Author Topic: GM Herpes virus used to treat cancer  (Read 828 times)

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GM Herpes virus used to treat cancer
on: August 04, 2010, 00:50:47 AM
Not a cure in itself but it certainly seems an effective addition to the present medical treatments.

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Re:GM Herpes virus used to treat cancer
Reply #1 on: August 04, 2010, 00:55:58 AM
This small study highlights the potential of using genetically modified viruses as a weapon to fight cancer.

I always wondered why we couldnt do something like this before, it seems theyve been working on it all along and this is a very positive step in the right direction.

I think well have the cancer problem solved before we can get rid of HIV/AIDs.

GM Herpes virus used to treat cancer
Reply #2 on: August 04, 2010, 08:05:39 AM
OMG its gonna be just like I am legend...

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Re:GM Herpes virus used to treat cancer
Reply #3 on: August 04, 2010, 09:25:08 AM
Is it wrong to think of how shafted the world will be if we solved the "big killers" in terms of the main human illnesses, diseases etc?

I know that if I had cancer or aids I probably wouldnt be saying that, but its kind of true.

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Re:GM Herpes virus used to treat cancer
Reply #4 on: August 04, 2010, 13:58:51 PM
Quote from: zpyder
Is it wrong to think of how shafted the world will be if we solved the "big killers" in terms of the main human illnesses, diseases etc?

I know that if I had cancer or aids I probably wouldnt be saying that, but its kind of true.

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Re:GM Herpes virus used to treat cancer
Reply #5 on: August 04, 2010, 15:10:40 PM
Quote from: zpyder
Is it wrong to think of how shafted the world will be if we solved the "big killers" in terms of the main human illnesses, diseases etc?

I know that if I had cancer or aids I probably wouldnt be saying that, but its kind of true.

I think this story represents an important breakthrough and having worked in an oncology and haematology clinic for a year, I can honestly say cancer scares the bejesus out of me. Treatment for cancer is painful, dehibilitating and often undignified. The fact that many go through all this and still deteriorate until death is sad and shocking. I saw a bubbly 26 year olds life taken by cancer and THAT is why cancer cures are more important to medicine than many will ever realise.

I agree with Zpyder in principal.. Yes there are waaay to many homosapiens on this planet and I for one would welcome a huge population drop (1/3 would be a good start), but it will never happen. Not unless something like bird flu comes along... What a disappointment that was (from a saving the planet point of view).

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Re:GM Herpes virus used to treat cancer
Reply #6 on: August 04, 2010, 16:25:50 PM
Quote from: zpyder
Is it wrong to think of how shafted the world will be if we solved the "big killers" in terms of the main human illnesses, diseases etc?

I know that if I had cancer or aids I probably wouldnt be saying that, but its kind of true.

We need some nasty diseases simply because it keeps our immune systems up and running.

There is a difference between diseases that kill and those that cause disablement, the latter, if we can get rid of them will save us, as a country, lots of money.

Cancer is the body vs itself, not an external organism, although the cause can be an infection. Getting rid of cancer will allow other options, all the money presently spent on cancer treatment can be redirected to other things. Hopefully they will eventually develop bacteria or viruses that patrol the human body specifically to kill cancer, then the present rather nasty treatment options for it can become a thing of the past.

Re:GM Herpes virus used to treat cancer
Reply #7 on: August 04, 2010, 18:59:25 PM
Quote from: zpyder
Is it wrong to think of how shafted the world will be if we solved the "big killers" in terms of the main human illnesses, diseases etc?

I know that if I had cancer or aids I probably wouldnt be saying that, but its kind of true.

Dont worry, a percentage of the population will still eat/drink/smoke themselves to death, others will be killed by darwin, sadly with modern health and safety not as many as perhaps should be.

IMO we as a species need to cap reproduction and breed out genetic faults that are constantly being passed on.

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Re:GM Herpes virus used to treat cancer
Reply #8 on: August 04, 2010, 19:27:27 PM
That could work...we could get a group of people that are the pinnacle of human evolution and send them off into space...and then theyll return in giant battlemechs...WIN

Ive read that at the consumption rates of the developed world, the "sustainable" population limit would be either 2 or 3 billion. Were at what, 8 Billion now? I think I advocated mass genocide in one of my Environmental Law exams.

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Re:GM Herpes virus used to treat cancer
Reply #9 on: August 04, 2010, 23:30:50 PM
Cancer isnt a typical disease though, for the reasons already highlighted. Nature has a good way of creating equilibrium when the population gets too big: viral epidemics. Cancer is a horrible thing and needs to be wiped out, there are faster, nicer big killers that will naturally cull us when we start to overrun the place.

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Re:GM Herpes virus used to treat cancer
Reply #10 on: August 04, 2010, 23:34:35 PM
Im far more afraid of cancer than I am the over population of earth. Ill take my chances in a dystopia.....
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