Author Topic: Web statistics so far  (Read 1538 times)

  • Offline neXus

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Re:Web statistics so far
Reply #15 on: April 12, 2009, 21:01:45 PM
Quote from: mr_roll
Quote from: zpyder
I dont get how people can still be using IE 6 + 7. Pretty much every time theyd use the browser itd tell them they could update? And lets face it, many, many users who still use IE are the types that would randomly click on anything from MS to update their system and make it FASTER AND BETTER! :D

I havnt upgraded to 7 or 8 on this computer as its still a browser that can cope with a lot that other broswers cant cope with.

This is untrue.

1. Worst standards compliance browser out there.
2. 3rd worse performing broswer
3. Can not handle transparency in png images
4. Massive box model problems...

I can go on, Basically every web browser with have "If Ie6" sniffers to fix IE6 issues, most will have spent time they do not have sorting the website out. And as mentioned most lead by google are now ignoring it finally and adding a pop up so as this year continues more and more sites will fall over and not function or give you upgrade pop ups if you use IE6. People using IE6 are preventing a lot of websites and technology moving forward and as a web developer your an annoying pain in the ass :P

  • Offline Cypher

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Re:Web statistics so far
Reply #16 on: April 14, 2009, 22:28:47 PM
As a user, the majority of which wouldnt know the difference between an ie6, 7, 8 or firefox 2, 3.  I see browsers across the board.  They dont know the difference and they certainly dont care.

  • Offline neXus

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Re:Web statistics so far
Reply #17 on: April 15, 2009, 00:26:50 AM
Quote from: Cypher
As a user, the majority of which wouldnt know the difference between an ie6, 7, 8 or firefox 2, 3.  I see browsers across the board.  They dont know the difference and they certainly dont care.

From experience this is also untrue, As they do. Most just do not know better and if they do and still running out dated browsers with no real reason not to be using a modern day browser then they are a bit foolish really and causing problems for the web as a whole. And They do not notice features and abilities that are not functional and not know they exist and as I said the effort to make something just viewable in IE6 is a pain in the ass and knowing people use it you cant do things you would like to do that would make usability etc easier either or just make a whole site viewed for them.

  • Offline Beaker

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Re:Web statistics so far
Reply #18 on: April 15, 2009, 00:50:53 AM
Fsck it, when I build pages I make sure they look right in the current versions of the main 4 browsers.  If they do then No Further Work Needed.  I only build bits these days, and mainly for myself.  If someone is too lazy to pull a quick download then they are making the problems, I refuse to pander to them.

  • Offline neXus

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Re:Web statistics so far
Reply #19 on: April 15, 2009, 02:42:29 AM
Quote from: Beaker
Fsck it, when I build pages I make sure they look right in the current versions of the main 4 browsers.  If they do then No Further Work Needed.  I only build bits these days, and mainly for myself.  If someone is too lazy to pull a quick download then they are making the problems, I refuse to pander to them.

Great, More and more people are doing this and I personally freelance wise do but in the company I am and I know others you still got to take it into account and it costs time and money and is so annoying. Save the developer type pop ups mainly being used but it is going to be so nice to scrap IE6.
We only do IE 7, 8 (well I am just putting the meta tag in to make it compatibility mode for Ie7 on sites till they fix all the bugs and render bugs) , Firefox, Crome, Safari. Opera tends to be fine but we do not test in it as the numbers are still so small, Chrome already more popular so early has been a surprise. I can see Opera just going mobile only tbh.

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