply #249 on: May 14, 2006, 01:38:57 AM
Hrmmmm to sleep before work or not, got to be up at 5am for work at 6 :( Bugger :(

Reply #250 on: May 14, 2006, 02:04:21 AM

4 hours is better than no hours mate.

i am however relaxing till i go to the beach for some sketching to keep my hand in.

also to go birdwatching :evil: :lol:

  • Offline SteveF

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Reply #251 on: May 14, 2006, 02:44:57 AM
Quote from: Serious
It doesnt really count unless the bill for damages is at least $50K... ;)

Yeah was just more annoying than anything else as couldnt get anything done and was sat fiddling about with it till 8am this morning lol.

Reply #252 on: May 14, 2006, 02:55:54 AM
was it a tantric wank then?

  • Offline SteveF

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Reply #253 on: May 14, 2006, 02:57:31 AM
Quote from: red
was it a tantric wank then?

:heehaw: :lol:

Reply #254 on: May 14, 2006, 02:58:49 AM


remember the wet wipes

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