Author Topic: UKs Biggest Wasps Nest  (Read 2140 times)

Re:UKs Biggest Wasps Nest
Reply #15 on: August 06, 2010, 20:24:16 PM
Ive been stung on my lip before, it was very nasty balooned up to about the size of an orange.

I was throwing rocks at a nest in a hedge tho, so i think I got what I deserved.

  • Offline Pete

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Re:UKs Biggest Wasps Nest
Reply #16 on: August 10, 2010, 19:03:14 PM
I accidentally set fire to a live nest once and never got stung even after chucking a saucepan of water over it.

It doesnt hurt nearly as much as people make out though.
I know sh*ts bad right now with all that starving bullsh*t and the dust storms and we are running out of french fries and burrito coverings.

Re:UKs Biggest Wasps Nest
Reply #17 on: August 11, 2010, 13:40:16 PM
Im terrified of wasps, but not bees.  I can tell the difference when they are flying around me.

Ive been stung twice by wasps, both times whilst riding some sort of motorbike.
Doesnt hurt much, so I dont know why Im scared of them.

  • Offline zpyder

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Re:UKs Biggest Wasps Nest
Reply #18 on: August 11, 2010, 13:47:42 PM
Probably pyschological...the whole black/yellow thing being a bit of a pattern associated with painful critters.

Re:UKs Biggest Wasps Nest
Reply #19 on: August 11, 2010, 14:31:12 PM
Ive been stung twice in my life. The first time was at the end of a Tech lesson at school, the wasp was snoozing around my school bag and when I picked the bag up it flew into my face and stung me right by my eye. It hurt quite a bit because of the location but Im realiably informed it looked worse.

My mate Daniel had hurt his hand on the belt sander during the same lesson, and as we sat outside Matrons office, he with a bandaged hand and I with a rapidly swelling black eye it looked for all the world as if hed slugged me one. Several teachers wandering past tried to separate us for fear the "fight" would recommence at any second!

The other time was while on holiday in France. A small solitary wasp flew into my arm, stung me and b****red off for no obvious reason. Didnt hurt nearly as much that time, or have such hillarious consequences.

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Re:UKs Biggest Wasps Nest
Reply #20 on: August 11, 2010, 14:46:13 PM
The second time are you sure it was a wasp and not some species of horse fly? TBH I found the horse fly bite I got this year about the same as a wasp sting in terms of pain, the only difference being the time it lingered and the itching for the rest of the week. Flying, landing, stinging/biting and sodding off are the tactics of choice for horseflies, they know not to stick around. Id imagine there may be a few species on the continent that may be mistaken for wasps.

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Re:UKs Biggest Wasps Nest
Reply #21 on: August 11, 2010, 16:32:04 PM
Anyone been stung by a hornet? I bet they pack quite a sting! I can vividly remember the first time I came face to face with one of those monsters. I was about 10 years old and I was petrified. And that was only a european hornet.

Check out the japanese hornet, which can grow to 2 inches long!

Re:UKs Biggest Wasps Nest
Reply #22 on: August 11, 2010, 16:43:01 PM
Quote from: zpyder
The second time are you sure it was a wasp and not some species of horse fly? TBH I found the horse fly bite I got this year about the same as a wasp sting in terms of pain, the only difference being the time it lingered and the itching for the rest of the week. Flying, landing, stinging/biting and sodding off are the tactics of choice for horseflies, they know not to stick around. Id imagine there may be a few species on the continent that may be mistaken for wasps.

TBH it could have been some sort of horse fly, it high-tailed it before I could get much of a look at it. It looked like a solitary wasp to me, but comming from a guy who subscribes to the "Sparrow, Pigeon or Golden Eagle" school of bird watching it could have been almost anything!

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