Author Topic: Ever royally screwed up?  (Read 2480 times)

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Re:Ever royally screwed up?
Reply #15 on: March 23, 2007, 20:22:35 PM
Quote from: sdp
I once accidently unplugged an entire office - server & about 10 pcs were all on the same extension lead.

Fire the person who said that having an office on an extension lead was a good idea :D


Re:Ever royally screwed up?
Reply #16 on: March 23, 2007, 20:26:42 PM
I was about 14, and my mates dad asked me to try and get his USB scanner working with the Win95 work machine they had.

Cue lots of sodding around, and me somehow destroying the Windows installation (dont ask, I was 14). Eventually they took the entire machine to where they got it from, the guy asked for the tape backup, my dads mate said what tape?

I got paid £150 from the company for helping them find out about the lack of backup.  :mrgreen:  

Crapped myself for a few days though.

Ever royally screwed up?
Reply #17 on: March 23, 2007, 20:31:26 PM
i was at a mates house years ago in the middle of the night when someone sent him a file on aim (or some daft chat program) and it wiped his computer clean....

he was really really crapping it, but i managed to save all the data, install win98 (it was 95 before) and get it all running again... was a right bitch too....

next day his had hits the roof... because he liked win95 so much !

damn noobs

Re:Ever royally screwed up?
Reply #18 on: March 23, 2007, 20:41:23 PM
Biggest accident I had was changing a Fuser Unit on a LaserJet III. Good Old days when they was screwed down. Well I forgot to switch the printer off & then dropped the screwdriver. Lound Bang & the whole office was plundered into darkeness. Luckily it was only a small office of 4 people. Unluckily one user was 14 pages into a document shed been creating all morning. Learned 2 valuable lessons that day. 1x is to make sure I unplug the things 1st. 2x to teach people about saving data often.

Funniest I heard? Some Colleagues was Asset Taking at Time-Warner in London HQ. One of the dosey blighters managed to trip out the UPS while taking the details & knocked out the whole server cabinent.

  • Offline PuNk

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Re:Ever royally screwed up?
Reply #19 on: March 23, 2007, 20:55:55 PM
I created a switching loop in a cabinet, didnt realise I had done it either and left it like that for a couple of hours, eventually another campus that were connected to rang up and said there was 10,000 packets a second of traffic coming across the fibre, that meant the whole network ground to a halt, this was working for a college, I brought down two campuses completely.

I was sh*tting myself the next day waiting for the boss to bollock me, but he ended up saying "everyone gets one chance, next time youre dead"

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Re:Ever royally screwed up?
Reply #20 on: March 23, 2007, 23:22:45 PM
Ive only blown up one, brand new, three and a half grand PC. They didnt put the stickers on for what the sockets were, or instructions, and it went bang when I switched it on. It went back and was replaced free :D

Re:Ever royally screwed up?
Reply #21 on: March 24, 2007, 09:17:30 AM
Quote from: PuNk
I created a switching loop in a cabinet, didnt realise I had done it either and left it like that for a couple of hours, eventually another campus that were connected to rang up and said there was 10,000 packets a second of traffic coming across the fibre, that meant the whole network ground to a halt, this was working for a college, I brought down two campuses completely.

I was sh*tting myself the next day waiting for the boss to bollock me, but he ended up saying "everyone gets one chance, next time youre dead"

Weve had something like that on the uni networks. Fire up wireshark and all you can see is a sea of arp packets going crazy.

Re:Ever royally screwed up?
Reply #22 on: March 24, 2007, 10:12:54 AM
I crapped my pants when I stopped an entire room of millions of pounds of simulation gear from running or initializing, the day after my boss had gone on holiday.  That left me as the most experienced person in the whole company with the simulation software (and Id been there 2 weeks), since no-one but my boss used it.

Cue a highly embarassing phone call to majorca to ask how to fix it, turned out it had corrupted a db which every machine used to run the simulations, something that happened sporadically when the comp was in a bad mood.  Uploaded a backup, and the room full of people could get back on with their jobs  :whoops:

Scared the everloving crap out of me for a bit though.

