Author Topic: Lose my belly  (Read 1482 times)

  • Offline mrt

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Lose my belly
on: April 12, 2007, 08:14:33 AM
Well ... have started to notice I have a bit of a pot belly.  Any suggestions on how I can get rid of it?  The rest of me is not overweight or even close to it, just my belly is a bit large.  I am not a beer guzzler, but do like my food although did not think I ate that much.  Any top tips on getting trim without going to the gym?  Can I lose it by changing just my diet ... dont really want to be doing daily situps etc.

Suggestions, suggestions ...


  • Offline Cypher

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Re:Lose my belly
Reply #1 on: April 12, 2007, 08:28:33 AM
East less and/or do more exercise.

Excercise means anything that gets your heart going, so not just "sit-ups".  Using the stairs instead of the lift, parking an extra mile away from work, etc.

Diet, all I can say there if anything eat reguarly in good portions, not on a snack basis.

  • Offline mrt

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Re:Lose my belly
Reply #2 on: April 12, 2007, 08:30:24 AM
I must admit that since I got my car, I dont really walk very much.  I always thought that would just keep my legs in good shape - I did not think it would make much difference to belly?  Not saying you are wrong though as I dont really know.

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Re:Lose my belly
Reply #3 on: April 12, 2007, 08:45:56 AM
I lost a stone over a few months just by cutting out the weekly curries, and eating healthy stir frys a lot more often, and cutting out snacks pretty much all together, didnt change anything else :)

I was high 13 stone, im now low 12 :) same thing happened to me, saw a belly coming so had to take action :whoops:

Re:Lose my belly
Reply #4 on: April 12, 2007, 09:19:03 AM
Quote from: mrt
I must admit that since I got my car, I dont really walk very much.  I always thought that would just keep my legs in good shape - I did not think it would make much difference to belly?  Not saying you are wrong though as I dont really know.

I lost 6 stone just by walking and changing my diet, and all that walking was just to and from the nearest metro station to work/home.  Probably totaled about half an hours walking a day.  Ok so walking from the metro station to work involved going up a rather steep bank which probably helped a bit.  But since I passed my test and got a car I aint got that much walking to do.

But if theres any journeys you can walk instead of using the car do it, cut out the snacks etc and that bit walking should do you fine.

I really must listen to my own advice though, been 12 1/2 stone for ages now am starting to creep up a bit, am around 13 ish, so Im going to have to do something myself, bugger  :(

  • Offline mrt

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Re:Lose my belly
Reply #5 on: April 12, 2007, 09:42:02 AM
I am only 56 and weigh 10-11 stone.  So appearance wise look fine, just the belly is what I need to lose.  I am surprised that walking makes a difference to my belly.  I always thought I would have to work that part of my body only.

Re:Lose my belly
Reply #6 on: April 12, 2007, 11:33:02 AM
Quote from: Cypher
East less and/or do more exercise.

Excercise means anything that gets your heart going, so not just "sit-ups".  Using the stairs instead of the lift, parking an extra mile away from work, etc.

Diet, all I can say there if anything eat reguarly in good portions, not on a snack basis.

Snacking works for me.

Eating when you are actually hungry is the way to go to be honest.

Your body doesnt have to adhere to the 3 good balanced meals a day, if your on night shifts, or a light sleeper and awake in the early hours, your awake longer, your naturally going to need more energy.

So... drink plenty of water, the first stages of thirst can often be mistaken for hunger :) and just eat when you feel hungry.

I sometimes have only 1 meal a day, or sometimes 4 or 5 meals.

Depends on what I am doing. I am still losing weight despite not being able to get to the gym in a while (means Ive lost muscle tone in my arms and legs :(, but my waist is still getting smaller) following those rules.

A long long time ago I worked out my BMR (NOT BMI thats different), and while I dont religiously count calories, I do take a quick ganders at a rough estimate of what im eating.

About the same time I spoke to a dietician friend of mine who told me the best combination for any diet is 4:3:3 of protein:fats:carbs at just under your BMR... say 100 calories under or there abouts. So combine the two tips to get a "diet" if you really want.

"targeted" workouts mean naff all. You dont lose weight in zones of your body relating to what your working out. Hell when I went to the gym I used to love chest exercises, sad fact is cause I was working out my muscles, my muscles were growing faster than the layer of fat over the top of them, so T-Shirts and things got tighter, and I looked like I had a right pair of manboobs until I increased my legwork and cardio stuff.

Only thing "targeted" workouts do are increase muscle mass in one area, they dont burn fat from that area. Walking is fine, except I find myself needing to get my heart rate elevated to get a meaningful workout from it. Its all well and good walking for 30 mins but it does about 1 cadburys dairy milk chunk of work (each chunk being 39 calories! :o), walk at a faster than normal pace, or via an uphill route as opposed to an easier flat route, and youll get more benefit.

In short... it is possible to lose weight using just diet, but christ... I felt fitter and better looking when I was working out :D lol. Also the endorphines ROCKED! :D

Lose my belly
Reply #7 on: April 12, 2007, 11:37:05 AM
By the way... walking distance in my opinion is any journey that will take less than an hour to walk.

I walk at about 3.5mph (walking when pushing my bike with its speedo on :)). Means im quite willing to walk for 3 miles or a little more than that to get somewhere. So it takes me an hour... dont care, gives me time to enjoy the day.

