Author Topic: Bed shopping....  (Read 16937 times)

  • Offline madmax

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Bed shopping....
on: April 17, 2006, 00:51:49 AM
im switching room at home, moving from a 2m square to a 2 x 3 meter room, the extra space will be nice :)

so to celebrate it, ive figured i can get a double bed in there just about (7 foot gap to the desk in there)

problem being im not sure if i can get a chair down the side for the desk or if the bed will be high enough to sit on instead
(double bed is 4 foot 6 inch wide from all the sites ive looked on)

sodding all that so far, can anyone name some shops i can hunt down?

only know of two at the minute in derby and only really looked in argos and mfi online.

This one on argos looks ok but ive no idea on the quality of em

any advice ?  :?

Bed shopping....
Reply #1 on: April 17, 2006, 01:05:18 AM
If you have an IKEA nearby--they have an amazing selection of good quality mattresses for cheap.

Lots of options to be had. If you wanted simple, you could get a basic wood spring box, add legs, then add a mattress pad--for under 200GBP. They also will sell you all sorts of boxes and things if you want underbed storage.

Re:Bed shopping....
Reply #2 on: April 17, 2006, 01:52:15 AM
Beware that the IKEA standard bed (and their mattresses) are 10cm or so longer than a standard UK mattress.
Are you 10cm taller than average Max? :lol:

For mattresses online I can recommend Mattress Man!

I also bought a pine bed for spare room recently from Pine solutions, but I think that for pine beds mostly theyre much of a muchness. This one seems good value

They have oak stuff too if you can afford it.

  • Offline madmax

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Re:Bed shopping....
Reply #3 on: April 17, 2006, 01:59:54 AM
lol im certantly not,
5 5" at best so not a problem.

keep em coming in, im gonna visit a few shops in town tomorrow (well today)
and see what sorta frame i want.

got a divan is it atm? the wooden hollow boxes on castors.
wanna get away from that if the frames are just as good :)

Re:Bed shopping....
Reply #4 on: April 17, 2006, 02:05:47 AM
Actually when I said Max I was talking to Max the IKEA shareholder ;) Forgot you were Max too! Sorry :lol:

Having a slatted frame gives you a bit more flexibility in choosing a mattress and shoving stuff underneath. plus you can often take them apart IKEA style when moving etc.
Id be tempted to spend more money on a good pocket sprung mattress and scrimp on the bed frame if possible, as you actually sleep on the mattress! You want a seat back also really to sit at a desk imho.

Bed shopping....
Reply #5 on: April 17, 2006, 02:10:04 AM
IKEA are great :) Looking at a new bed from them it aint a double more like a 1 1/2 and low to the ground also very sturdy with no spring noise w00t ;)

Bed shopping....
Reply #6 on: April 17, 2006, 02:26:54 AM
Yup, we Swedes, being experts in the passionate arts, have made noise free mattresses an art form. :lol:

Im 62", of strapping fellerness, so I enjoy a long bed. An American double is too short for me.

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Re:Bed shopping....
Reply #7 on: April 17, 2006, 02:59:08 AM
I have an airmatress over a pocketed spring one, Gives a very nice support for a good night sleep. The airmatress needs pumping up every so often but you dont have to turn it and its very light and cheap (under £30 for a good one).

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