Ever royally screwed up?
Reply #23 on: March 24, 2007, 12:36:54 PM
i went for a crap and realised there was no toilet roll.

baby wipes to the refreshing rescue.

  • Offline Vini

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Re:Ever royally screwed up?
Reply #24 on: March 30, 2007, 16:09:25 PM
Schoolboy error #2 today. Hoovering around the servers and caught the power switch to our 8 way adaptors.

The room went pretty quiet as all the servers instantly lost power.

Not had the best two weeks really.

    • Move It Fatboy
  • Offline Rivkid

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Re:Ever royally screwed up?
Reply #25 on: March 30, 2007, 16:18:08 PM
Quote from: Vini
Schoolboy error #2 today. Hoovering around the servers and caught the power switch to our 8 way adaptors.

The room went pretty quiet as all the servers instantly lost power.

Not had the best two weeks really.

UPS anyone?
Career, Wife, Mortgage... my sig was better when it listed guitars and PC's and stuff!

  • Offline Beaker

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Re:Ever royally screwed up?
Reply #26 on: March 30, 2007, 16:30:45 PM
Quote from: Rivkid
UPS anyone?

that reminds me of one, Flipped the power off because we where doing some testing for someone.  The idea being that only _real_ way to test a UPS is to actually see if it switches.  Now i advised the 16 year old lad helping us out to do it, but never specified a time.  Cue 9:30am ish test of the UPS, and us discovering that the UPS didnt switch like they should.  THat resulted in a mild rant on the part oft he customer.  

    • Move It Fatboy
  • Offline Rivkid

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Re:Ever royally screwed up?
Reply #27 on: March 30, 2007, 16:42:32 PM
Quote from: Beaker
Quote from: Rivkid
UPS anyone?

that reminds me of one, Flipped the power off because we where doing some testing for someone.  The idea being that only _real_ way to test a UPS is to actually see if it switches.  Now i advised the 16 year old lad helping us out to do it, but never specified a time.  Cue 9:30am ish test of the UPS, and us discovering that the UPS didnt switch like they should.  THat resulted in a mild rant on the part oft he customer.  

I know that feeling - we have generator tests every couple of months that wreak havoc! First they go off so everything swings over to the UPS which usually causes a few glitches, then the generators come back on and this really pisses the system off. Its all good fun though lol!
Career, Wife, Mortgage... my sig was better when it listed guitars and PC's and stuff!

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Ever royally screwed up?
Reply #28 on: March 30, 2007, 16:53:09 PM
lol Ive had situations like that... Best one I remember wasnt me but a work mate, he formatted one of the senior managers computer but was a f**king idiot and never looked for work in a non-standard place and ended up deleting about 11 years worth of work and e-mails. Ok it was the managers fault in a way for placing files in odd locations and/or not backing up but to late for that and so when we all think the sh*ts going to hit the fan he goes and talks to him, ends up convincing the manager that these things happen and now the manager has nothing but praise for the techy... now that blagging skills! :P
.::. .::. Media Server Guide .::.

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Netbook: HP Mini 311c-1101sa .::. 3GB Ram .::. ION Hack .::. Win7 Ultimate
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    • Move It Fatboy
  • Offline Rivkid

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Ever royally screwed up?
Reply #29 on: March 30, 2007, 17:05:12 PM
Quote from: Dooms
lol Ive had situations like that... Best one I remember wasnt me but a work mate, he formatted one of the senior managers computer but was a f**king idiot and never looked for work in a non-standard place and ended up deleting about 11 years worth of work and e-mails. Ok it was the managers fault in a way for placing files in odd locations and/or not backing up but to late for that and so when we all think the sh*ts going to hit the fan he goes and talks to him, ends up convincing the manager that these things happen and now the manager has nothing but praise for the techy... now that blagging skills! :P

Thats part and parcel of the job! Ive lost count of the times weve tech talked our mistakes away as user incompetenace. its the best feeling lol!!
Career, Wife, Mortgage... my sig was better when it listed guitars and PC's and stuff!

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