Author Topic: Mortgages + poor credit  (Read 2107 times)

Mortgages + poor credit
on: April 06, 2007, 10:55:51 AM
Ive just had a new contract at work, which means with the conventional x3 salary I could get a 100% mortgage for £48K (16K/yr not including overtime)

Anyway, Ive seen a 4 bedroom flat close to me, for 40K. But with several CCJs under my belt what would be the best way to get a mortgage?

Does anyone know a company thats specilists in dealing with this?

I would plan also to rent 2 bed rooms out at probably £40 / wk which would bring in £320 / month in.

Work would be required and would probably look to get a mortgage for £44K.

Re:Mortgages + poor credit
Reply #1 on: April 06, 2007, 11:13:01 AM
You wont get 100% with CCJs.
You will be lucky to get 95%, depending on how many CCJs you have/had, the amounts for each one & if they are settled or not.

Dont say you are renting to friends as you would be liable for Tax  ;)

Your best bet is to have a chat with the estate agent, especially if you are struggling for the deposit as they may over-value the house slightly & tie in a Vendors gift to cover the deposit (though you would need the deposit up front for your solicitor)

I had to go through - I cant get a standard high street mortgage because of my Job, so needed a specialist, just like you will need.

You will pay a higher interest rate than a standard high street would charge. Dont be suprised if the interest is around 7% discounted for 3 years.

Theres plenty of options they can through with you.
For £40k, I would go for a 20year Interest Only Mortgage. You will be tied into the mortgage for 3 years more than likely. You only pay the interest, so if you borrow £40k, you will still owe £40k at the end of the term.
But, for now it will give you some much needed extra cash for all the little bits n pieces you will need. After 3 years, simply go & renegotiate your mortgage. Hopfully with Equity in the Property & keeping up repayments, your credit history will improve & you  should be able to go to a high street bank for a better mortgage. A Repayment Mortgage ;-D

If you do have spare cash every month with the interest only mortgage, throw it all into an ISA or somthing so its working for you.
I would assume your looking at £250 a month Interest Only & £350 for repayment.

Theres also Building Societies that do a Parent/Son mortgage where the Parents go guarantee for you. is worth a look at for comparing mortgages, but you will find it hard with CCJs. Top of my head,I would think only GM Money will give you a Mortgage if you have 3 CCJs.

Re:Mortgages + poor credit
Reply #2 on: April 06, 2007, 11:46:21 AM
I think all my CCJs are settled, maybe one is outstanding at a previous address.

My credit rating is pretty damn shocking and really should go to Experian and get it on paper, see what is and isnt settled.

Re:Mortgages + poor credit
Reply #3 on: April 06, 2007, 13:04:47 PM
Quote from: mr_roll
I think all my CCJs are settled, maybe one is outstanding at a previous address.

My credit rating is pretty damn shocking and really should go to Experian and get it on paper, see what is and isnt settled.

You will need it on paper for the mortgage broker
You can get it from if you want.

As they are settled. You need to see if they do say settled/satified on your credit history. If not, try & get letters confirming, etc. that they have been.

If the CCJ is under £200, a lot of places these days dont worry about. Its when you got 2 or more & over £2k things can get really difficult.

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Mortgages + poor credit
Reply #4 on: April 06, 2007, 13:58:11 PM

This make me cry, I can get around £160k mortgage but that wont even buy me a 2bed flat :(

You lucky bastard :(

Mortgages + poor credit
Reply #5 on: April 06, 2007, 14:04:58 PM
Quote from: Nimrod

This make me cry, I can get around £160k mortgage but that wont even buy me a 2bed flat :(

You lucky bastard :(

DO you know what to do in that case?

Buy a house elsewhere & rent it out. So your Offsetting your Rent with a House.

As long the Rent coveres near enough the Mortgage, you cant really fail as long as you can afford to cover the mortgage for a few months if/when its between tennants.

  • Offline SteveF

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Re:Mortgages + poor credit
Reply #6 on: April 06, 2007, 14:14:20 PM
With CCJs you wont get a 100% mortgage.  The best youre going to manage is 95%.

If youre planning on letting any rooms out then you need to be 100% sure before you tell the mortgage company.  Basically if you plan to rent out rooms and tell your mortgage company then you have to find 15% deposit as the maximum mortgage you will receive is 85% LTV (loan to value).  Also you will have to pay a higher rate of interest on the mortgage.  You will have to have structured tenancy agreements that give your tenants zero right to occupy the house after a fixed period, etc.  The advantage of this is you dont need to have an income multiple to buy the house/flat.  The mortgage accessor will come in and work out what the rental income is and then use that as your mortgage payments and work out your mortgage from that.

If you buy a house and let more than one room under a standard mortgage then your mortgage is invalid and you can lose the house.  You cannot rent out multiple rooms on a standard mortgage although people do.  It doesnt matter if you live there or not.

PS: Nimrod, I live near him and theres no 2 bed flats anywhere close for less than 130k.  Realistically in Newcastle in general youre looking at an average 170k flat.  So, the places he must be looking, well I wouldnt worry yourself.  Can only think of Benwell at those prices and thats simply  because theyre knocking it down and its under compulsry purchase order from the council.

