Author Topic: Britans Got Tallent  (Read 3568 times)

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Re:Britans Got Tallent
Reply #15 on: June 14, 2007, 08:32:34 AM
Anyone else amazed that the 48 year community youth worker in the yellow madonna outfit doing hip hop dancing, has been shortlisted into the semis?  WTF!?!  

I really enjoyed the beatbox chaps, although they only just scraped through.  Its clearly not entirely based on talent and more about the story which goes with them.  The black singer whos brother died ... yeah, he can sing, but I am sure there were plently of other singers just as good who auditioned ... but did not get through as they have no tragedy that goes with them.  I am sure the community worker only got through because being a community youth worker!

Quite enjoyable program ... although Piers irritates the crap out of the me ... although the lady is quite nice!

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Re:Britans Got Tallent
Reply #16 on: June 14, 2007, 08:48:24 AM
THe grinder woman used to do the Kerrang Roadshow.  I think i have a picture with her somewhere.  IIRC her mate was a right bitch.

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Re:Britans Got Tallent
Reply #17 on: June 14, 2007, 08:59:48 AM
There has been so many TV talent shows already that you can virtually guarantee that most good ones have already turned up for audition and put on the box at least once.

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Re:Britans Got Tallent
Reply #18 on: June 14, 2007, 14:16:46 PM
Quote from: Serious
There has been so many TV talent shows already that you can virtually guarantee that most good ones have already turned up for audition and put on the box at least once.

Figure this one out then..

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Re:Britans Got Tallent
Reply #19 on: June 14, 2007, 17:55:09 PM
Whats there to figure out she admits that shes done some part acting and they buzzed her out because her bit had more to do with Butlins than the Royal Variety Performance. Its not an act, its the bits that go in between them.

Scuse me while I go back to listening to connie, shes got more talent in her little finger...

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Re:Britans Got Tallent
Reply #20 on: June 14, 2007, 17:56:30 PM
Whats there to figure out she admits that shes done some part acting and they buzzed her out because her bit had more to do with Butlins than the Royal Variety Performance. Its not an act, its the bits that go in between them.

Scuse me while I go back to listening to connie, shes got more talent in her little finger... Actually I just love the microphone shes given, almost big enough for her to hide behind, and the reaction from the judges :mrgreen:

Is Amanda crying because she likes the singing or because she cant? :twisted:

  • Offline SteveF

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Re:Britans Got Tallent
Reply #21 on: June 14, 2007, 18:02:48 PM
I actually didnt think the connie lass has an amazing voice.  For a 6 year old sure she was great but I would expect more from any voice in a west end show.

The cute factor is great.  The singing - well I dont think shed be as good as an mp3 anyway.

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Re:Britans Got Tallent
Reply #22 on: June 14, 2007, 18:43:23 PM
Her problem is that the first youtube recording has a resonance in it. The cause is she has such a pure voice that something vibrates with it. Its rather like a trained singer breaking a wine glass by staying on note. That was what Simon was going on about at the end.

Of the two that I put up the first is grainy. The second seems the best of the three but it still has the problem of poor reproduction for some reason, probably low bit rate.

Even above that take into account what Simon says. She has got talent, and the guts to stand there and sing. Bung her out on a record and peeps will buy it.

In order for her voice to be reproduced as well as it should on mp3 you are looking at 192kbps minimum IMO.

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Re:Britans Got Tallent
Reply #23 on: June 15, 2007, 23:11:31 PM
Last nights semi was exactly as I thought - even though I usually get X-factor ones wrong. Paul Potts deserved it and Daemon Scott was good enough for me to get the runner up place.

In tonights semi-final and a lot of the acts were good. Bessie Curzons nailed them to the wall, really there couldnt have been any other just result. I also couldnt decide between Craig Womersley and Kombat Breakers, either were good enough to go through and for once I pitied the judges having to decide - of course given the chance they handed Simon the poison chalice. I even felt sorry for him, I couldnt have done it.

Crazeehorse and Jake Pratt definitely get honourable mentions.

TBH we havent had a proper variety show on TV for a while and if they could get people of this sort of talent I would be watching it.

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