Author Topic: Lose my belly  (Read 1484 times)

  • Offline Tongy

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Lose my belly
Reply #15 on: April 12, 2007, 22:59:59 PM
Get a pair of trainers and..... Run Forrest Run.....

I have found that exercise is the best way of shedding poundage. Set a goal and work towards it. I was not all that fit and carried more weight than I felt comfortable with but decided Id set a date and worked towards it and have lost a sigificant amount and did what I set out to do.... however it doesnt end there :D

Losing it and keepign it off are not the same.


  • Offline Mark

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Re:Lose my belly
Reply #16 on: April 12, 2007, 23:21:17 PM
man, pack in the weight loss and do what I did - heavy weights.

I tried the whole fitness/weight loss thing when I was 17 - but being strong is so much more useful!

I have t3h gay pic in the sports & hobbies thread (Last post in my thread

  • Offline Serious

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Re:Lose my belly
Reply #17 on: April 12, 2007, 23:26:30 PM
Quote from: SteveF
actually Serious youre in disagreement with most of the medical experts in the world.  The consensus is that your body balances the amount of each fuel source in your body over a period of 2 weeks.  If you burn fat your body will replace it when you eat.  When you burn carbs they will be replaced.  The total net difference in calories is the only thing that matters.  It doesnt matter how much energy it takes to digest them in the short term as it balances over the longer term.

Eating healthy versus junk food is more about your body needing a range of ingredients to not think its short on some of them and starving and then altering its metabolism to compensate.  The two things arent mutually exclusive.

At least thats the current belief of the BMA.

If you stop eating your body first uses up the carbohydrates/sugars, it then goes on to cannibalise the muscles for protein and then the fat reserves. During this time it lowers its requirements as much as possible, effectively going into a starvation mode.

If over the long term you eat foods of a low enough calorific value you will loose weight, what depends is which foods really do have the lowest usable calorific value, that isnt sugars.

The research the BMA use is paid for, amongst others, by the sugar and breakfast cereal industries, which have a direct motive to promote their low fat, high sugar way of life. Mainly because if they didnt they wouldnt make as much money.

  • Offline Cypher

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Re:Lose my belly
Reply #18 on: April 12, 2007, 23:45:41 PM
Quote from: mrt
I must admit that since I got my car, I dont really walk very much.  I always thought that would just keep my legs in good shape - I did not think it would make much difference to belly?  Not saying you are wrong though as I dont really know.

I put almost a stone on a few weeks ago, Ive recently lost the majority of that and got my self back down to the 12 stone mark (6 foot tall).  

That was simply becuase I had started a new job where I am either in the office, in the car, or ocassionaly running around like a headless chicken on site.  

All my previous jobs were more physical, I.e warehouse work and I allways lost weight down to around 11 1/2 stone when I did that, I allways knew I was going to put on some weight with the new job, though I was at greatfull at least this time the weight on all round, not just an obvious spare tyre.  Truth though is I havent felt any less unfit.

Ive just stopped snacking at night before I go to bed and took every oppurtunity to walk, including turning down lifts home from the pub.  Truth is I love walking and dont get as much time to do it now.  Ive just needed to adjust quickly.

  • Offline SteveF

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Re:Lose my belly
Reply #19 on: April 13, 2007, 00:35:17 AM
Quote from: Serious
If you stop eating your body first uses up the carbohydrates/sugars, it then goes on to cannibalise the muscles for protein and then the fat reserves. During this time it lowers its requirements as much as possible, effectively going into a starvation mode.

If over the long term you eat foods of a low enough calorific value you will loose weight, what depends is which foods really do have the lowest usable calorific value, that isnt sugars.

The research the BMA use is paid for, amongst others, by the sugar and breakfast cereal industries, which have a direct motive to promote their low fat, high sugar way of life. Mainly because if they didnt they wouldnt make as much money.

I suspect were going round in circles this eve Serious as you just reply randomness to my posts today for some reason...

1) The BMA is not funded in any way shape or form by the sugar industry.  I think youre confused about the nature of the British Medical Foundation.

2) Noone said stop eating.  Your body only needs like 1500kCal to work perfectly.  So 2500kCal is a hell of a lot.  At that level your body should be going nowhere near starvation mode.  In fact without exercise youd stay at about the same level indefinitely.

3) Your body does not automatically take energy from sugars then muscle and then fat.  If this was the case then it would be impossible to lose any fat without going into a diabetic coma and being unable to lift any bone in your body first.  Your body canabilises energy in the short term depending largely upon the %age of your maximum heart rate youre operating at.  At low % heart rate its generally eating sugar and fat.  Its only once you start getting up to 75% of max heart rate youre really eating into muscles and sugar only (the area youre in when doing cardio).

If this was the only thing going on then people who simply run, swim, do cardio exercises would be unable to burn fat.  However they lose weight because the total calories used are at the right level.  When theyve burned the muscle and sugars by being at 80% MHR then they eat they dont add fat they just replace the sugars and the muscle.  If theyd burnt fat and sugar by weight lifting theyd eat and regain the fat.  Go to a gym and ask any guy looking serious about their training if theyre in the cutting or bulking phase of their exercise and theyll tell you pretty much the same except theyll probably add not eating carbs after 7pm and exercising before breakfast helps focus on fat in the short term during a cutting phase.

Its all a little academic.  Just use more calories than your maintainance level.  Write down how much you take in for a couple of days and youll quickly know the level of how much you should be eating.  As I said, for your size and age Id be going for 2000 calories with no exercise or better yet 2500 calories with 500 calories burned NOTE: 500 kCal ~45 mins of moderate exercise (running, rowing, weights) or 90 mins of light exercise (walking, gardening, hoovering).  Night out on the lash or a takeaway then dont eat less just do extra exercise to compensate.

  • Offline Serious

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Re:Lose my belly
Reply #20 on: April 13, 2007, 16:50:08 PM
Quote from: SteveF

1) The BMA is not funded in any way shape or form by the sugar industry.  I think youre confused about the nature of the British Medical Foundation.

I said that some of the research they use comes from that source, not that they are paid by the sugar industry.


3) Your body does not automatically take energy from sugars then muscle and then fat.  If this was the case then it would be impossible to lose any fat without going into a diabetic coma and being unable to lift any bone in your body first.  Your body canabilises energy in the short term depending largely upon the %age of your maximum heart rate youre operating at.  At low % heart rate its generally eating sugar and fat.  Its only once you start getting up to 75% of max heart rate youre really eating into muscles and sugar only (the area youre in when doing cardio).

I said in the specific instance of you not eating, if you eat enough then your body will not be in such a bad position. Dieting short term has been proven to be both a false option and to cause the body to adopt a famine mode of working. You diet and loose weight but when you stop there is a bounce back, which often results in the dieter being fatter than before.

Re:Lose my belly
Reply #21 on: April 13, 2007, 21:06:45 PM
according to the news it could be in your geans, still no excuse, if you did 50 sit ups each day, I guarantee after two months your gut will be tighter.

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