Author Topic: Personal Statement Help?  (Read 2409 times)

Personal Statement Help?
on: December 05, 2011, 16:09:39 PM
Hey everyone, so the time has come where I have to apply for Uni (admittedly a year later than I was supposed to) but I was wondering if any of you could help me out with some advice with my personal statement.

So I've been a bit of a wally, and left it pretty late - the deadline is next week, but it's a lot harder than I thought trying to sell yourself to unis without sounding like a complete stuck up idiot. So any advice would be greatly appreciated. I've written about why I'm interested in the course, what work experience I've done and my hobbies and interest, but I'm still only on 21 lines, when it's meant to be 47 :\

Also, would any of you know if I'd have to write that I'm deferring a year? I would ask my tutor, but he's going to be pee'd off I've only just started lol


Re: Personal Statement Help?
Reply #1 on: December 05, 2011, 16:19:04 PM
Firstly I wouldnt worry about sounding stuck up, personal statements and CV's are two of the only times you get to sell yourself as much as possible and as long as you back up your statements with relevant valid examples you are allowed to sound arrogant.

Supporting every statement with a real-world example is important though in my opinion. I found thinking of things the other way around helped, if I thought an example of [leadership|motivation|team-work|excellence|skill] would benefit the application I work back from that and try to fit something I have done to that attribute.

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Re: Personal Statement Help?
Reply #2 on: December 05, 2011, 16:26:05 PM
If you do a Media Degree you can skip all the Personal Statement stuff, pay your cash and pick your degree up without leaving your lounge or going to uni, or so i hear.  :muttley:
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Re: Personal Statement Help?
Reply #3 on: December 05, 2011, 17:14:17 PM
Firstly I wouldnt worry about sounding stuck up, personal statements and CV's are two of the only times you get to sell yourself as much as possible and as long as you back up your statements with relevant valid examples you are allowed to sound arrogant.

Supporting every statement with a real-world example is important though in my opinion. I found thinking of things the other way around helped, if I thought an example of [leadership|motivation|team-work|excellence|skill] would benefit the application I work back from that and try to fit something I have done to that attribute.

Thanks! It's the skills and achievements I'm finding the most trouble with, I was never a prefect, and I don't know any foreign languages, so that's the biggest gap I have in it. Also it's hard to say about employment because I've never had a job before ):

I'll take your advice on board though, and have a think about it later, see if I can elaborate on anything else or think of extra stuff to put in (:

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Re: Personal Statement Help?
Reply #4 on: December 05, 2011, 21:16:18 PM
In this circumstance spin is king.... think of the best things you've done, things you think you've learnt the most from and then think about the best spin you can put on those things.... be creative.

A tutor with a half a brain is looking for a spark of original thought, creativity, genuine insight etc.... blandly reeling off a list of your paper-rounds, shelf-stacking exploits and GCSE French won't make you stand out from the crowd.

My take anyway :-)

Oh and just ask the tutor the one question about the deferred entry - no need to mention anything at this stage.

"Within your 'purview'? Where do you think you are, some f**king regency costume drama? This is a government department, not some f**king Jane f**king Austen novel!"

Re: Personal Statement Help?
Reply #5 on: December 05, 2011, 22:56:17 PM
I've not got anything else to add really, it is about those real life scenarios that show off your skill set. I've no idea what course you are doing, but sometimes thing about the indirect skills, so they wont care if you play hockey, but would be interested in the team work skills associated, and there's no harm in pointing them out in relation to that...

Think about the skills you need and build scenarios around them, and if you are really struggling to think of anything, then there is no real harm in lying, as long as they can't prove it :P

And to be honest most uni's are happy to have paying students at the moment!

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Re: Personal Statement Help?
Reply #6 on: December 06, 2011, 10:53:31 AM
And to be honest most uni's are happy to have paying students at the moment!

This unless you're applying for a prestigious uni, I have worked at bog standard one for 10 years and I see allsorts round the campus  :lol:

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Personal Statement Help?
Reply #7 on: December 06, 2011, 17:23:05 PM
I'm currently working in a uni admin office, have worked as a demonstrator in the labs, as a researcher at uni, and of course as a student.

I cant speak for higher ranking uni's, but here they're pretty much glad to take anyone who has the minimum requirements for the course. Given how we have had science MASTERS students who didn't know how many 1000ml tubs of water would be needed to make up 15L of water...

I'd say the main thing people look for here, if they do actually look at that stuff, is the desire to learn the subject you're going for. People study degrees unrelated to past skills and experience, this doesn't matter if they have a genuine desire to study the subject, it goes a long way to helping you get the most out of it all.

If you dont have related experience or skills, even saying things like having always had a passion for xxx, ever since seeing xxx at a museum or school trip is good.

What subject and where are you wanting to study out of interest?

Re: Personal Statement Help?
Reply #8 on: December 06, 2011, 17:43:35 PM
Thanks for all your input guys, I think I've pretty much got it sorted now, I just need my tutor to look over it an see what he says :)

Zpyder, I'm planning on studying journalism (magazine journalism, not corrupt journalism) at either Portsmouth, Southampton Solent (because they're local and I'm lazy) or Sunderland because apparently that's been ranked as the best uni in the UK for journalism :)

It's just all about waiting and seeing what grades I eventually get and where wants me :D

Re: Personal Statement Help?
Reply #9 on: December 07, 2011, 00:16:13 AM
you should do it in Sunderland, that way I could come visit you and prey on say hello to your girly student friends  :drool:

Re: Personal Statement Help?
Reply #10 on: December 07, 2011, 14:40:18 PM
you should do it in Sunderland, that way I could come visit you and prey on say hello to your girly student friends  :drool:

I'm pretty sure what you meant to say was so you could abuse Nigel :)

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Re: Personal Statement Help?
Reply #11 on: December 07, 2011, 14:49:42 PM
you should do it in Sunderland, that way I could come visit you and prey on say hello to your girly student friends  :drool:

I'm pretty sure what you meant to say was so you could abuse Nigel :)

You should seriously consider Sunderland!

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