Re:Mortgages + poor credit
Reply #7 on: April 06, 2007, 16:20:29 PM
Its just off the felling bypass steve :)

But steve is right, In most places 2 bed flats will be £110K if youre lucky!

Where do you think Id stand buying a house with my dad, so only 20K and my dad forks out 20K and then either I use 2 rooms and he takes the income from the other 2 rooms. You see I want to start an actual business and focus on that business and for that I cant be renting a house.

And in the future, if my webhosting business actually takes off then I might be able to afford the other half of the house to buy off my dad.

Re:Mortgages + poor credit
Reply #8 on: April 06, 2007, 18:19:07 PM
Quote from: mr_roll
Its just off the felling bypass steve :)

But steve is right, In most places 2 bed flats will be £110K if youre lucky!

Where do you think Id stand buying a house with my dad, so only 20K and my dad forks out 20K and then either I use 2 rooms and he takes the income from the other 2 rooms. You see I want to start an actual business and focus on that business and for that I cant be renting a house.

And in the future, if my webhosting business actually takes off then I might be able to afford the other half of the house to buy off my dad.

Personally, I would just buy the house myself & house share.
Yes it can be Illegal, but who would know about it? Sub letting is illegal, but thousands of people do it.

Mortgages + poor credit
Reply #9 on: April 06, 2007, 18:35:54 PM
it really depends on your current living costs, but youd be much better off if you can clear any debts you have etc.. and save up a deposit first, then go looking.... it sounds like itll take ages, but youll be ready before you know it ;)

  • Offline Dave

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Re:Mortgages + poor credit
Reply #10 on: April 06, 2007, 18:46:08 PM
Subletting isnt really illegal it is just against most standard contracts

Im subletting in London - the girl whos room Im in is living in America for a year - technically she is breaking the lease but the landlord is cool with it so long as the rent is being paid.

I know one guy who has bought a house with a standard mortgage but still rents out 2 rooms - tbh.. it isnt as if mortgage companies can ever really find out about it if you only own one house- though clearly if you were to set up a string of buy to lets and didnt take out buy to let mortgages then youd get caught.

I think buy to let mortgages are coming more in line with standard mortgages anyway - the most competitive lenders will probably match the average rate for a normal mortgage these days.

Re:Mortgages + poor credit
Reply #11 on: April 06, 2007, 19:41:06 PM
Quote from: Dave
it isnt as if mortgage companies can ever really find out about it if you only own one house- though clearly if you were to set up a string of buy to lets and didnt take out buy to let mortgages then youd get caught.


You dont get caught as such, they just show up on your Credit File. If you can get a mortgage without being credit scored, then nobody is ever the wiser.

I know quite a few people who have 3 or 4 properties all with mortgages & not one of them are buy2let mortgages. As long as your Clever & keep your repayments on time, no bank will come sniffing. Same as its easy to buy & house share,etc.

Mortgages + poor credit
Reply #12 on: April 06, 2007, 20:05:33 PM
Quote from: knighty
it really depends on your current living costs, but youd be much better off if you can clear any debts you have etc.. and save up a deposit first, then go looking.... it sounds like itll take ages, but youll be ready before you know it ;)

I really cant wait! I cant see any light at the end of the tunnel. Although I do bring it on myself.

Id be better off in property that I owned myself.

Itd make me feel better overall and let me settle down. Renting is throwing money down the drain, it really is.

The house Im looking at is also 15 mins drive to work in the morning so less milage to work too, less petrol, actually. I could cycle it in less time through the traffic probably! So much less petrol costs too!

  • Offline SteveF

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Re:Mortgages + poor credit
Reply #13 on: April 06, 2007, 20:15:04 PM
Quote from: mr_roll
Where do you think Id stand buying a house with my dad, so only 20K and my dad forks out 20K and then either I use 2 rooms and he takes the income from the other 2 rooms. You see I want to start an actual business and focus on that business and for that I cant be renting a house.

I just cant fathom how youre buying a 4 bed house for 40k.  There has to be something SERIOUSLY wrong with it.  The numbers youre discussing really dont make any sense and Ive seen a lot of property up here and been a landlord, tenant and private owner in Newcastle for a little over 8 years.  Are you sure its not subsiding, full of asbestos or something worse?

Something just doesnt add up.  My concern with it costing that much is even if its not structurally broken that if its not selling then its going to be near impossible to rent.  Properties that come close to breaking even go in a matter of hours up here.  Ive been to see houses at lunch time the day they come on the market and offered the asking price before 5pm and theyve already gone for cash.  This has happened a few times.  There has to be a reason its not gone and why its 3 to 5 times under value for the area.

That aside, you could consider basically taking your CCJs out of the loop entirely if your parents are willing to help by being guarantors.  A company like Bank of Ireland that will take two owners and calculate all the income from your parents side will ignore your CCJs - then its your responsibility to make the payments otherwise your parents take the hit for the repayments.  May or may not be an option for you depending on parents situation and their belief that you will make the payements.

Re:Mortgages + poor credit
Reply #14 on: April 06, 2007, 20:20:16 PM
I havnt seen the shed yet, but I think Ill arrange a viewing after the bank hol weekend.

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