Granted if its pissing it down I vote for either public transport, waterproofs, or get on my bike to shorten the time out in the freezing rain :)

Re:Lose my belly
Reply #8 on: April 12, 2007, 12:50:04 PM
Quote from: M3ta7h3ad
I sometimes have only 1 meal a day, or sometimes 4 or 5 meals.

This is one of the problems I have at the mo, I still live at home so my mam usually cooks something on an evening for everyone, might just be something like pork chops + veg.  But at work sometimes we get take away, not the healthiest thing in the world but I dont do healthy lol it might be pizza or chilli or something like that.  Now that would be enough enough for me for the day, with maybe a snack later on but instead Im getting a plate full of food when I get in.  Damn parents, they usually moan if I dont have anything or say I dont want much etc.

So what Im saying is Im getting fatter again due to my parents :D

  • Offline shofty

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Re:Lose my belly
Reply #9 on: April 12, 2007, 14:09:41 PM
eat slald for tea.

Ive lost 17lbs in about 2.5 months eating sandwiches for lunch and salad for tea. and swimming 4 times a week.


Lose my belly
Reply #10 on: April 12, 2007, 14:22:13 PM
Dont eat when youre not hungry.Eat a low junk diet. Exercise. Its that simple. Belly fat is where men store excess calories. It will go away when the excess is resolved. You can further flatten by doing crunches on a yoga ball. Working your core takes just a couple minutes and is great for your posture and back health. Plus, given enough time, you can grate parmigiana cheese on your abs.

  • Offline SteveF

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Re:Lose my belly
Reply #11 on: April 12, 2007, 18:16:51 PM
Assuming youre early to mid 20s youre prob going to need between 2000 and 2500kcal to maintain your current weight.

If you eat 2000 calories a day youll gradually lose weight since youre eating slightly less than the maintainance amount.  The general consensus is its all just net calories.  If you eat 2500 kcal and walk off 500 then youre on target.  If you burn 1000k from exercising then youre gonna want to eat 3000 kcal, etc.

If you add in a bit of exercise then itll appear to go faster but you probably want to still have a net of about 2000kcal a day, i.e. eat a bit more when you exercise (ideally make your evening meal being a piece of protein like a chicken breast/steak/mince and then pad it out with veg like a potato/cauliflower/whatever).

Trying to think what else lowers weight...  

You really want to be eating breakfast as it starts your metabolism working earlier in the day.

You dont want to be eating between meals (although noone says you have to only eat 3 meals a day).  Just keep your total calories at the right level.

Despite the people above eating at regular times is a huge benefit.  Your body starts to expect food at regular times.  When you skip meals or eat later then your body starts to think its starving and your metabolism changes to store fat - for guys it does this in the form of trunk fat (i.e. your belly, love handles and tits).  If you eat regularly your body will stop trying to horde food so much and will store the food for immediate use rather than fat (think its glycinogen or something).  youre supposed to aim for eating about 80% of your meals at regular intervals.

Low fat dairy binds to fat and stops you absorbing it as easily so low fat yoghurt is probably not a bad idea.  

Obviously dont eat fat filled foods.  you need some fat in your diet but not much.  You definitely want to be avoiding saturated fats if theyre not necessary.

One thing to note is muscle burns fat just by being there.  If you can increase your muscle mass your metabolism will increase so if you plan on losing weight you really need to be doing some resistance work as well as cardio/running/swiming things.

At the end of the day though it doesnt take a hell of a lot of exercise to make a difference if you just keep your calories slightly below you maintainance level.  Personally I just use the gym for an hour+ every day before work.

  • Offline Serious

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Re:Lose my belly
Reply #12 on: April 12, 2007, 20:34:06 PM
Quote from: SteveF

If you eat 2000 calories a day youll gradually lose weight since youre eating slightly less than the maintainance amount.  The general consensus is its all just net calories.

Which it isnt, it takes a lot more to digest and burn fat or protein as energy than sugars so effectively the carbohydrates are worth more than other energy sources. The human body prefers to burn sugars, protein and fats in that order.

Like maxi says avoiding junk foods will help but really its sticking to it and exercise.

mrt, good exercise like walking, swimming or bicycling will help, a bit of weight training would also come in handy. Think about joining a gym. ;)

  • Offline SteveF

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Re:Lose my belly
Reply #13 on: April 12, 2007, 22:03:53 PM
actually Serious youre in disagreement with most of the medical experts in the world.  The consensus is that your body balances the amount of each fuel source in your body over a period of 2 weeks.  If you burn fat your body will replace it when you eat.  When you burn carbs they will be replaced.  The total net difference in calories is the only thing that matters.  It doesnt matter how much energy it takes to digest them in the short term as it balances over the longer term.

Eating healthy versus junk food is more about your body needing a range of ingredients to not think its short on some of them and starving and then altering its metabolism to compensate.  The two things arent mutually exclusive.

At least thats the current belief of the BMA.

  • Offline Sam

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Lose my belly
Reply #14 on: April 12, 2007, 22:34:27 PM
Youre both right.

Sugars and carbs are more easily digested than fat.

Hence why they have a lower calorific value to reflect that.

And calories in < calories out is all that matters.

I eat 2000 - 2500 calories a day, but run 50 miles and swim 3 times a week and walk 3 miles a day. In fact I am just off out for a stroll now.

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