Author Topic: any tmobile broadband users ?  (Read 1103 times)

any tmobile broadband users ?
on: April 15, 2009, 22:24:42 PM
whats your service been like for the last 15 days ? , not had the 3g connection for this lenth of time and all they say is we are looking in to it . they still are expecting me to pay for the full months service which i am not getting , i have had to make do with the gprs connection which is slower than dial-up . i wish i could get out of the contract :(

  • Offline Pete

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Re:any tmobile broadband users ?
Reply #1 on: April 15, 2009, 22:30:54 PM
A bloke I know had a T-mobile one and it was unusable for 4 months solid. He bitched about it, got a whole log of speed-tests for when they asked, and then said not-fit-for-purpose and cancel the DD.

3G is a joke, Orange aint too bad but the advertised speed vs reality is still a joke.

imho its oversubsribed and is gonna get worse as each day passes.
I know sh*ts bad right now with all that starving bullsh*t and the dust storms and we are running out of french fries and burrito coverings.

any tmobile broadband users ?
Reply #2 on: April 15, 2009, 23:10:57 PM
I have a 3G dongle from 3, am very happy with it, but it only ever gets used when out and about for basic browsing so not bothered about speeds.

  • Offline BigSoy

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Re:any tmobile broadband users ?
Reply #3 on: April 15, 2009, 23:11:56 PM
Works reasonably well on Vodafone, does tend to drop connection a few times a day if youve got it on all day though.
"Within your 'purview'? Where do you think you are, some f**king regency costume drama? This is a government department, not some f**king Jane f**king Austen novel!"

  • Offline Beaker

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Re:any tmobile broadband users ?
Reply #4 on: April 16, 2009, 01:35:26 AM
Mine seems to work OK.  Just tested and straight to HSDP at 7.6Mb :\

Re:any tmobile broadband users ?
Reply #5 on: April 16, 2009, 03:36:59 AM
Quote from: Beaker
Mine seems to work OK.  Just tested and straight to HSDP at 7.6Mb :\

whos that with ? , mine is only at 3.6 mb/s  (well when it works)

  • Offline Beaker

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Re:any tmobile broadband users ?
Reply #6 on: April 16, 2009, 09:44:11 AM
Quote from: chaotic_uk
Quote from: Beaker
Mine seems to work OK.  Just tested and straight to HSDP at 7.6Mb :\

whos that with ? , mine is only at 3.6 mb/s  (well when it works)

T-Mobile.  I upgraded the firmware in the E220, and its been connecting at 7.6 ever since. :)

Re:any tmobile broadband users ?
Reply #7 on: April 16, 2009, 13:54:51 PM
what firmware are you using ?

  • Offline Beaker

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Re:any tmobile broadband users ?
Reply #8 on: April 17, 2009, 01:06:04 AM
Quote from: chaotic_uk
what firmware are you using ?

Whichever one it is on this page ::

I know it says you shouldnt do it, but TBH with the sh*tty signal I was getting beforehand I figured I had bugger all to lose from doing it :)

Those only work on the E220, so dont flash any of the others with it, even though the E169 is the same modem in a different form factor, itll still break due to the checksum on the firmware flash.  

Re:any tmobile broadband users ?
Reply #9 on: April 17, 2009, 03:07:20 AM
yes i have the e220 and i installed that when i first started having problems , got my 3g back as of tonight but the speed is up and down big time . most of the time this board does not finish loading , i have told them i am withholding payment of my bill till it is sorted . i expect to be cut off soon though lol , signal strenth is 91% - 99% most of the time but it just sucks tbh . mine now says 7.2 mb/s but never goes above 2mb/s on a good day

Re:any tmobile broadband users ?
Reply #10 on: April 17, 2009, 09:07:34 AM
I get around 7mb when tethered to my Tytn II.  Thats with Orange.

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