Author Topic: Remote control software?  (Read 497 times)

  • Offline ERU

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Remote control software?
on: February 13, 2009, 09:35:22 AM
I often use logmein or realvnc, both are great for my purposes, free with desktop control.

Now the problem is my GF has started a new job in london but still needs access to her files at home. Remote control is sufficient as she can then email what she needs to her office account. However, as always, the IT dept has bloocked remote desktop and she has insufficient priviliges for installing the java applet she needs for logmein or the client install she needs for realvnc.

I know you lot are shady enough to know ways around this, any ideas that dont involve a client install??

  • Offline Cypher

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Re:Remote control software?
Reply #1 on: February 13, 2009, 11:14:02 AM
I use sofware with NTR myself.  NTRSupport specifically for helpdesk and control of Servers.  I believe they have a similar product to LogMeIn for the individual PC connection.  

It uses port 80 and simply required and ActiveX to install. The service is run in the cloud and requires no software on the pc you are controlling from. Firewalls are not an issue.  I ended up taking over a hotel machine by accident once when I was under the impression my client was on his laptop when he said he was having touble getting into an OWA site from a hotel.

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