Author Topic: Linux Distro Timeline  (Read 546 times)

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Linux Distro Timeline
on: December 19, 2006, 13:57:05 PM
This is a great way of demonstrating to people how GNU/Linux has forked over the years.

Too many distros? Good code propogates between forks, whilst poor code (memes) die off... kinda Darwinian huh? :)

Linux Distro Timeline
Reply #1 on: December 19, 2006, 14:21:15 PM
that is very interesting to look at, shows how it does have a survival of the fittest mentality, either that or survival of the popular

Linux Distro Timeline
Reply #2 on: December 19, 2006, 15:46:42 PM
Can you do it in biblese? :lol: So and so began so and so begat so and so... :lol:

I do remember installing Caldera years ago and the installer was so advanced compared to anything else Id ever seen. :D

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