Author Topic: Ever royally screwed up?  (Read 2481 times)

  • Offline Vini

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Ever royally screwed up?
on: March 23, 2007, 15:03:48 PM
MD had a visitor so I used the time he was going to be away to do some general maintenance (windows updates etc) on Mr MDs computer, when the machine locked up. I brutally shut it down and turned it back on again and Outlook (2000) refused to open.

Tried repairing Outlook, no go, tried reinstalling it, no go.

Took a backup of his PST and uninstalled Office 2000 and installed Office 2003.

Imported the PST into 2003 and dropped a brick, when it appeared as though only 7 emails had saved (inbox).

Bricking it, I tried everything I could, ScanPST and various other third party apps. Nothing would find anything than these 7 messages in the inbox.

4 Hours later, of which I spent 3 hours bricking it, 10 minutes actually feeling sick and 50 minutes wondering what the hell to say. The MD returns, I offer good news and bad news.

Good news, outlook is working and so are your emails.
Bad news, you now only have 7 emails and no archive.

I asked where he kept his archived emails, as in, do you have a folder for sales etc...

Expecting thunder, I clenched my buttocks, only to be told he doesnt keep emails Whyd you want to keep old emails?

"I read them and chuck them!"

What a relief, turned my Friday from hell, into a rather jovial afternoon now. Though I could do with a Pint!  :lol:

  • Offline Beaker

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Ever royally screwed up?
Reply #1 on: March 23, 2007, 15:08:29 PM
Quote from: Vini
Expecting thunder, I clenched my buttocks, only to be told he doesnt keep emails Whyd you want to keep old emails?

You lucky bugger, we all want customers like that as opposed to "But i really do need those e-mails from 1999, they are essential to business continuity".  

Re:Ever royally screwed up?
Reply #2 on: March 23, 2007, 15:11:55 PM
You lucky... lucky... lucky... lucky... bugger you!
...and what did Vini learn today???

IF IT AINT BROKE DONT (*$&"%$"%) FIX IT !! roflmao !!

 :lol:  8)  :shock:

  • Offline Vini

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Ever royally screwed up?
Reply #3 on: March 23, 2007, 15:38:16 PM
It kind of was broke, the Vodafone 3g Datacard wasnt working. But things ended up a bit drastic over a stupid datacard :lol:

  • Offline Vini

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Ever royally screwed up?
Reply #4 on: March 23, 2007, 16:24:09 PM
Ive come out storming after that, been asked to do 3 ridiculously easy things which has had the MD in awe... earning a bottle of wine for the weekend in the progress.

Ever royally screwed up?
Reply #5 on: March 23, 2007, 17:04:17 PM
Quote from: Vini
Ive come out storming after that, been asked to do 3 ridiculously easy things which has had the MD in awe... earning a bottle of wine for the weekend in the progress.

cant beat that sort of work

I once got a 6 pack of beer for setting a guys printer port from SPP to ECP in BIOS.

glad the outlook thing turned out ok, I would probably have had a heart attack!

  • Offline Serious

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Ever royally screwed up?
Reply #6 on: March 23, 2007, 17:11:40 PM
Quote from: Beaker
Quote from: Vini
Expecting thunder, I clenched my buttocks, only to be told he doesnt keep emails Whyd you want to keep old emails?

You lucky bugger, we all want customers like that as opposed to "But i really do need those e-mails from 1999, they are essential to business continuity".  

Companies should keep copies of emails - they are legal documents and as such can be used as evidence. I may bin spam and adverts but anything else gets archived.

  • Offline Tongy

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Ever royally screwed up?
Reply #7 on: March 23, 2007, 17:23:21 PM
Royally screwed up? Oh yes.

How about deleting the entire exchange server databases for a multinational....

Unticking a box whilst loading the Outlook web access module on Exchange 5.5.... Now deleting Priv.edb and pub.edb...... SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITTTTTTTTTTTTT.

Luckily ended up losing only a couple of hours email, right before a frigging trade show.

That was my worst, by a country mile. I havent let myself forget it in over 5 years now... but you can bet your arse I check these things thrice.


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Re:Ever royally screwed up?
Reply #8 on: March 23, 2007, 17:38:59 PM
I nearly sent out a box of 5 processors once when I was at Tek instead of 1 - or I thought I had at least, turned out I hadnt in the end. I was bricking it :lol:

  • Offline Beaker

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Ever royally screwed up?
Reply #9 on: March 23, 2007, 17:50:27 PM
Quote from: Serious
Quote from: Beaker
Quote from: Vini
Expecting thunder, I clenched my buttocks, only to be told he doesnt keep emails Whyd you want to keep old emails?

You lucky bugger, we all want customers like that as opposed to "But i really do need those e-mails from 1999, they are essential to business continuity".  

Companies should keep copies of emails - they are legal documents and as such can be used as evidence. I may bin spam and adverts but anything else gets archived.

Up to a point, but you dont actually need to keep everything.  Some of these morons are keeping 4 or 5 1Gb PST files on the central servers, and there is no needs at all.  

Re:Ever royally screwed up?
Reply #10 on: March 23, 2007, 18:10:09 PM
I once took a pocket out of a MTHW pipe live, without appreciating the temperature and pressure behind it; as the last thread came undone the pocket left my fingers and hit the opposite wall of the plantroom. The black water coming out instantly flashed to steam. No valve anywhere I could find would stop the flow! Cue people in the connected office with water flowing onto their carpet looking through the door, pointing and laughing.
With inches of water in the plantroom and rising, I had to ring the m contractor for help. It being an RAF base I had to go out and get him and drive back in. After he found the right isolator, I had to drive him out and then come back in again, by which time the guard had changed and they decided to search the car of this guy covered from head to foot in black sludge   :lol:

  • Offline Cypher

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Ever royally screwed up?
Reply #11 on: March 23, 2007, 18:48:12 PM
Quote from: Beaker
Quote from: Vini
Expecting thunder, I clenched my buttocks, only to be told he doesnt keep emails Whyd you want to keep old emails?

You lucky bugger, we all want customers like that as opposed to "But i really do need those e-mails from 1999, they are essential to business continuity".  

You think thats picky. Ive had one desktop user compain that word wasnt bringing up a blank sheet when opened "like it used to", that it was "unacceptable" After upgrading them from a workgroup setup.

The other people there apoligised for her rudeness.  :lol:

  • Offline Pete

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Re:Ever royally screwed up?
Reply #12 on: March 23, 2007, 19:16:40 PM
I once accidently unplugged an entire office - server & about 10 pcs were all on the same extension lead.

I know sh*ts bad right now with all that starving bullsh*t and the dust storms and we are running out of french fries and burrito coverings.

  • Offline Beaker

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Re:Ever royally screwed up?
Reply #13 on: March 23, 2007, 19:41:25 PM
Trying to think, and probably the worst thing i did was wipe out an entire partition on a server.  I meant to convert it from FAT32 to NTFS, but for some reason typed in the wrong command.  Got it all replaced from the backup, but there was some serious arse clenching going on

  • Offline Tongy

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Re:Ever royally screwed up?
Reply #14 on: March 23, 2007, 20:19:03 PM
Quote from: Beaker
Trying to think, and probably the worst thing i did was wipe out an entire partition on a server.  I meant to convert it from FAT32 to NTFS, but for some reason typed in the wrong command.  Got it all replaced from the backup, but there was some serious arse clenching going on

Mate I was puckered up and waiting for a sacking for about a month. I still cant believe I did what I did. I ended up leaving to come to France anyway but asked to stay on for more money, so perhaps the good outweighed the bad :D


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