Author Topic: heheh, muse fans at leeds festival....  (Read 809 times)

heheh, muse fans at leeds festival....
on: August 28, 2006, 21:09:57 PM
Quote from:

 well done muse fans
i was at leeds for the carling weekend, and all the muse fans had got to the stage early to get to the front and by the time the streets came on we were all there and the poor streets fans were all behind us,
so anyway the lead "singer" says
"ok were gonna do something really cool now, when the drummer stands up i want you to all go low" (as in crouch)
so the drummer stands up and everyone behind the muse fans crouches, everyone in front stayed standing and put up their middle fingers, we looked round and there were muse fans dotted around doing the same. (probably some arctic monkeys fans too) the singer was getting pissed off and tried to get us to do it 3 times (lol) one brave muse fan got up on someone shoulders and stuck up two fingers on both hands and moved them back and forth in time with the beat, she then got all kinds of things thrown at her from behind by the streets fans. it was really very funny and i just thought id say to anyone who was there and took part... well done


heheh, muse fans at leeds festival....
Reply #1 on: August 28, 2006, 22:28:41 PM
Hmmmmm, kind of amusing. But more annoying than amusing.

If I had paid £100+ to see my favorite band and a load of emos

1. stood in front of me so i couldnt see
2. ruined the set and the bands attempts to interact with the croud

id be pretty pissed.
Formerly sexytw

heheh, muse fans at leeds festival....
Reply #2 on: August 28, 2006, 22:52:48 PM
heh emos.

  • Offline Shaun

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Re:heheh, muse fans at leeds festival....
Reply #3 on: August 30, 2006, 02:38:28 AM
Im going to see Muse on the 11 November :D

Brave of the Muse fans tbh :shock:  dont you have to be a chav to be a Streets fan??? :P

  • Offline Cypher

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Re:heheh, muse fans at leeds festival....
Reply #4 on: August 30, 2006, 18:55:29 PM
Not really, I caught some of their set on beeb 3 and found it quite entertaining.  Particuarly loved the Chillis riff at the end of the setlist.

They didnt have that problem pulling of the crouch and jump thing, the entire crowd did it. :?

I think they were there in the first place because Artic Monkeys & Muse were on after them.

Re:heheh, muse fans at leeds festival....
Reply #5 on: August 30, 2006, 19:32:45 PM
My mum, dad and the finance director in work (67yr old) loves the streets. :)

Makes me laugh when I hear kids in novas playing it.

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heheh, muse fans at leeds festival....
Reply #6 on: August 30, 2006, 20:14:59 PM
Thats the typical behaviour of fans of bands such as muse, spoiling it for everyone else. Wankers.

Jaimz :rock:

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Re:heheh, muse fans at leeds festival....
Reply #7 on: August 30, 2006, 23:38:18 PM
I cant say I like the Streets, but I wouldnt be a tossartist and spoil the enjoyment of their gig for others.

There have been riots for less, Im sure...

heheh, muse fans at leeds festival....
Reply #8 on: August 31, 2006, 01:27:05 AM
My friend is a big manic street preachers fan.  She got to the front and was waiting for them to come on when she was tapped on the shoulder, she turned round to see two snot nosed brats.  "Were big Manic fans and run the fan club.  We have been to every concert so far and been at the front.  We need to be at the front.  Let us be at the front!"

I fully agree with her reaction.  "F*** Off!  Dont you think its someone elses turn to be at the front?"  She turned her back on them and ignored them.  They eventually moved off to pester someone else.  

She says they said it as though it was their god given right to be at the front of crowd at each concert.  I can imagine the internet post by them after the concert.  "Some B**** spoiled our concert! Everyone hate the  heathen! etc"

Sort of reminds me being at a Toploader concert at Manchester Academy, someone decided it would be a good idea to run up behind me and punch me in the lower back.  Unfortunately for them I am a fat b****** (and they must have limp wrists) I turned round ready to deck someone, pretty much everyone took a step back after seeing the look on my face and possibly the fact that there was no reaction to the punch itself.  I turned away and enjoyed the remainder of the concer undisturbed.  I really liked Toploader, their 1st album was better than Coldplays imo.  2nd Album was crap.

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