Author Topic: iphone & iphone 2  (Read 22265 times)

  • Offline neXus

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Re:iphone specs
Reply #45 on: July 28, 2007, 10:45:57 AM
Here is me thinking it was the online phone selling site, oh well and called that as the service for other countries but three in the uk only and me mentioning EU and me thinking 3g tech was properly called 3gp

But oh well my mistake and if you say so

iphone specs
Reply #46 on: July 28, 2007, 15:11:16 PM is merely a site that brings together all the latest news regarding the 3G technology, or rather the operators offering it. If you look closely at the forum it shows forums for orange, vodafone, o2, any other 3G capable operator.

3GP was the name of "one" of the partnerships that developed it.

There was also the 3G Consortium I believe but that might have been for Asia.

The name of the technology would be all of the following:

(according to wikipedia, but I know some of these would be classed as 2.5G and 3.5G technologies).


  • Offline neXus

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Reply #47 on: July 28, 2007, 15:45:37 PM
Quote from: M3ta7h3ad is merely a site that brings together all the latest news regarding the 3G technology, or rather the operators offering it. If you look closely at the forum it shows forums for orange, vodafone, o2, any other 3G capable operator.

Its a shop with a news section and forums

iphone specs
Reply #48 on: July 28, 2007, 15:52:46 PM
A shop that sells phones from EVERY operator that sells 3G phones.

That doesnt make it a provider, a technology, in fact theyre pointless even being in this discussion.

Anyway back to the original point. You incorrectly putting 3G down when you mean 3, or 3 when you mean 3G makes your posts a pain to make sense of. :) Thats all.

  • Offline neXus

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Reply #49 on: July 28, 2007, 16:05:42 PM
Quote from: M3ta7h3ad
A shop that sells phones from EVERY operator that sells 3G phones.

That doesnt make it a provider, a technology, in fact theyre pointless even being in this discussion.

Anyway back to the original point. You incorrectly putting 3G down when you mean 3, or 3 when you mean 3G makes your posts a pain to make sense of. :) Thats all.

Reading forums is a good thing, oh well, nm, read the first in the page for example, but as I said nm

iphone specs
Reply #50 on: July 28, 2007, 16:12:10 PM
lol ffs nexus, you cannot take a universally accepted acronym (3G) that means something completely different to what you intended to portray (in this case, a group of technologies, vs an online shop).

Christ... talk about illustrating my point perfectly. How bloody confusing are you trying to be. Both of my guesses being completely incorrect.

Wasnt the technology.
Wasnt the phone provider.
Noooo it was some random bloody shop you found online that just happened to share the name of the technology.

  • Offline Edd

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Reply #51 on: July 28, 2007, 18:17:18 PM
nexus are you an idiot?

Re:iphone specs
Reply #52 on: July 28, 2007, 18:19:53 PM
3 = Hutchinson - The Phone Operator
3G = The Technology that all service providers use.
3GP = A Video Container defined by "Third Generation Partnership"

  • Offline neXus

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Re:iphone specs
Reply #53 on: July 28, 2007, 18:54:12 PM
Fork that, Admit to making a mistake and still get called an idiot, go suck a melon you two, I said Ok i made a mistake and what you say, i did not say what i mean very well then just pointed out a site was a shop again

Sorry but yes I made a boob and I did not say what i meant properly but you guys need to read forums properly as well you know and not just look to have a pop at someone all the time

  • Offline Edd

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Reply #54 on: July 28, 2007, 19:01:44 PM
i only asked if you were an idiot, not that you were one

but after trying understand what you just wrote and not making much sense of it, im starting to think maybe you are

iphone specs
Reply #55 on: July 28, 2007, 19:06:41 PM
Wasnt having a pop at you. Was simply stating an opinion that you are confusing things, and in turn confusing me.

Its all very good reading forums properly, but if what your reading makes no sense, its not going to help.

Nexus were extremely accomodating when it comes to misspelt words, or completely misplaced words too things like "know" and "no" that have been appearing more of late.

The least you could do is give us a damn chance of making sense of what your writing, there isnt necessarily anything wrong with your previous postings in this thread, but you are talking about an obscure website that until now at least I havent heard of, that shares a name with a technology and a company in the same field, yet you didnt deem it prudent to describe what it was that you are talking about!?.

It is almost as if you go running face first into the flames screaming "burn me... burn me!" sometimes.

Edd doing his flaming... thats him mate... not me, I know you have a busted wrist and issues, but come on... if thats the case just think a little more before writing and wed all get along a damn sight better.

Im giving you your fair dues, trying to "translate" your posts from Nexusspk, to English, but when I do so im confronted with non-sensical rubbish like the whole 3G meaning an obscure online shop that noone has ever heard of. Give us a break mate.

  • Offline neXus

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Reply #56 on: July 28, 2007, 21:00:23 PM
Quote from: Edd
i only asked if you were an idiot, not that you were one

but after trying understand what you just wrote and not making much sense of it, im starting to think maybe you are

All you do is call people an idiot, please grow up a bit dude, I made a small error in what I was saying and did a poor job putting across what I was trying to say of which I admited to, here like the other times you have posted this it is you really being a little imature and a bit of an idiot and we have 3 of these on the forums already and its not worth it or you end up being on the level of what red is doing

We got 3 people being immature and real arses on the forums and it is having a negative effect on the fourms with a number of us being a bit snappy and annoyed at each other including me which is not on, and I am one sorry for that but weeks of silly pms and comments your bound to, lets all suck it up and be better folk then them and get along as we have done for ages

  • Offline jamieL

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Re:iphone specs
Reply #57 on: July 29, 2007, 12:49:00 PM
On topic:

Wi-fi is definately not the direction for phones. I own a t-mobile mda vario II (HTC Hermes) and connecting to a wi-fi network is a hassle - And the fact that there are zero free hotspots in Durham. All the cafes, etc. charge and so do trains.

3G is fast. Very fast for a mobile phone. It just has some latency problems (itll take a while to start loading your page, but once it does it loads it very fast) I also use it for downloading youtube videos directly which is sometimes faster than my 512k broadband at home!

In 2 or so years though, HSDPA will be available. It already is but there is barely any support for it in the UK. I have had my phone HSDPA enabled by phoning t-mobile tech support. You get speeds over 1mb :)

  • Offline Cypher

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  • Offline neXus

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Re:iphone specs
Reply #59 on: July 31, 2007, 13:14:53 PM
Quote from: jamieL
On topic:

Wi-fi is definately not the direction for phones. I own a t-mobile mda vario II (HTC Hermes) and connecting to a wi-fi network is a hassle - And the fact that there are zero free hotspots in Durham. All the cafes, etc. charge and so do trains.

3G is fast. Very fast for a mobile phone. It just has some latency problems (itll take a while to start loading your page, but once it does it loads it very fast) I also use it for downloading youtube videos directly which is sometimes faster than my 512k broadband at home!

In 2 or so years though, HSDPA will be available. It already is but there is barely any support for it in the UK. I have had my phone HSDPA enabled by phoning t-mobile tech support. You get speeds over 1mb :)

I think they if they are like the iphone in design then I sort of agree with you but wifi has its place in such devices since the coverage will slowly become that of mobile coverage in my opinion, UK will be slow with it of course but places like japan already have every large city full wifi. So using it will be a good idea, Apply probably just a little early with it.

BUt I agree with you that the phone service should have its own net connection ability like 3g but better like in japan to handle things like video calling emails and browsing.

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