Author Topic: HD4870x2 is this faulty?  (Read 532 times)

HD4870x2 is this faulty?
on: September 27, 2008, 20:02:03 PM

I have just purchased a HD4870x2 after owning a EVGA 8800GTS 640MB Superclocked for a couple of years and this has been my first ATI purchase but am getting crap fps in games notably crysis v1.2 which seems the same as my 8800gts in both DX10 and 32bit mode and sometimes artifacts like square unrendered objects or just unrendered objects and other glitches like popup appear. My FPS in crysis on "very high" or just "high" vary at 1920 x 1200 are between 8-16fps on the beach level with no action! with cat ai turned off this can increase to 18-22 fps, I only bought this card to finally be able to play this game so i thought, I am sure something is wrong with this card! I am going to try the game in xp to see if it makes a difference. Strangley I installed cod4 (didnt run until i updated it to 1.7) and it runs ok with min fps at 60 and max around 160 fps... Arma is also another game where there is zero performance increase over my 8800gts and suffers some glitches like rendering (texture drawing lag).

I know the mobo is only pci-e 16x or (32x sli) but this should perform better.

My system specs are:

Dual boot:
Winxp x86 SP3 / Vista X64 Ultimate SP1 (both freshly installed)
ASUS M2N32 SLI Deluxe motherboard with newest 1201 Bios
Hiper HPU-4M880 - 880W AMD certified crossfire PSU
AMD X2 6000+ CPU
24" acer monitor which I run at 1920x1200 @ 60hz

Do you think this is a RTM job? Can I still return this regardless of it being faulty or not even though ive tested it?

Re:HD4870x2 is this faulty?
Reply #1 on: October 09, 2008, 13:00:06 PM
Hello, to follow on from the phone call here is a link to some drivers people have tried.

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Re:HD4870x2 is this faulty?
Reply #2 on: October 10, 2008, 03:41:45 AM
I had a smilar issue with a graphics card a long time ago, turned out to be a Vsync issue and nothing wrong with the card. Id try and see if you can work your way through that threa a bit to see if anything helps before you return it, the HD4870x2s are very nice when they do work properly.

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