Author Topic: Got my Speeding Summons :(  (Read 1883 times)

Got my Speeding Summons :(
on: April 21, 2008, 19:49:13 PM
After nearly 6 months, Ive finally got the Court Summons through from when I got my NIP....I thought they had forgot about it, but obviously not :( Im pleading guilty by post, as im not going to court!! Im just filling in the forms etc, and there is a section called "Mitigating Circumstances"......which says I can write what I want about the offence........should I write anything to try and get a lower fine/less points etc?? If so what do you think??

Got caught doing 45mph in a 30 zone.


  • Offline Cypher

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Re:Got my Speeding Summons :(
Reply #1 on: April 21, 2008, 20:28:41 PM
Sorry how can they prosecute for an even that happend 6 months ago.

I thought it was 14 days or something like that?

Re:Got my Speeding Summons :(
Reply #2 on: April 21, 2008, 20:29:21 PM
I take it you ignored the NIP/initial fine?

Usually they dont give court summons for something like 45 in a 30, unless you where also driving like an idiot and there was lots of school kids around...

Friend of mine was doing 55 in a 30 but it was an empty road, no peds, etc and he got 3 points/60 quid fine...

What did you do to deserve a court date?!?

I wouldnt bother arguing, show some remorse/regret, that WILL help.

Re:Got my Speeding Summons :(
Reply #3 on: April 22, 2008, 00:03:36 AM
Yeah I filled the NIP in and sent it back, as they have sent a photocopy of it with all the paperwork which they have sent me.

Cypher, I got the NIP a week after the event, but have just received the court summons now.....the deadline is 6 months though, and after that it is void, so I have been quite unlucky really.

I deffo wasnt driving like an idiot to be quite suprised I was going that fast really. It is quite common in north yorkshire though, as my friend is a special PC and he said its common practise really. He seems to think Ill get 3 points and a £60 fine though.....which seems quite excessive having it in court etc.

Im not going to argue, as I probably was over 30mph, but didnt know if I could write something in that section which might help me.

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Re:Got my Speeding Summons :(
Reply #4 on: April 22, 2008, 00:19:23 AM
Yeah youre pretty buggered now, best just to take it on the chin. Fair cop and all that.

Re:Got my Speeding Summons :(
Reply #5 on: April 22, 2008, 10:43:44 AM
if you got a court summons, then they may want to prosecute you further than 3 points and a fine.
45 in 30 means you was breaking the speed limit by 50% - thats like getting caught going 105mph on the motorway.

Prob got a form to fill in on your outgoings, etc. so they can means fine you.

Got my Speeding Summons :(
Reply #6 on: April 22, 2008, 10:56:52 AM
All depends on the policy of the local police force and courts.

Personally unless you have been in an accident caused by the speeding, taking you to court is a waste of taxpayer money. Especially if all they do is give you points and a fine.

Always get the feeling they are doing it for the sake of it, rather than thinking what would be sensible.

Re:Got my Speeding Summons :(
Reply #7 on: April 22, 2008, 11:31:45 AM
wasnt there a proposal a while back to make 50% over a heavier penalty?

never heard what happened to it though.

  • Offline Cypher

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Re:Got my Speeding Summons :(
Reply #8 on: April 22, 2008, 11:43:16 AM
Quote from: chrisdicko
Cypher, I got the NIP a week after the event, but have just received the court summons now.....the deadline is 6 months though, and after that it is void, so I have been quite unlucky really.

Sorry misread it, thought you were on about a NIP.  Will teach me not try and do a training video and something else at the same time.

Take it on the chin.  Move on.

Re:Got my Speeding Summons :(
Reply #9 on: April 22, 2008, 15:24:20 PM
Yeah Egg, I got a form with my outgoings etc on as well! Also I need to post both parts of my license away as well.

Im not too bothered about the fine to be honest, its just the points I dont want, as insurance is expensive enough anyway.

What was wierd I thought was the car followed me with video equipment, but didnt pull me over....just sent me the NIP 6 months ago.

Got my Speeding Summons :(
Reply #10 on: April 22, 2008, 19:00:40 PM
Quote from: Sweenster
All depends on the policy of the local police force and courts.

Personally unless you have been in an accident caused by the speeding, taking you to court is a waste of taxpayer money. Especially if all they do is give you points and a fine.

Always get the feeling they are doing it for the sake of it, rather than thinking what would be sensible.

erm no.. to give anything other than the standard penalty of £60 & 3 points has to be handed out by a judge.

They could quite easily give 4 or 5 points & a hefty fine of £200++ they may even want to ban him.
depends on the judge. I know a guy who was going 115 in a 70, 1 year ban & he has to retake his test.

Others have got off lighter. Just for his sake I hope the 30mph zone wasnt outside a school! People seem to frown on that sort of thing.. even if it outside of the hours 8.45-9.15 & 3pm-3.30pm
which TBH are the only times outside schools are busy.

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Got my Speeding Summons :(
Reply #11 on: April 22, 2008, 19:33:50 PM
Here when you drive past a school, if its recess the speed limit drops to 15.

Re:Got my Speeding Summons :(
Reply #12 on: April 22, 2008, 19:55:05 PM
Hope it is only 3 points!!

But no, there wasnt a school or park anywhere near......the stretch where I was caught hardly had any houses on either. Hope the Judge will be in a good mood that day.

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Re:Got my Speeding Summons :(
Reply #13 on: April 22, 2008, 22:54:44 PM
Dont worry about your insurance, 3 points makes no difference these days - insurance companies are well aware drivers are flashed all the time. I notified my insurers and they didnt care.

Re:Got my Speeding Summons :(
Reply #14 on: April 23, 2008, 00:02:39 AM
Yeah, im not too fussed about 3 point to be honest, just dont want any more!!

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