Author Topic: World broadband speeds  (Read 2203 times)

  • Offline Beaker

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Re:World broadband speeds
Reply #30 on: November 27, 2007, 21:16:35 PM
*shrug* i get between 19 and 20Mb downstream, and 1.3Mb Upstream.  I like it because Im quite often hosting game servers.  It makes life much simpler.

  • Offline neXus

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Re:World broadband speeds
Reply #31 on: November 27, 2007, 21:21:43 PM
video chat is more common and if availible I use it and voip. And more bandwidth you have the better quality , more up as well I could do, streaming media, browsing at same time, bigger space for all means you can push the boundries of websites, downloads for patches are for ever getting larger and so longer to download , gaming...  Can think of quite a bit more still legal as well

Multiple computers at home using the net as well is another

  • Offline Sam

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World broadband speeds
Reply #32 on: November 27, 2007, 21:56:05 PM
Quote from: M3ta7h3ad
Quote from: Sam
Yeah cos you cant use VOIP on 8mb, and those 56k modem beware sites are a proper bitch too.

You can, but due to the sh*tty upload on 8mbit, you get considerable issues with browsing at the same time if youre using the higher quality codecs.

That said the lower quality ones, arent particularly bad, its just nice to have spare capacity should I need to do something.

Also.... yum update over 20mbit, is damn nice, damn damn nice.

Sure 8mbit is great, but virgin offer, 4mb or 20mbit in my usage range... as I dont have a phone line, I went for the higher one. :)

Apart from the fact yum is wank, if you cant browse tinternet and use voip at teh same time then its time you dumped your £1.50 a month broadband provider and stopped being cheap.

  • Offline neXus

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World broadband speeds
Reply #33 on: November 27, 2007, 22:14:05 PM
Quote from: Sam
Quote from: M3ta7h3ad
Quote from: Sam
Yeah cos you cant use VOIP on 8mb, and those 56k modem beware sites are a proper bitch too.

You can, but due to the sh*tty upload on 8mbit, you get considerable issues with browsing at the same time if youre using the higher quality codecs.

That said the lower quality ones, arent particularly bad, its just nice to have spare capacity should I need to do something.

Also.... yum update over 20mbit, is damn nice, damn damn nice.

Sure 8mbit is great, but virgin offer, 4mb or 20mbit in my usage range... as I dont have a phone line, I went for the higher one. :)

Apart from the fact yum is wank, if you cant browse tinternet and use voip at teh same time then its time you dumped your £1.50 a month broadband provider and stopped being cheap.

Since your not a gamer you do not know voip properly nor not known you to use skype and 8mb compared to 20mb - Massive difference

Thought of more reasons - games consoles people play more and more online, more media content through the net on them in your hd set ups, hd movies to come in a year on them, movies and tv shows in us now EU end of the year.
Game patches for consoles, new maps etc, demos, xbox live arcade as an example.....

You can go on where a true tech up family not stuck in the stone age and all fuddy duddy why over 8mb is needed and besides very rare people actually have 8mb on an 8mb line since it will be 7.6 at the most anyway and up to for most and only 2 to 4 average on 8mb service.

  • Offline Sam

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World broadband speeds
Reply #34 on: November 27, 2007, 23:09:17 PM
I actually use voip for proper reasons not for talking sh*t on counterstrike like you (not that it matters, they use the same bandwidth).

Dont forget also that I am an IT professional; I rely on the internet 247. I have had to leave countries purely due to the poor internet connections!

So if anyone knows the value of a good net its me. And 100mb is a gimmick (at this moment in time, not to say in the future when we have holographic tvs we might need it).

Re:World broadband speeds
Reply #35 on: November 27, 2007, 23:15:09 PM
Quote from: neXus

Multiple computers at home using the net as well is another

Yeah, my internet connection is shared with up to two others computers sometimes!

  • Offline Beaker

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Re:World broadband speeds
Reply #36 on: November 27, 2007, 23:20:42 PM
Quote from: FaT LeoN
Quote from: neXus

Multiple computers at home using the net as well is another

Yeah, my internet connection is shared with up to two others computers sometimes!

to be fair it does make a difference.  Im usually using the desktop machine, if someone downloads something form a fast connection on 2 or 4Mb it gets chocked up, and my download or gaming speeds go through the floor.  My sync is 20-22Mb depending on what the ADSL Fairy decides to give me when i reboot the router.  I dont even notice even when the GF is watching her 4od stuff since I moved and got Be* installed.  I used to on the 2Mb Virgin connection, and i did when i was using the 8Mb connection at my mates house and his GF was watching some godawful US program on a stream.

  • Offline bear

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World broadband speeds
Reply #37 on: November 28, 2007, 00:17:40 AM
4 puters mostly three going, when my son is playing wow and I have torrent app running the net feels slower but skype out works fine that is on 14/2 ADSL using a 350 PII
with IPcop (wich runs SNORT an intrusion detector) as router/firewall/DHCP.

  • Offline Beaker

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World broadband speeds
Reply #38 on: November 28, 2007, 00:24:37 AM
Quote from: bear
4 puters mostly three going, when my son is playing wow and I have torrent app running the net feels slower but skype out works fine that is on 14/2 ADSL using a 350 PII
with IPcop (wich runs SNORT an intrusion detector) as router/firewall/DHCP.

your upload speed helps no end there, ive noticed that the 1.3 im on is more beneficial than having a massive download a slow upload.  If you have 512k upload you would Feel it.

  • Offline bear

  • Rutabaga
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World broadband speeds
Reply #39 on: November 28, 2007, 01:10:20 AM
Yes I know that is why 10/10 fibre is better.

I havnt checked for a quite while so I just did and found that I have 15.56/2.39 now so I am near max of 2.5 up :D

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