Author Topic: Oblivion crisis  (Read 641 times)

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Oblivion crisis
on: May 28, 2007, 23:26:31 PM
OK I have wacked all the nasties, done most of the tasks, Martins long gone and Im left with this bad taste in my mouth about some issues.

One of the god tasks is that you have to get into a private party and zap them with a spell. I also know that you loose all your dosh when you do so. Im a millionaire so I dont want to do this. OK I could cheat but it isnt the same thing. How can the guard on the door spot you sneaking through if you are invisible and have a silence spell on you? :wtf:

Second to this if you are a hundred miles away from the city, its pitch black and you are invisible how can they detect you doing a crime? And how can they tell if something is nicked? TBH this is just plain stupid.

Some people you just cannot kill no matter what you do to them, this may maintain their storyline but really it can be an impediment.

Oh and it isnt as good as the previous version.

For those who havent gotten around how to make a lot of money without cheating it isnt from raiding places, easiest is go around collecting stuff for alchemy from plants. crabs and fungi. Do enough and you will be a master, I get 35 gold for each dodgy potion I make, each takes just one plant sample. A long walk in the countryside and I can come back with over three hundred samples. 10500 gold plus some animal furs. I offloaded nearly a thousand potions in one shop earlier today... Basically its easy and with virtually no risk.

  • Offline skidzilla

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Oblivion crisis
Reply #1 on: May 29, 2007, 00:18:44 AM
Some NPCs are just scripted so theyll be able to spot you no matter what. I made all my cash on the 360 version selling potions until I discovered the duping trick using scrolls. :P

If youve finished the main quest, go grab Knights of the Nine and Shivering Isles, both are great and well worth the money. :)

Are you playing the PC version? Tons of mods to extend the life of the game, even ones for mounted combat/archery, dual-wielding, and the lands of morrowind have been modded in. :)

  • Offline skidzilla

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