Author Topic: Letter from a my US friend.  (Read 1512 times)

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Letter from a my US friend.
on: November 30, 2007, 14:51:51 PM
A friend sent me this.  I feel it speaks for me, too.  --judy
Stunned by Lack of Outrage, Not Outrageous Acts
by Beth Quinn
Monday, November 26, 2007
The Times Herald-Record (New York)

I continue to be stunned.

Not by Bush any longer. There was a time when I was stunned by nearly
everything he did. Or said. Who wouldnt be stunned by a president who
could say, "They misunderestimated me," and sincerely believe hes on top
of things?

Nor by Cheney. His pure evil no longer surprises me, although there was a
time when he routinely stunned me. Torture? Torture??

Not by Congress, either. There was a time when I was stunned by that
crowds sheeplike mentality. Id hear them decry the war, decry torture,
decry Bushs growing deficit, then Id drop my jaw as they voted time and
again to give the president carte blanche.

No longer. I fully expect Congress to disappoint, to fail to do its job in
balancing the White House power grab.

I am no longer stunned by the politicized courts nor by the media, which is
unwilling to offend and uses vague, watered-down language instead of
strong condemnations of this, the worst presidency in history.

So who continues to stun me?

I will tell you. I am stunned by all that is left of America: Americans.

I am stunned by the publics lack of outrage over all this presidency has
done to ravage our nation. Where is the outrage over this war-without-end?
Over waterboarding? Over our dead and maimed soldiers?

I am stunned that Americans arent writing angry letters to the editor
about the Iran rhetoric, this carbon copy of lies that led up to Bushs
invasion of Iraq.

I am stunned that Americans didnt take to the streets with placards
condemning Bush for vetoing a bill that would have ensured health care for

I am stunned that Americans arent rioting over federal money that has
helped only the rich in New Orleans rebuild while the poor still live

I am stunned that Americans arent storming the White House as Bush
accuses the Democrats of irresponsible spending on domestic programs even
as he destroys the economy with his war and his deficit.

I am stunned that Americans havent marched on Washington over the rising
unemployment rate, over corporate greed that is causing millions to lose
their homes, over our rotting infrastructure.

People on the margins are already making hard choices. I know a young
woman who wanted to drive to Vermont to be with her family for
Thanksgiving but couldnt afford to put that much gas in her car.

The middle class should take note. People are wandering the mall charging
Christmas presents, but that bill comes due in January when the price of
oil will be more than $100 a barrel and gasoline will cost $4 a gallon at
the pump. Where is the outrage?

I am stunned by people in Monroe who want to take away a veterans rights
to free speech when he paints angry signs about Bush on his van.

I am stunned by those same people who want to shut me up, shout me down,
spew viciousness into my telephone because I exercise my own right to
speak. They are so confused, these people who believe in free speech until
someone says something they disagree with.

I am stunned by those who say, "Hes our president, so he deserves our
respect". No he doesnt. He deserves our fury for bringing shame to the
presidency and embarrassment to Americans around the world.

Sometimes, those of us who continue to be outraged by this administration
sound like a broken record, even to our own ears.

We keep singing the same tune while our critics say enough is enough.

But that the same old tune has to be sung as long as Bush continues to
wage the same old war against Americas poor and shrinking middle class.

We have to keep singing. I have to keep singing.

But what Id like to know is, where is the chorus?

There are 421 days til Jan. 20, 2009.

Re:Letter from a my US friend.
Reply #1 on: November 30, 2007, 15:02:11 PM
I am stunned that we are ahead of america & they are catching us up...

always used to be the other way around.

  • Offline Eagle

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Re:Letter from a my US friend.
Reply #2 on: November 30, 2007, 15:12:55 PM
Nuff said.



The UKs no better.  Time to take it back...

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Re:Letter from a my US friend.
Reply #3 on: December 01, 2007, 04:45:07 AM
Quote from: Eggtastico
I am stunned that we are ahead of america & they are catching us up...

always used to be the other way around.

Except they arent catching us up at all, they are falling further behind.

  • Offline red

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Letter from a my US friend.
Reply #4 on: December 03, 2007, 09:01:30 AM

  • Offline Sam

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Letter from a my US friend.
Reply #5 on: December 13, 2007, 13:41:09 PM
Whoever wrote that letter is also completely out of touch, clearly by his disgust that gas might reach $4 a gallon. He suffers the same delusion that a lot of americans do that virtually free oil/petrol is a right.

  • Offline bear

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Letter from a my US friend.
Reply #6 on: December 13, 2007, 15:35:46 PM
Not in touch on that matter does nor negate the rst of the thoughts though.


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